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Airline Inspections
Suddenly, American Airlines flights were being grounded, by the hundreds.
What was the emergency? Failure to comply with an FAA directive to check
the wiring in wheel wells.
- American Cuts More Flights; Fliers Fume
April 11, 2008
- The FAA noted that airlines had 18 months to check electrical wiring on
MD-80 jets since an initial order was issued in September 2006.
American, a unit of Fort Worth, Texas-based AMR Corp., canceled
another 570 flights Friday, bringing to more than 3,000 the number it
has scrapped this week due to safety inspections of its MD-80s. The
carrier said disruptions will continue through Saturday as it works to
comply with the federal safety order.
At one time upwards of 250,000 people were camped out in airports because
of canceled flights. Was this radical grounding really necessary? This seems to
be something other than a maintenance order, but the real agenda was not being
revealed in the media. Just a month earlier, Southwest airlines was forced by
the FAA to do a sudden maintenance procedure. The overdue Southwest
maintenance was more serious, as it involved an inspection for cracks in the
fuselage. Such cracks can and have caused catastrophic airline disasters.
- Southwest Grounds 44 Planes
March 12, 2008
- Earlier this week, Southwest placed three employees on administrative
leave and began conducting an internal investigation into the
allegations that it flew planes without proper inspections. The FAA has
said Southwest operated 46 Boeing 737s on nearly 60,000 flights
between June 2006 and March 2007 while failing to comply with an
FAA directive requiring repeated inspections of fuselage areas to detect
fatigue cracking. Whistle-blowers say FAA managers knew about the
lapse in safety at Southwest, but decided to allow the airline to conduct
the safety checks on a slower schedule because taking "aircraft out of
service would have disrupted Southwest Airlines' flight schedule." The
mandatory checks for fuselage cracks were required after the cabin of
an Aloha Airlines 737 tore apart in midair in 1988, killing a flight
attendant. The incident was blamed on cracks in the fuselage that grew
wider as the plane underwent pressure changes during flight.
The Zetas hint that something other than enforcement due to lax maintenance
was afoot.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/12/2008: Why the sudden crackdown on airlines
remiss in their safety checks? The problems being addressed were not new.
The problems with Southwest, which included cracks in the plane's fuselage,
were over a year old and had incited a House investigation. American
Airlines had been given a directive over 18 months ago to check the wiring
on their MD-80 jets. Why the sudden crackdown when the FAA had been so
lax for so long? Coddling industries at the expense of the public was nothing
new for the Bush administration, but lack of maintenance on safety issues
has a cumulative effect. Eventually this would result in an embarrassing
exposure such as a plane crash caused by lax oversight. Thus, the FAA knew
they were flirting with danger, but the recent dramatic crackdown did not
come about because of a change of heart within the FAA. Nor did this come
about because of pressure from the Executive branch to correct what could
become an embarrassing episode in the Bush administration's history.
Recently, as we noted here in the ZetaTalk Newletter, there was a Bush clone
switch, Bush 2 being replaced by Bush 3. This was first noticed on March 8,
2008. The crackdown on Southwest Airlines occurred March 12, 2008,
followed by the crackdown on American Airlines lax procedures in early
April, 2008. Is there a relationship?
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/12/2008: Note the timing on the crackdown in
relationship to the switch of the Bush 2 clone for the Bush 3 clone. The clone
switch was noted on March 7, 2008 during a Bush speech on the economy.
The Southwest grounding for inspections occurred on March 12, 2008
followed by American Airlines groundings in early April, 2008. Other
crackdowns with potential groundings are pending. If these crackdowns are
not a result of a change of heart in the FAA or an Executive branch order,
then why the dramatic change? The grounding of American Airline flights
has not only proved costly to the airline, it disrupted business and seriously
damaged the reputation of US based airlines. Who or what caused this
aboutface and what were the reasons for the crackdown? We mentioned that
one reason for the Bush clone switch was the pending resignation of Admiral
Fallon and the likely increase in a press for war with Iran from those within
the Bush administration such as Cheney advocating this. But there were
other reasons for the timing of the clone switch.
The Zetas point out the string of false terrorism emergencies that had been
attempted under clones Bush 1 and Bush 2 (photos below).
Under Bush 2 on September 5, 2007 there was an attempt to steal a nuclear
warhead missile from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Normal
checkpoints were omitted at both Minot Air force Base and Barksdate Air
Force Base in Louisiana. This was a coordinated plot to remove warheads
from the US arsenal in order to trigger war with Iran. War with Iran would
allow Bush 2 to not only invade another oil rich country in the Middle East, but
also would be used as an excuse to declare martial law and force a draft in the
- Sources: B-52 Mistakenly Carried Nukes
September 5, 2007
- A B-52 bomber was mistakenly loaded with five nuclear warheads
during a flight from North Dakota to Louisiana. The bomber carried
advanced cruise missiles as part of a Defense Department program to
retire 400 of the missiles, the Military Times said. The nuclear
warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted
onto pylons under the bomber's wings for the Aug. 30 flight from Minot
Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in
Louisiana. He said an investigation was launched and the crews
involved in loading the missiles were decertified pending corrective
action or training.
Under Bush 2 an attempt to invoke martial law by using the Emergency Action
Network occurred on June 26, 2007. The Emergency Action Network
essentially commandeers public radio stations, providing the president a direct
route to the public during emergencies.
- FEMA Hijacks Midwest Broadcast Signals with Mistaken Presidential
June 26, 2007
- The federal government hijacked radio and TV transmissions in the
Midwest with test signals that triggered the sort of high-level
emergency alert that is reserved for use by the president. The Quincy
Herald says alerts were sent at 7:33 a.m., 7:49 a.m., 7:55 a.m. and 8:07
a.m. Radio listeners heard nothing but dead air. TV viewers saw a
scrolling message that said: "The Emergency Action Notification
Network has issued an emergency action notification for the United
States, beginning at ..." FEMA tells the Associated Press that the
mistake affected Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin and Michigan.
"While the interrupted morning drive-time broadcasts proved the
Illinois system worked, the fact that what's known as an Emergency
Action Notification, or EAN -- the highest level of EAS alert, indicating
an emergency message is coming from the White House -- could be
relayed mistakenly to override stations was a bit of a jolt, sending
engineers scrambling at the affected outlets throughout Illinois and in
adjacent media markets such as St. Louis," the Chicago Tribune
reports. "Compounding the error, an actual presidential code, minus
any audio explanation, was sent rather than a lesser alert or a
notification of a systems test of some kind."
Under Bush 1 and Blair the dramatic shootout at the Rayburn Building on May
25, 2006 occurred, after commuter trains between New York City and
Washington DC were halted, supposedly because of a power outage. Contrary
to media excuses given for both these episodes, the train stoppage did not jibe
with power outage patterns, and the shootout was denied completely by the
official media despite eyewitness reports.
What we have here is a time frame like this: We have commuter trains
shutting down between New York and Washington on the 25th of May
because of a power outage. We have a very distraught Tony Blair appearing
on a press conference with the ever bumbling Bush later that day. Then we
have a shoot out in the Rayburn building on the 26th of May over some
evidence that there was a plot to derail trains in the area on the 25th. The
power outage was to prevent the derailments. AMTRAC has multiple
electrical feeds into it's system. A single point failure should not do anything
to shut the AMTRAC trains, even coming at a key point such as where the
failure allegedly occurred. The power grid shutdown coming out of the
French-Canadian province was said to have prevented American trains from
crashing into one another or into major rail stations. The altercation turned
into an exchange of automatic weapons fire over a pouch containing
evidence files documenting an operation to bomb the rail system along the
Northeast corridor.
Under Bush 1 and Blair an attempt to start a bird flu pandemic in Scotland on
April 8, 2006 using the virulent 1957 virus occurred. The H5N1 bird flu strain
had proved non-virulent, failing to spread readily from bird to human or from
human to human. Frustrated, Bush 1 and company infected a flock of swans in
Scotland, but the plot was foiled. The 1957 virus was removed from hundreds
of dead birds that had been infected by the joint US/Britain team to incite a
bird flu pandemic so that martial law could be called in their countries. The
public thus puzzled over what had caused the death of hundreds of swans.
- Revealed: the Secret No 10 Plan to Tackle Bird Flu Food Shortages
April 18, 2006
- A dead swan in a village in Fife was found to have the deadly H5N1
strain of the disease. The swan, which was washed ashore in the village
of Cellardyke, had a strain similar to that contracted by 100 birds in
Germany. Tests are continuing on hundreds of other dead birds, but
none - apart from the swan - has tested positive for H5N1.
Under Bush 1 a year previous on April 16, 2005 a clear attempt to cause a
pandemic via a release of the 1957 virus strain had occurred. Live virus from a
US lab had been sent out to over 4,000 locations worldwide, ostensibly to
allow labs to test for the H5N1 strain more effectively.
- Feds at Loss on How Flu Strain Got to Labs
April 14, 2005
- Federal officials are still at a loss to explain how a potentially deadly
strain of influenza could be sent to more than 4,000 labs around the
world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is operating
under the presumption that the H2N2 strain was purposefully included
in the panels designed to test the labs´ proficiency in identifying
Under Bush 1 there was also an attempt in February, 2006 to create chaos in
US ports by selling their security contracts to a Dubai company, despite
Dubai's track record of being cozy with terrorist elements! Per the Zetas, Bush
1 was hoping to overwhelm the forces countering his plot to create false
terrorism within the continental US.
- White House Scrambles to Save Port Deal
February 22, 2006
- The White House scrambled to rescue a deal giving a state-run Arab
firm control of operations at six major US ports and to limit the
political fallout from the controversial arrangement. Bush has vowed to
veto any legislation stalling the deal, which congressional critics
charge would hand sensitive seaport activities to a country with a
spotty record on battling terrorism. Unless US lawmakers prevent it,
Dubai Ports World's acquisition of the British firm which currently
manages the ports is to be finalized on March 2. Ports affected by the
deal are in New York; Miami; New Jersey; Baltimore, Maryland; New
Orleans, Louisiana; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Now we find the airliners with lax maintenance, for years, under the Bush 1
and Bush 2 leadership. Coincidence? Per the Zetas, this was an accident
waiting to happen, or so they hoped. In a similar manner to the Dubai port deal,
there would be so much opportunity for disaster that something would occur
that would allow the Bush administration to declare a national disaster and thus
invoke martial law and announce himself to be president for life.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/12/2008: The Bush 1 and Bush 2 agenda included
creating false terrorism within the US, in the hopes that any such episode
could be used to incite war with oil rich Iran and potentially be used as an
excuse to declare martial law within the US. All manner of attempts were
made, hundreds in fact, though most attempts have been under the radar so
the US public has been unaware - an attempt to use the Emergency Action
Network to declare martial law, the Rayburn Building shootout, and
attempting to incite a birdflu pandemic among others. Such direct attempts
were blocked by ourselves and a contingent of humans working to block the
Bush administration. When such direct attempts were blocked the Bush
administration attempted to create situations that would overwhelm the
blocking mechanisms, hoping to succeed by sheer volume of effort. Selling
port security to Dubai was one such attempt, and destabilizing the airplane
industry was another.
What would be the conclusion if several commercial US airplanes were to
crash within the same time period? After a crash, the wreckage is searched
for the black box and any clues as to cause, but this takes months to resolve,
if the matter is ever resolved. After the first crash, there would be murmurs
of suspected terrorism, but after the second and third crash this would reach
a crescendo. It would be 9.11 all over again, or so the conspirators hoped,
this time with Iran the suspected villain, so off to war with Iran post haste
and martial law to contain the horrors afflicting the airline industry. The
sleeper cell Bush 3 clone was put into place to prevent any new executive
orders or pronouncements that would propel the US into the path. But the
Bush 3 clone is not working alone, of course. Now that any corrective action
within the FAA would not be stopped by orders from the Oval Office, those
within the contingent blocking the Bush administration from success in their
plans essentially put a gun to the heads of those within the FAA responsible
for lax oversight. Thus, the sudden crackdown following the clone switch!
N American Awakens
Quake swarms off the coast of Oregon and a 5.2 (downgraded from 5.4) on the
Illinois/Indiana border are signs that the N American continent may be
- Mysterious "Swarm" of Quakes Strikes Oregon Waters
April 16, 2008
- This weekend scientists will take to the water to try to puzzle out the
cause of a "swarm" of mysterious earthquakes that has shaken the
seafloor near Oregon in recent weeks. About 600 earthquakes have
been recorded in a small region about 190 nautical miles (350
kilometers) offshore from Yachats. Most of the temblors were small,
about magnitude 2 or 3, although a few were magnitude 4 or 5.

- Earthquake Measuring 5.4 Rattles St. Louis Region
April 18, 2008
- A predawn earthquake rattled Southern Illinois and eastern Missouri
awake early today, lighting up neighborhoods across the area and
flooding police departments with calls from people. The quake
measured 5.4 and occurred at 4:37 a.m. CDT. It was centered in
southeastern Illinois, 7 miles from West Salem. The quake was not a
part of the New Madrid fault, well-known to St. Louis area residents.

Because of the tug back on the Earth's S Pole that occurs during the daily
rotation of the Earth, the N American continent has seemed to be exempt from
the quakes ravaging the rest of the world. This was clearly shown on IRIS
charts shortly after the December 26, 2004 Sumatra quake. Due to the
exponential increase in quakes, predicted by the Zetas, and the increased
violence of the Earth wobble, this exemption now seems to have ended.
ZetaTalk Prediction 5/1/2004: The overall effect of this drift, which will
increase in speed and force as the whiplash proceeds, will be a torque. Hold
the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole, and
turn in opposite directions first this way, then back. The N Pole going in the
direction of rotation with the S Pole held back, the torque forces the N
American Plate down and into the Caribbean, East moving in the direction
of SE. The S Pole pulled back by a grab on the Atlantic Rift in the southern
hemisphere with the N Pole held rigid has the Indio-Australian Plate
plunging under the Himalayas and Africa likewise plunging into the void,
again East turning to SE.
Quake Precursors
It has long been known that certain signs are indicative of a pending quake.
Domestic animals get restless and the newspaper postings seeking missing pets
increases. The Chinese watch their Peking ducks, who get frantic in the days
before an earthquake. I can attest to this as one of my Peking ducks, Mildred,
was inconsolable here in central Wisconsin two days before a 4.5 quake in
Chicago. Static on the radio is another indication, due to electromagnetic
particle flows coming from compressed and stressed rock. Posted on the
GodlikeProduction message board on April 9, just a week before the 5.2 quake
on the Illinois/Indiana border was this discussion, below. The comments are
somewhat prophetic, as many of the postings are from the Midwest.
I live in the Midwest and for about a week very low rumbling sound lasting
for a couple seconds to about a minute has been happening. It is not air
traffic. No trains nearby either.
I live in the east central part of Ohio and I too have noticed this. At first I
thought it was a car stereo but my animals act weird too when this happens.
They don't act weird when a loud car stereo goes by. I have lived in this
same house for almost 10 yrs. and never heard this before the last month.
I used to live in California and this sound always came with a quake.
My left ear was ringing and I felt nauseous every morning - for about two
months - then we had an earthquake here at Newport Beach, Ca about two
weeks ago. I was literally right under the epicentre. Next morning my ear
ache was gone and so was my nausea.
I'm in the UK. The rumbles are real. Sounds like heavy lorries, but there
aren't any!
Been going on here for several weeks here in Arizona. I notice it mostly in
the early morning while laying in bed. Sounds like a low-pitched
diggerie-doo that pulses every couple of seconds. Weird. Never heard
anything like it before.
Another quake precursor is fracturing in the landscape - buckling roadways,
derailing trains, dropping bridges, and breaking water and gas mains. As the N
American continent is pulled in the diagonal described by the Zetas, with the
New England area pulled to the east and Mexico pulled to the west, small
adjustments are made often well before major quakes occur. Note in the article
below from California that several water mains broke all at once, yet these
water mains were not connected to one another. The connection? The fracturing
- Water Main Breaks in Central Contra Costa Spill Thousands of Gallons
April 4, 2008
- Several underground water line breaks caused flooding at businesses,
parking lots and one residential street in Central Contra Costa County
on Thursday, according to fire officials. The breaks were not believed
to be related to each other. It's all coincidental. We don't know why
they all went at once. The causes of the breaks have not been
Yet another stressor on the N American continent is the Earth wobble, where
the magnetic N Pole of Earth is violently pushed away as it comes up over the
horizon each dawn to face the Sun and the magnetic N Pole of Planet X which
rides between the Earth and Sun at present. It should be noted that the 5.2 quake
on the Illinois/Indiana border occurred at 5:40 am CDT, which would be 4:40
am without the daylight savings time spring forward by an hour. Was the
magnetic push a factor in this earthquake? Apparently so!
Question: Is there a particular reason why many of us are getting up at the
exact same time every night (morning)? The people I've been talking with all
think it's weird if nothing else and none suffer from insomnia.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/12/2008: Threads on this message board, GLP, have
discussed the timing of the insomnia many seem to be suffering from,
specifically that it seems to strike at about 3-4 in the morning. Beyond worry
there is an answer for this seeming synchronized behavior. We have talked
about the violent push the Earth receives when the magnetic N Pole of the
Earth rises over the horizon to confront the N Pole of Planet X. This causes
the wobble which pushes the magnetic N Pole away, and has caused the
severe winter experienced by the entire northern hemisphere, affecting both
North America and Siberia. This, the flow of magnetic particles coming from
the N Pole of Planet X is considerable, and man is an animal sensitive to
magnetic influences. Consider that 3-4 in the morning is when your portion
of the Earth is about to rise up over the horizon and face the Sun. Planet X is
in the direction of the Sun. You are being awakened by a sudden rise in
magnetic particles.
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