Moon Angels
An artifact found on the Moon during the Apollo missions is similar to depictions of the Annunaki in
ancient Sumerian drawings. The only outstanding question about this artifact seems to be why NASA
kept it a secret all these years. NASA is still officially denying the artifact was retrieved during its Moon
missions, but former NASA employees are vouching for the story.

- 200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon
May 5, 2009
- A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent
life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock. Geologist Dr. Morris Charles
revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought
to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist
himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. He still maintains close ties to many of his
former colleagues.
The angel - a humanoid female with wing-like appendages on her back and long flowing
hair - is made of an iron compound found exclusively in the highlands of the moon. This
rules out the possibility that it was dropped by a race of aliens from another planet. It's
been hand polished to a silvery metallic sheen. Based on chemical analysis of the metal,
geologists estimate the sculpture to be 200,000 years old which means it was made
170,000 years before the human species appeared on Earth. The Sumerians told stories of
the Annunaki, winged deities, as far back as 18th century BC. Zecharia Sitchin has already
shown in The Twelfth Planet that the statues of gods and goddesses from Sumer present
special helmets with protuberances on both sides. Many drawings on the Sumerian plates
show the gods with wings, which were not belonging to the body, but they were accessories
of the flight suit, therefore the gods looked like eagle.
The Annunaki had the technological capacities that man does today, including rocket ships such as the
shuttle man uses to get to the International Space Station, and flight within the Earth's atmosphere. They
strapped on a booster device to be able to float over the ground on Earth. This ability was often
depicted as wings, as the Annunaki seemed to be flying like birds.
The Zetas have confirmed that the Annunaki were on the Moon, using this as a communication hub to
their operations on Mars. They left tetrahedral crystals on the Moon, their communication device. Their
artifacts on Mars include the famous Face on Mars. That former NASA employees are daring to come
forth with the truth is an encouraging sign. The coverup over the Annunaki, and over the alien presence
in general, is long overdue to be entirely dropped.
ZetaTalk Tetrahedral Crystals 7/15/1995: It is not your imagination that you see tetrahedral
shapes on the Moon. Yes, they are there, and yes, they had a purpose in the past. They are now
inactive structures, with no reuse in the foreseeable future. What were they used for, and is there
magic in the shape? The shape is significant, as it is functional. Large crystals have been used to
boost communications by a number of alien races in Earth's past. The tetrahedral form simply
provided the best focused emission, when energy was applied on all perimeter surfaces and
converged in the center. This was one of the things noticed by the astonished astronauts when
they disembarked on the Moon. This subject receives much press, and much speculation, as the
rumors can be supported by faint images in amateur telescopes. What alien races used this
method, and whom were they communicating to? We are speaking here primarily of the
inhabitants of Planet X. This race was chased from Earth by the administrative authority of the
Council of Worlds. They were quarantined from Earth so that the race of man could develop
without undue influence. Even before the quarantine period they had established a
communication post on the Moon, and they had a mining operation on Mars long before setting
up on the Earth.
Sweden Disclosure
Following the lead of France, the UK, and Canada, Sweden is releasing their UFO files. Who has their
foot on the brakes? The US, which has yet to admit that the alien presence is real, and continues to insist
it is all swamp gas and weather balloons.
- UFO Sweden Releases 18,000 Swedish UFO Reports to the Public Domain
May 6, 2009
- Breaking News! UFO Sweden is releasing thousands of UFO files beginning May 9-10,
2009. "Besides the 18,000 Swedish cases are thousands of cases from Denmark and other
Nordic countries. Thousands of US cases on micro film are too included. The archive will
be open to the public domain starting with May 9-10, 2009. The chairman of UFO Sweden
Clas Svahn mentions one case of special interest, a case from 1980. A cigar shaped UFO
submerged itself into a mountain lake and never came up again according to witnesses.
But some former NASA employees are continuing to press for disclosure, and bravely doing their part.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell stands at the forefront in this endeavor.
- Former Astronaut Mitchell Calls for U.S. to End Cover-up of UFOs
April 22, 2009
- On Monday at the National Press Club Dr. Edgar Mitchell called upon the new Democratic
administration under President Barack Obama to end a six-decade long truth embargo
imposed by elements within the United States government and confirm to the American
people the reality of an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence engaging the human race.
Scientist, test pilot, naval officer, astronaut, entrepreneur, author and lecturer, Dr.
Mitchell's extraordinary career has been a constant quest to explore and understand the
world in which we live. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Science from
Carnegie Mellon University, a Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate
School and a Doctor of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. He has
received honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the
University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University and a ScD from Embry-Riddle University.
Dr. Mitchell has received many awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of
Freedom and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and was inducted into the Space Hall
of Fame in 1979 and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998.
Following Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Milton Torres, Major USAF (ret.), related an incident in 1957
while serving in the United Kingdom wherein he was ordered to shoot down a "UFO"
which registered on his radar as possibly the size of an "aircraft carrier" and demonstrated
extraordinary maneuverability. He was subsequently warned by an intelligence staffer to
never speak of the incident to anyone or else lose his flying status. He only spoke out when
the report of the incident turned up in a series of UFO file released last year into the public
domain by the British government. Dr. Torres called upon the new Democratic
administration under President Barack Obama to declassify and release all "UFO" related
documents in government files to the American people. In this he mirrored very similar
demands previously made by former Clinton advisor and chief of staff, John Podesta, and
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.
When asked recently about the pace of disclosure in the US, the Zetas referred to the problem of
discarding baggage from the past.
ZetaTalk Comment 5/2/2009: Both these issues come with immense baggage. The alien presence
has been denied for decades, since the time of Roswell, and aggressively so. The individuals who
perpetrated this cover-up are still in the main alive, and do not want egg on their faces. What
would they say to the public, that the common man could not take the information without going
insane or into a panic? This is laughable in view of the large number of mass sightings which
have only resulted in curiosity and increased desire for contact. To save face, these individuals
demand that the cover-up continue, and the discussion continues behind closed doors. It is the
public that is pushing this cover-up to fall, and little by little, it will.
And pointed to the fact that the Obama administration has a lot on its plate.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/24/2009: Obama has not made any statement about disclosure, nor is this a
priority on his agenda. He is trying to end the War in Iraq, trying to settle a powder keg in
Afghanistan and Pakistan, trying to abort a depression in the US and in other countries affected
by extension with the problems in the US, trying to negotiate a health care system for all within
the US, and get the US on a footing where it will be energy independent. Where on this list do
you see disclosure?
And predicted that disclosure will dribble along, and not occur with a big bang.
ZetaTalk Prediction 1/17/2009: We have explained that disclosure of the alien presence will not
occur as most in the public would like, with a broad explanation and admission by the
governments of the world, and in particular by the US government. The Awakening proceeds
apace, as anxiety around the world drops and mass sightings increase. Many governments are
disclosing what they know, notably France, the UK, Chile and Russia. It is too broad a step for
full disclosure as such an admission begs the question of what else the government has been
hiding, and the cover-up over Planet X is not about to crack at present.
And noted that disclosure is a groundswell, and is thus inevitable.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/24/2008: This has all been beginning well before Obama is in the White
House. Increasing disclosure has been in process for some years, albeit only evident in other
countries until recently. The Bush administration has been resistant, but is facing the reality that
they are washing out and will not be in power in the near future. It is the increase in mass
sightings, and the percentage of the populace who frankly believe that aliens not only exist but
are visiting, that is pushing disclosure. Obama need do nothing!
And that the reluctance of the US intel organizations, who were front and center within MJ12, to
disclose is immense. They don't want the embarrassment of admitting that their claims have all been a lie,
all these years.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/12/2008: There are constant meetings among countries about this issue.
Many countries have taken the lead, such as France and Chile, and many others have been more
open than the US for years, such as Russia. Meanwhile sightings are increasing and the public
sees the cover-up as ridiculous. The reason for reluctance is that those who perpetrated the
cover-up fear being challenged by their public. The intelligence arms of the US military were
front and center during the cover-up, as members of MJ12. Much heated argument now goes on
behind closed doors, and very little progress occurs. We expect this to be the case right up to and
past the time of the pole shift. Meanwhile, sightings are on the increase, etc.
Moscow Gas Explosion
An immense gas explosion occurred in Moscow on May 10, 2009, the worst explosion since World
War II. After the flames had cooled and an investigation occurred, the cause was announced. It was a
poor weld, done in 1976. Odd, then, that the weld held for some 34 years!
- Moscow Blaze Under Control After Gas Blast
May 10, 2009
- Moscow has suffered its worst fire in decades after a gas pipeline blast sent flames bursting
into the sky and raised new concerns about the security of Russia's aging energy
infrastructure. The fire produced spectacular plumes of yellow flames reaching 100 metres
high and huge clouds of billowing smoke were visible against the night sky. Moscow mayor
Yuri Luzhkov, said "In my opinion, 99 per cent sure, this was a technical catastrophe. This
all still needs to be investigated. The cause could have been an upsurge of pressure in the
pipeline, as a result of which an explosion took place underground."
- Moscow Mayor Blames Poor Welding for Pipeline Explosion
May 12, 2009
- A recent pipeline explosion in western Moscow was caused by poor welding work, Moscow
Mayor Yury Luzhkov said. "The cause is evident," Luzhkov told journalists in Tokyo.
"Now, after investigators have completed their work, I can be certain that this manmade
disaster was caused by improper welding carried out in 1976." The Investigative
Committee earlier ruled out the possibility of the incident being a terrorist act. The fire,
acknowledged as Moscow's largest since World War II, was put out 15 hours after it
The Zetas have stated that Moscow is along lowland, near river bottoms, and as such would be
considered in the stretch zone.
ZetaTalk Warning 2001: The heart of Russia, Moscow, will not fare well during the coming Earth
changes. A city of old structures, massive stone and old brick, it will be subject to easy
destruction during any earthquake beyond the trivial that strikes during the shift, and strike they
will. The broken link effect will apply block by block, as old plumbing will burst, old walls
collapse, and old wires will snap. Every resident of Moscow can expect to be isolated, no ability
to communicate, no assurance that one will be rescued from a collapsed wall or building, and
certainly no hope the infrastructure will be repaired, ever. Thus on foot and confused, undirected,
these residents of a city long the heart of a directive government, will find they have a greater
problem. At the headlands of rivers, Moscow will itself find water rising to its doors. At first, this
news will come to them by the desperate homeless, arriving at the headlands with reports that
the waters are rising in the rivers, coming inland from the all directions. Ultimately, the waters
will swallow Moscow, drowning any who have remained there. Survival requires moving to the
Urals, to Finland, or to the south to mountains well above the 650 foot above sea level required
to stay above the rise of the oceans when the existing poles have melted. An ignominious end to
the great land of the former Russia!
Rock pulls apart, silently, in stretch zones, and this was undoubtedly the cause of the Moscow gas
ZetaTalk Explanation 12/14/2005: Confused investigators look for reasons for disasters that have
their etiology in Earth quietly pulled apart, rock flakes pulled away, rather than pressed together,
so that no quakes occur. The stretch zone is that sinking feeling, where support weakens, the
ground sinks, and silently so. Thus gas and water mains explode, because the ground under them
shifts, factories or refineries with gas line joints firmly sealed explode as these joints are pulled
apart, and bridges fall as their mooring lose their firm footing.
Booms and rumbles had been heard round the world in the days preceding and following the Moscow
explosion, consistently in low land which will stretch during adjustments. In Belmont, Australia on May
5, 2009. Belmont is along a river bottom, and on the coastline where several rivers converge to empty
into the Indian Ocean.

- Mystery Explosion - Did You Hear It?
May 6th, 2009
- Fire crews came up empty-handed after investigating a mystery explosion which shook
sections of Highton last night. Witnesses said a startling boom echoed across areas
surrounding Bellevue Av at about 8:30 pm. Two units from Highton Fire Brigade and one
unit from Belmont Fire Brigade turned out in response to a call from Taylor Center, near
Highton Village shopping center, but searches in the area proved fruitless. Belmont brigade
officer in charge Graham Lay said it was unusual for nothing to be found after a
notification of an explosion. The incident followed reports of a mystery explosion sound in
Grovedale on Thursday night.
And in Carlsbad, California on May 5, 2009, which is also along the coastline and where rivers empty
into the Pacific Ocean.
- Residents Report Loud Boom
May 6, 2009
- The boom seemed especially powerful along the coast, where residents reported windows,
doors and houses shaking at about 10 minutes before 8 p.m. Navy officials said they knew
of no aircraft activity Tuesday night that might have caused the boom. Carlsbad police
and fire officials said they had no information about the boom. A deputy with the Sheriff's
Department's rail enforcement team said his unit had not been notified of any railway
incidents that might have caused the sound. The FAA didn't record any events that would
be related to the boom. Similar booms were reported earlier this year. Because Tuesday's
boom was reminiscent of the sound and feel of an earthquake, people have been calling the
U.S. Geological Survey, which monitors seismic activity. There was nothing to suggest an
earthquake occurred.
And in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, on May 12, 2009. Oconomowoc is in an area of several small lakes,
lowland in Wisconsin.
- Police Getting Calls About Underground Rumblings
May 12, 2009
- Unconfirmed reports of explosion sounds and underground rumblings have local police
baffled. Oconomowoc Police Chief David Beguhn said five people called his department to
report hearing strange sounds and feeling tremors or vibrations underground. Beguhn said
officers found no evidence that any sort of explosion had occurred in the city. Officials in
neighboring Jefferson County said they received no similar reports, and a spokesman at
the National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado said no unusual seismic activity
had been reported in southeastern Wisconsin.
And in South Carolina, also on May 12, 2009, along the coastline where rivers empty into the Atlantic
- Rumble Felt in Pawleys Island, Earthquake Unconfirmed
May 13, 2009
- Reports of an earthquake in Pawleys Island Wednesday are unconfirmed. According to a
press release, seismometers around the state do not show an earthquake, however, data
coverage in the area is sparse and a small earthquake out to sea is still possible. While
planes are not allowed to cross the sound barrier over land, they are allowed to do so at
sea and weather conditions may cause that boom to travel long distances. There have been
earthquake reports in years past from John's Island and Isle of Palms that did not show up
on any seismometers and are strongly suspected to be sonic booms.
Video Clip on Pandemics, the Second Sun, and the Cover-up
The Zeta Report 28 - Blame the Sun and other such excuses for the presence of
Planet X.
Click on the image or click Here to watch.
The Zeta Report 29 - The Second Sun is back! Planet X is once more visible next to
the Sun, on LASCO, SOHO, and during sunrise and sunset.
Click on the image or click Here to watch.
The Zeta Report 30 - Swine Flu - only the latest attempt to create a pandemic.
Click on the image or click Here to watch.
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