Quake Patterns
The Earth is composed of land masses called plates. Most quakes occur along the borders of these plates, where
the plates touch one another, or on internal fault lines within the plate. For instance, the New Madrid Fault line is
internal to the N American Plate. The 14 plates of the world are as follows: The S American Plate, the Scotia
Plate to the south, the Nazca Plate just to the west of Ecuador, the N American Plate, the Juan de Fuca Plate just
to the west off the coast of Oregon, the Cocos Plate to the west of Mexico, the Caribbean Plate, the great Pacific
Plate, the great Eurasian Plate, the Philippine Plate, the Indo-Australia Plate pushing under the Himalayas, the
Arabian Plate, the African Plate, and the Antarctica Plate.
On November 23, 2008 quakes in the range of 5 - 7 magnitude occurred within or on fault lines touching 10 of
the 14 earth plates, as shown on this IRIS map. Note that quakes highlighted in orange occurred on November
23, and quakes in red occurred on November 24, 2008.

This trend continues. What is remarkable about this new quake pattern is how all parts of the globe seem to be
affected. An adjustment in one place almost immediately creates adjustments elsewhere, within the same day. The
Zetas warned that the plates were getting slippery, with the rock fingers that normally create resistance along fault
lines now worn off.
ZetaTalk Warning 7/19/2008: We have mentioned that the Earth plates have loosened up, so that they can
slide against each other more readily and slide further than before since the rock fingers that caused the
fault lines to cling to each other have been broken off. We have also mentioned that quakes have started
to increase in magnitude and frequency almost exponentially.
Of note is that magma sloshing has been occurring. A major quake on November 24, 2008 in Kamchatka
produced a false reading in Idaho. Not only are all Earth plates participating in an adjustment, but the magma
underneath is also participating.
- Idaho Quake - Now You See It, Now You Don't
November 24, 2008
- The USGS first showed a magnitude 4.8 earthquake hit Idaho, then revised to 'no quake'. The real
quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 and struck the Sea of Okhotsk 195 miles west of
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, according to the U.S. Geological
Survey. A distant earthquake that is both large and deep can sometimes confuse faraway seismic
stations into thinking it's a local temblor.
As further evidence that the current spate of worldwide earthquakes is riding on sloshing magma are some of the
live seismographs that appeared on November 27, 2008. Seismographs normally present a straight line except
when a quake or the global shuddering that has accompanied quakes since 2003 appears. Then the signature
spiking black lines appear. The wobbly signature below is showing sloshing magma. The wobble on November
27, 2008 primarily affects the Pacific, with Kiribati and the Solomon Islands just to the east of Australia on the
Pacific plate, and the Philippines of course on the Philippine Plate to the north of Australia. Historically speaking,
this part of the globe adjusts when the Indo-Australian Plate periodically and frequently plunges under the
Himalayas. Panama lies on a nervous zone where four plates touch - the Cocos Plate, the Caribbean Plate, the
Nazca Plate, and the S American Plate.

New Madrid Warnings
The New Madrid Fault line is a known hazard, as is the devastation that would result if the fault line adjusted with
a major quake. So why is a warning coming out just now with specifics?
- Government Warns of "Catastrophic" U.S. Quake
November 20, 2008
- People in a vast seismic zone in the southern and midwestern United States would face catastrophic
damage if a major earthquake struck there and should ensure that builders keep that risk in mind.
FEMA predicted a large earthquake would cause "widespread and catastrophic physical damage"
across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee - home
to some 44 million people. In Tennessee alone, it forecast hundreds of collapsed bridges, tens of
thousands of severely damaged buildings and a half a million households without water.
Transportation systems and hospitals would be wrecked, and police and fire departments impaired.
The zone, named for the town of New Madrid in Missouri's southeast corner, is subject to frequent
mild earthquakes.
Per the Zetas, nothing is new, but the government recognizes that the New Madrid region is showing signs of
stress. FEMA does not want to be accused of failing to issue a warning.
ZetaTalk Warning 11/22/2008: Since the devastation that would occur during great quakes in the central
US has long been known, it begs the question - why are they only now warning of this potential with more
specifics on expected damages? The answer, of course, is that they realize it is right around the corner.
Quake prediction is not an exact science, though several predictors are known. Restless pets and static on
the radio are two such predictors. The New Madrid area has had more than this of late - booms in Texas
and Missouri accompanying small quake bursts. At times the booms are accompanied by flashes of light,
indicating methane gas has been released and exploded. By issuing the warning, FEMA hopes to at least
put itself in a better light, able to say "we told you so".
Indeed, a recent minor earthquake in Arkansas was accompanied by a loud boom and flashes of light. Methane
gas was released to explode.
- Loud Booms in Fort Smith Area May be Due to Meteors
November 10, 2008
- A loud boom sounding similar to an explosion rocked the quiet western Arkansas night. No police
or fire responded to an accident scene though. So what did Northwest Arkansas and River Valley
residents hear? Not only did hear the massive boom, one from Spiro and several from Beaver Lake
reported seeing yellow and green flashes of light. Calls started pouring into the Fort Smith P.D.
between 8:30 and 9 Sunday night. A spokesman for NASA says he's not aware of what it was but
didn't disagree with the theory that a meteor might be to blame.
- 2.7 quake hits Magnet Cove
November 10, 2008
- At 9 p.m. Basil Miller, associate professor of physics, heard a loud boom that came from nowhere.
The earthquake that occurred that night was rated a 2.7 on the Richter scale. The closest fault line
is the New Madrid fault line that runs through northeast Arkansas.
- Earthquake Hits North Texas
October 31, 2008
- Some residents in North Texas awoke to a spooky sound early Friday. Dallas radio station
WBAP-AM reports that several residents near DFW International heard a loud boom just after
midnight. The National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado indicates the noise
was a result of an earthquake struck at 12:01am about 4 miles southwest of Irving. The earthquake
registered a magnitude 3.0 on the Richter scale; an earlier earthquake registered 2.5 at about 11:26
pm Thursday.
Will government warnings ameliorate the devastation that will hit when the New Madrid hits? Hardly. Cities such
as St. Louis and Memphis have buildings that have never been retrofitted for great quakes. The number of
homeless will be staggering. Per the Zetas, bridges on the Mississippi River will go down, their foundations
twisted this way and that. Relief efforts will be hampered. So why is FEMA warning that "Alabama, Arkansas,
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee" could be devastated, joining the Zetas in this
warning, but they are not advising what these citizens should do about this pending calamity?
ZetaTalk Warning 2/10/2006: The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St.
Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening
Atlantic, as neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American
plate. There is pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as the N American plate confronts the
compressing Pacific, this will only result in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast
earthquakes. But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable
to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental
US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and
create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial.
Survival Steps
Since government from federal to city level is doing little to help people prepare for the disaster, outside of
suggesting a 3 day supply of food and water or some such similar plan, many people are not waiting to be
directed but are making their own plans. The Zetas have advised that city people move to rural areas and learn
how to garden and save seed. Keeping domestic animals such as a small flocks of chickens or a herd of goats is
also advised. Living off the grid with a windmill or water mill is also advised. Contactees are given such advice,
but even those who are not contactees or who have not encountered the ZetaTalk website often have a hunch that
something is pending. The collective consciousness, via which shared information is telepathically communicated
subconsciously, has a hand in this. Take for instance the spate of city dwellers deciding to go rural.
- City Dwellers Learn Ropes Of Rural Life
November 17, 2008
- Flooded country roads. Roving packs of dogs with no owners in sight. Overgrown weeds as far as
the eye can see. Leaving Southern California for the sprawling Midwest plains had seemed a
no-brainer for Dale and Marilyn Johnson, retired occupational therapists who moved to Fort Scott,
Kan., last year to be closer to their daughter and five grandchildren. The 22-acre farm they now
call home was a return of sorts for Dale Johnson, 68, who lived on a northern Wisconsin farm as a
boy. But their dreams of an idyllic retirement surrounded by five dogs, two birds, one cat, four
llamas, a goat and a donkey were quickly tempered by a glaringly obvious reality: The couple
barely knew a lick about how to navigate rural life. An infusion of former city and suburban
dwellers into rural communities convinced University of Missouri Extension agents that these
newcomers needed some commonsense lessons on how to not just survive but also thrive off the
beaten path. Those conversations led to the creation of Rural Living 101, a two-week crash course
for ex-urbanites. The cost is $35.
Whether driven by the increasing lack of availability and high price of food or by some subconscious awareness
that at some point in the future food distribution will not be occurring, especially for city dwellers, city gardens
have become popular. Small garden plots on city lots have been a fad for some time, but rooftop hydroponics
seems to be a new trend. This can take advantage of natural sunlight, avoiding one of the high costs of
hydroponics - the lighting system. Hydroponics can be irrigated by a manual method - lifting pails of water above
the flow lines periodically - to avoid the need for electricity altogether. As the Troubled Times nonprofit
discovered, hydroponic nutrient solution can be obtained by draining water through earthworm compost beds,
and of course human waste can be part of the compost pile.

- Caltech Studying Keys To Urban Hydroponic Farming, Roof Farms
November 21, 2008
- Terry Fujimoto sees the future of agriculture in the exposed roots of the leafy greens he and his
students grow in thin streams of water at a campus greenhouse. The program run by the California
State Polytechnic University agriculture professor is part of a growing effort to use hydroponics _ a
method of cultivating plants in water instead of soil _ to bring farming into cities, where consumers
are concentrated. Because hydroponic farming requires less water and less land than traditional
field farming, Fujimoto and researchers-turned-growers in other U.S. cities see it as ideal to bring
agriculture to apartment buildings, rooftops and vacant lots. Cornell agriculturist Philson Warner
said his students harvest hundreds of heads of lettuce a week from an area smaller than five
standard parking spaces by using a special nutrient-rich solution instead of water. The numbers
have some researchers imagining a future when enough produce to feed entire cities is grown in
multistory buildings sandwiched between office towers and other structures. Columbia University
environmental health science professor Dickson Despommier, who champions the concept under the
banner of his Vertical Farm Project, said he has been consulting with officials in China and the
Middle East who are considering multistory indoor farms.
Survival shelters, where people can hunker down until earthquakes or dropping bombs subside, are also popular.
Where the stated reason is fear of terrorism, these seem to be on the rise even though domestic terror attacks
have not occurred since 9.11. Occasionally there is an honest admission that the approaching passage of Planet
X, as outlined on the ZetaTalk website, is the real reason for seeking a quake-proof bunker.
- Hard Times Have Some Flirting with Survivalism
October 22, 2008
- Also reporting an uptick in business is Utah Shelter Systems, which makes underground dwellings
designed for surviving the aftermath of a biological or nuclear attack. "I think the economy
certainly is part of it," Sharon Packer, part owner of the Salt Lake City company, said of the surge
in orders this year. "Anytime we become vulnerable, our risk of a terrorist attacks increases." She
emphasizes that most people who purchase the shelters, which run between $40,000 and $50,000,
are wealthy professionals interested in hedging their bets. "Every once in awhile I have people who
are concerned about Planet X or little green men, but they are usually not our clients," she says.
Canada Fireballs
A dramatic fireball screamed across the skies of western Canada on November 22, 2008.

- Witnesses: Large Meteor Streaks Across Canada Sky
November 22, 2008
- University of Calgary planetary scientist Alan Hildebrand called it one of the largest meteors visible
in the country in the last decade.
- Meteor Lights Sask. Sky
November 22, 2008
- It was visible from Edmonton, east from Lloydminister and into Saskatchewan, and as far south as
the Regina area.
This was followed days later by another fireball crossing the British Columbian skies.
- New Second Possible Meteor Streaks Across B.C. Sky
November 26, 2008
- Scientists said the object could have been a falling satellite, but because it was reported across such
a wide geographic range, from Victoria to Prince George, it was likely a meteor. The sighting
comes just days after extremely bright meteor streaked across the Alberta and Saskatchewan sky,
sparking a meteorite hunt and a $10,000 cash reward.
Per the Zetas, this is only the start!
ZetaTalk Comment 11/22/2008: This is just the start. In 2003 and 2004, when Planet X had zoomed close
to the Sun and then put on the brakes, the tail of Planet X wafted far and wide and there were many such
fireballs being reported in the news. This seemed to slack off only because the tail coalesced again around
Planet X, which acts like a giant magnet for the charged dust cloud which is the main component of its
tail. The tail at present is hosing directly out from the magnetic N Pole of Planet X, and as this points
more directly at the Earth, such debris will increasingly drop through the atmosphere of Earth. This is one
sign that the days when the severe lean to the left and 3 days of darkness are not far in the future.
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