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Blackberry Outages
Yet another Blackberry outage occurred on February 12, 2008, throwing
millions of users into a tizzy as they were suddenly blocked from sending
email, browsing the web, and placing phone calls over the wireless network.
- BlackBerry Outage Frustrates Users Again
February 12, 2008
- Officials with AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless said RIM told them the
outage hit customers of all wireless carriers. Bell Canada spokesman
Jason Laszlo said the majority of its BlackBerry customers were
affected. The last major BlackBerry outage struck in April, when a
minor software upgrade crashed the system, triggering complaints from
always-on users all the way up to the White House and Canada's
Parliament. A smaller disruption occurred in September, when a
software glitch stanched the flow of e-mails.
- RIM: BlackBerry Outage Caused by Upgrade
February 12, 2008
- The company behind the BlackBerry smart phones says Monday's
three-hour outage was caused by an upgrade designed to increase
capacity. Research in Motion (RIM) says the upgrade was part of
routine and ongoing efforts, and that similar upgrades in the past
resulted in no problems.
The Blackberry handheld devices have increased in popularity since they were
introduced in 1999, acting like a cell-phone plus.
- The BlackBerry is a wireless handheld device introduced in 1999 which
supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing,
web browsing and other wireless information services. Developed by
the Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM), it delivers
information over the wireless data networks of mobile phone service
Blackberry outages go back to 2005, however not earlier. Outages occurred on
February 23, 2005; April 18, 2007, and September 7, 2007. Why the increasing
number of outages? The pace is quickening speed with an increase in
frequency. These incidents are blamed on software, such as an upgrade in
process or a software glitch. Certainly the computer industry struggles to effect
smooth software installations, but could something else be affecting the
wireless networks?
- Major Blackberry Outage
February 23, 2005
- Seems like the outage is due to an internal issue at RIM with their SRP
server that affected most of the Blackberry subscribers.
- Major BlackBerry Outage Leaves Millions Without E-Mail
April 18, 2007
- Millions of BlackBerry users in North America were without e-mail
because of a massive network failure. Research in Motion, the maker of
BlackBerry devices, has said very little about the incident except that
the outage "may have been caused" by one of its operating centers
going down.
- Widespread BlackBerry Outage?
September 7, 2007
- And we thought these things were a thing of the past. It seems that
BlackBerry users on all networks are experiencing a complete data
outage. If the outage is as widespread as the initial reports seem to
indicate, this could mark the second time in a year that the BlackBerry
users have been subjected to such an event.
The basis of Blackberry's popularity is that it is a wireless network. Those
on-the-go can use it anywhere, just as they can a cell phone - in traffic, at an
airport or in the air, while waiting on a client, or in a Starbucks catching a
quick breakfast. If wireless devices were increasingly faltering and expected to
do so in the future, would the public still stay on board? Would sales be
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/16/2008: What is the process during wireless
communications? As cell phone users know, unless a tower is nearby, in
clear range, the phone call can be garbled or dropped. Something as simple
as passing behind a building or driving into a valley can drop the call. Once
received at a tower, satellites are often used, leaping over the miles to go
directly to a server that will deliver the call. Where phone calls can take a
sputtering in the message, digital messages are more sensitive. Digital
messages require leading and closing codes to be intact, for instance. A text
message might have a header stating it is beginning, and who it is to be
delivered to. At the end, the message might have a trailer stating the
message is complete. If the header or trailer are corrupted, the text message
is aborted, being considered incomplete. Phone calls require, in point of
fact, only the header, as a dropped call can be considered the trailer. Phone
calls are more simplistic, as sputtering during the call is suffered without
interrupting the call. With digital communications, sputtering is an
interruption in the codes required for the communication to continue.
Surfing the web is likewise more complicated than simple phone calls. Web
pages are built of many components, which are assembled. If a necessary
component is missing or corrupted during a transmission, the web page
build stalls.
In the days before Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003,
problems with wireless communications were technical, solely. But these
times have and are changing at a rapid pace. In August-September of 2003
there were brownouts and blackouts and surges worldwide, creating the New
York City blackout on August 14, 2003. On September 1, 2003 there were
massive blackouts in Malaysia and Australia, following on September 2 by
brownouts on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. On September 4, 2003
London had blackouts. On September 9, 2003 blackouts occurred in Finland
and Russia. This was a time when the Second Sun was much in evidence
during sunrise and sunset. Planet X had arrived. While putting on the brakes
as it approached the Sun, Planet X caused its massive charged tail to waft
past the Sun to Earth, thus causing brownouts and blackouts. In 2003, the
Earth had a taste of what the charged tail can do, but mankind's electronics
are not braced for the continuous barrage that it is about to receive. If a
charged cloud can create a surge or brownout in an electrical grid on the
surface of the Earth, what can it do to electronic communications
temporarily in the air? Wireless communications are very vulnerable, in the
days to come.
Sugar Fire
A horrific fire erupted in a sugar plant on the Savannah River on February 8,
2008, where several workers lost their lives and more were horribly burned.
- 3 or More Dead at Ga. Refinery
February 8, 2008
- Officials had not determined what caused the explosion Thursday night
but said they suspect sugar dust, which can be volatile. The plant is
owned by Imperial Sugar and is known in Savannah as the Dixie
Crystals plant. A sugar dust explosion happened in a storage silo where
refined sugar is stored until it is packaged. The plant's last inspection
by the state Department of Agriculture was Oct. 30, 2007. Records show
it was cited for two violations, one involving an opening in a packing
room area that could allow for pests to enter and another related to
buckets used for packing molasses in a warehouse not being properly
protected. The U.S. Chemical Safety Board said Friday it is sending an
investigative team to the plant. Sugar dust is combustible, according
the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration's Web site. Static
electricity, sparks from metal tools or a cigarette can ignite explosions.

Sugar dust is combustible, but the plant had not been given safety warnings in
the past related to dust. Was this simply an industrial accident? Yes, per the
Zetas, but a warning of things to come.
ZetaTalk Warning 2/9/2008: We have warned of infrastructure implosions
and increasing weather irregularities as the time of the pole shift
approaches. Early in the life of ZetaTalk we warned that extreme
temperature swings would occur, with tornadoes on the increase and
occurring in places not used to tornadoes. Certainly February is not tornado
season in the US, but temperature swings were what spawned them. Another
phenomena that has arisen and received much comment is the distraction
that seems to have beset much of mankind. Seeing the weather, hearing
about the melting poles, and perhaps noticing the Sun and Moon out of
place, the populace is disturbed at the comments and answers coming from
the experts and their governments. The economy falters, growing worse, with
no end in sight, while food and energy prices eat away at the family budget.
No answers are forthcoming from the authorities, so the situation feels a bit
like being on a runaway train while the conductor parties and seems
oblivious to the problem. Thus distracted, the common man is less attentive
on the job, and dangerous situations can develop as an outcome. Sugar dust
is highly explosive, and someone lit a cigarette too close to a dust filled
Russian Rumbles
The Bush administration and Israel have been threatening Iran for more than a
year, accusing Iran of helping insurgents in Iraq and trying to drum up support
for sanctions against Iran for its nuclear ambitions. The goal, per the Zetas, is
Iranian oil, as gaining control of this was part of the grand Bush plan. But the
Bush plan has been frustrated as the world refused to go along on sanctions,
and the US military refused to bomb or invade.
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/17/2006: Iran is the 4th largest in oil production,
and holds the 3rd largest oil reserves, so securing this under US occupation
has been a goal of the Bush crowd all along. What is the Puppet Master's
goal? He wants the US out of Iraq, where it has created a mess. As it stands,
Iraq cannot settle into any kind of stable body, as the US continues to
interfere. The likely outcome is that the US will threaten and bluster, plant
evidence against Iran that the US citizen and the world does not believe,
rumble tanks and planes up to the border of Iran, and there the conflict
stops. There will certainly be tense moments behind closed doors when the
military is asked to take steps they refuse to take, confrontations that will
not come out in the media until later, as leaks.
If the Puppet Master wants the US out of Iraq, he certainly is not in favor or the
US invading or bombing Iran. But other than using his immense wealth as a
weapon, what can he do to prevent this? Per the Zetas, the Puppet Master is
very clever and intends to remind the US military that they are vulnerable on
many fronts.
ZetaTalk Insight 7/15/2006: The Puppet Master has cards in his deck not yet
played. For instance, the flurry of missile tests from N Korea was at his
request, to remind the US military that an invasion of Iran would result in
threats to the US territories in the Pacific.
But the Bush administration and Israel have not dropped their incessant
insistence that Iran presents a danger that needs to be addressed without delay.
Per the Zetas, both Bush and Israel realize they are running out of time, with
only a year or so left with Bush in power, and are getting desperate.
ZetaTalk Insight 10/27/2007: They are losing the battle for the Middle East,
and any more delays on an invasion or bombing of Iran will only lessen their
chances of securing Iran's oil. Israel knows they cannot, alone, defend
themselves. They are also aware that the US military is refusing to engage
Iran. Should Israel attempt to bomb Iran, they would be left on their own to
mop up the damage in their country, as it would be clear they had started the
fracas. The approach, thus, has been to insult and accuse Iran and hope they
react, which they have not and will not do as they are hardly fools. Israel
and Bush are hoping that Iran will attack, make a move, as insults are the
only weapon they have!
So is it a coincidence that since July, 2007 when the Zetas outlined the Puppet
Master's plan to remind the US military of their vulnerability on the Pacific
front, that Russia has been pressing this front? Per a recent CNN article dated
February 12, 2008, incidents occurred off the coast of Alaska since (you
guessed it) last July.
- Russian Bomber Buzzes U.S. Aircraft Carrier
February 12, 2008
- American fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers, one of which
buzzed a U.S. aircraft carrier in the western Pacific. Russia's Defense
Ministry said Tuesday that there was no violation of flight regulations
during the incident. A ministry official said the flights are standard
operating procedure for air force training. One of them twice flew
about 2,000 feet over the deck of the USS Nimitz Saturday while
another flew about 50 miles away. Two others were at least 100 miles
away. US defense officials said four F/A-18A fighter jets from the
Nimitz were in the air. The Russians and the U.S. carrier did not
exchange verbal communications. Four turboprop Tupolev-95 Bear
bombers took off from Ukrainka Air Base, in Russia's Far East, in the
middle of the night. One of the planes violated Japanese airspace.
Russian bombers have been making flights over the western Pacific for
several months. There have been eight incidents off Alaska since July.
Among the latest, on September 5, six F-15s from Elmendorf Air Force
Base, adjacent to Anchorage, Alaska, intercepted six Russian bombers
about 50 miles from the northwest coast of Alaska. Two similar
incidents occurred in August, one near Cape Lisburne, Alaska, and the
other near Cold Bay, Alaska, west of the Aleutian Islands.
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