Election Results
As predicted by the Zetas, no election fraud occurred. The anticipated result, state by state, was expressed
at the polls. Even Indiana, which was projected ever so slightly (by 1.4%) to go to McCain ended up in
Obama's column. Compare the projected result, based on polls, to the actual result as of Wednesday
morning, November 5, 2008. Source: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/

- Triumphant Obama Turns to Sobering Challenges
November 5, 2008
- Obama scored an Electoral College landslide that redrew America's political map. He won
states that reliably voted Republican in presidential elections, like Indiana and Virginia, which
hadn't supported the Democratic candidate in 44 years. Ohio and Florida, key to Bush's twin
victories, also went for Obama, as did Pennsylvania, which McCain had deemed crucial for
his election hopes. With most U.S. precincts tallied, the popular vote was 51.9 percent for
Obama and 46.8 percent for McCain. But the count in the Electoral College was lopsided in
Obama's favor over McCain - 349 to 147 as of early Wednesday, with three states still to be
decided. Those were North Carolina, Georgia and Missouri.
McCain conceded when the electoral vote reached 306, well beyond the required electoral college vote of
270. When this was certain, and it was clear that any intended election rigging would not succeed, he
- McCain Concession Speech: "The Failure Is Mine"
November 4, 2008
- The election is over, and at 11:15 EST McCain delivered his concession speech in Arizona,
with his wife Cindy and running mate Sarah Palin by his side. He began by silencing boos,
congratulating Barack Obama, and saying he'd called the Senator, now President Elect,
earlier. He made a call to come together and bridge the separations and put aside differences.
Speaking from Arizona's Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, McCain told his supporters: "It's natural
tonight to feel some disappointment. Though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours." He
blamed himself for the loss and thanked Sarah Palin, "one of the best campaigners I've ever
seen." He also said, "I don't know what more we could have done," and called the campaign,
"the great honor of my life." McCain said he will get behind his president, President Obama.
Per the Zetas, John McCain fully expected election rigging to deliver some states to him.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/25/2008: Most people delude themselves into believing that what they desire
is something that will benefit all mankind. This is the excuse they offer themselves for raw ambition.
Palin assumes she will make a good VP and president because she desires the power! McCain was
born into a privileged family, accomplished, his father and grandfather both admirals, and as such
was offered an easy path he did not deserve. But such people delude themselves into believing they
deserve the opportunities presented to them, and delude themselves into believing they will benefit
the country, because they desire power and glory. All steps McCain has taken to gain the Oval
Office, wherein he has sacrificed integrity, he excuses because he tells himself that Obama will not
be as good for the US as himself. McCain also comforts himself with what he hears from his
handlers, that the fix is in and will happen as planned. He deludes himself with this belief because he
desires to win the election. Thus, we predict serious health problems for McCain after he loses when
he is faced with reality on many fronts.
ZetaTalk Prediction 11/1/2008: The talk on Drudge Report and by Republican surrogates about
tightening polls is supposed to prepare the public for a surprise McCain win. McCain has been told
he will succeed, with his handlers pointing to the win in 2000 and 2004 as examples of the power of
the fraud machine. Those who want him to be in power, so as to continue their control, want
McCain confident, and thus they allow no talk of any other outcome. Thus, it will be a sudden reality
that will hit him hard, and we have predicted his health will suffer due to this.
There was no evidence of Diebold or ESA scrambling of totals, as was in ample evidence in 2000 and
2004, despite the fact of iVotronic voting machines in WV and TX switching votes for Obama to McCain.
In Virginia, massive failure in voting machines forced a replacement with paper ballots. Were these machines
rigged, and their failure part of a fraud-countering maneuver? Regardless of the reason for failure, the result
was the use of paper ballots. All for the good. Virginia, a historically Republican state and one of the states
McCain desperately needed in order to win, had been projected to go for Obama. Pennsylvania was
another state McCain was claiming, even though he was well behind in the polls there. Projected to win by
7.3%, Obama won Pennsylvania by 11%.
- Election Monitors Call for Extension of VA Voting Hours
November 4, 2008
- An election monitoring group is asking officials in Virginia to address reports of massive
voting machine failures and voters being turned away from polls, and it may go to court if no
action is taken. Election Protection, a nonprofit group aimed at cataloging and correcting
problems at the polls, says it has received more than 27,000 calls from voters since 5 a.m.
Tuesday. Most problems have been reported in Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey and
Florida. Group representatives said they were asking election officials in Virginia to extend
voting by two hours. The group also wants election to ensure that paper ballots are available
in precincts where electronic voting machines break down.
The Zetas had predicted that the 2008 election would be clear of election fraud, just as the 2006 election
had been clear of election fraud.
ZetaTalk Prediction 11/1/2008: We have in fact detailed the steps we took in 2006 though as
expected the fraud perpetrators will try to invent new methods to evade our scrutiny. None of this of
course works as we know of their methods as soon as they plot them. We know who will be involved,
what computer systems will be involved, and the timing of any steps they plan to take. Since we can
teleport our human assistants anywhere, can freeze other humans in the vicinity so they are unaware
of our efforts, and have other tools in our war chest not even imagined by the fraud machine, they
will fail.
Wobble Readings
Last week I was speculating on the possible results of a fresh wobble reading. The results were just coming
in, and I knew that the major change to look for was going to be a "lean to the left". This did not emerge,
but the readings did show a stronger wobble, with a dramatic and almost violent thrust away of the magnetic
N Pole during late afternoon in the US. The figure 8 pattern has changed, though still exists. What used to
be the wobble face over N America and Europe has now moved east to be the wobble face over Europe
and India. The US experiences a Sun high in the sky (and thus the warm temperatures lately), with a sudden
lurch to the north when the magnetic N Pole comes over the horizon.
Recent high tides in Maine stand as evidence that this dramatic thrust is occurring in late afternoon in the US.
The waves were reported on October 28, 2008.
- Coastal Maine Tide Change a Mystery
October 30, 2008
- Meteorologists are baffled by rapid tidal changes along the Maine coast, which damaged some
boats and piers. Witnesses say low tide turned and became high within a matter of minutes on
Tuesday afternoon [Oct 28]. The changes occurred six or seven times. The National Weather
Service says reports from several locations indicated that water levels fell and rose from 4 feet
to as much as 12 feet during the event. In a public information statement, the weather service
says the cause "remains a mystery and may never be known." It said significant rapid rises
and falls in tide levels were observed around 3 p.m. in Boothbay Harbor, Southport and
Bristol. The statement said rapid surges can be caused by the underwater movement of land,
most often due to an earthquake, or due to slumping of sediments along a steep canyon or
shelf, but no earthquakes were reported in the area Tuesday. A similar event occurred on Jan.
9, 1926, in Bass Harbor, the statement said.
Per the Zetas, this is evidence of the new wobble pattern.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/1/2008: The wobble has worsened, and this is one symptom of this
worsening wobble. What happens during a wobble? The Earth is pulled or pushed under her blanket
of air or water, suddenly and over a short period of time. Nancy has been collecting observations
from trusted sources and has confirmed a more aggressive wobble, especially in the hours between
the afternoon and early evening along the East Coast. This is precisely when this high tide occurred.
Yellowstone Frogs
Deformed or disappearing frogs have been in the news within the last few years. Per the Zetas, this has been
due to the roiling core of the Earth reacting to the approach or near presence of Planet X.
ZetaTalk Explanation 10/15/1996: Increasingly, as the core of the Earth adjusts to the approach of
her brother, Planet X, this is reflected on the surface of the planet. Humans are aware of radio
waves, x-rays, electro-magnetic fields, and gravitational tugs. This is but a tiny fraction of the
invisible influences and all of them are affected by the approach of Planet X. Life at the moment of
conception and at key points during development of the embryo where cell specialization or the
inception of limbs and organs occurs, is delicate, and under more than the influence of DNA. Look to
what the drug Thalidomide did to the formation of limbs, where a chemical influence interfered with
the message intended by the DNA, and children raised under high power lines developed cancer at
an undue rate. As with white buffalo calves being born, deformed frogs, which will soon be
appearing world wide, are heralding the approach of Planet X.
A recent study conducted at Yellowstone is a reminder of this phenomena.
- Global Warming Is Killing Frogs And Salamanders In Yellowstone Park
October 31, 2008
- Frogs and salamanders, those amphibious bellwethers of environmental danger, are being
killed in Yellowstone National Park. The predator, Stanford researchers say, is global
warming. Biology graduate student Sarah McMenamin spent three summers in a remote area
of the park searching for frogs and salamanders in ponds that had been surveyed 15 years
ago. Almost everywhere she looked, she found a catastrophic decrease in the population. The
amphibians need the ponds for their young to hatch, but high temperatures and drought are
drying up the water. The frogs and salamanders lay eggs that have a gelatinous outer
layer-basically "jelly eggs," McMenamin says-that leaves them completely unsuitable for
gestation on land. If the ponds dry up, so do the eggs.
The study points to fewer ponds as the cause, but frogs migrate to wet areas and thus would compensate
for any dry areas. Per the Zetas, there is a different reason for the change - stress in the rock underlying
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/1/2008: Frogs are very sensitive to emanations from the Earth, as their
deformed bodies and diminishing numbers attest. The rock under Yellowstone is showing the stress
of the torque the N American continent is under. This is true of many places on the continent, and
will result in the New Madrid adjustment, as we have predicted.
Video Clip on Depression Redux
The Zetas Report 24 - The Great Depression Redux - are we spiraling into another
Great Depression? Surprising comparisons, and what the Zetas say about the outcome.
Click on the image or click Here to watch.
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