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Satellite Crash
A giant US spy satellite, as big as a bus and weighing several tons, is hurtling toward Earth. This is not a
controlled re-entry, where the satellite can be guided to plop harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean. This
monster is out of control.
- Disabled Spy Satellite Threatens Earth
January 26, 2008
- The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it
is unknown where on the planet it might come down. The spacecraft contains hydrazine _
which is rocket fuel. Hydrazine, a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor, is a toxic
chemical and can cause harm to anyone who contacts it. Spy satellites typically are
disposed of through a controlled re-entry into the ocean so that no one else can access the
Per the Zetas, who were asked during the live chat on January 26, 2008 about the reason for the loss of
control, it was caused by electromagnetic flux that destroyed electronics on the satellite.
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/26/2008: This breaking news story states that "control" of the satellite
was lost. Whatever the official explanation eventually preferred, the truth is that electromagnetic
flux destroyed some of the electronics. As was addressed last week on the chat, our prediction
that satellites would fail will be influenced by this factor greatly. Satellites are guided in their
demise, to land in the ocean, not on land or a major city. This was unexpected, regardless of
what official excuse might be given. They "lost control" of the satellite.
More information became available a few days later, indicating that the satellite's computer "failed".
Computers are certainly electronics that are sensitive to electromagnetic flux.
- AF General: Spy Satellite Could Hit US
January 30, 2008
- The U.S. military is developing contingency plans to deal with the possibility that a large
spy satellite expected to fall to Earth in late February or early March could hit North
America. The size of the satellite suggests that some number of pieces will not burn up as
the orbiting vehicle re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and will hit the ground. The spy
satellite is designated by the military as US 193. It was launched in December 2006 but
almost immediately lost power and cannot be controlled. It carried a sophisticated and
secret imaging sensor but the satellite's central computer failed shortly after launch.
The Zetas have been warning for years that satellites would fail going into the pole shift. The Zetas stated
on September 15, 1996 that one reason for failure is satellite reliance on the Earth magnetic field, which
will become erratic under the influence of Planet X.
ZetaTalk Prediction 9/15/1996: As Planet X approaches and magnetic confusion increases, these
satellites will begin to mis-perform. Satellites use magnets for alignment of their internal
mechanisms, and if pointing in wrong directions, communications are halted. What good is a
message intended for the Earth's surface when it is sent into outer space?
Eighteen months later on May 24, 1998 the Galaxy IV proved the Zeta warning to be correct. The
Galaxy IV rotated out of position, and not longer pointed at the Earth.
- Satellite Failure Causes Communications Chaos
May 24, 1998
- On Tuesday, May 19, 1998, at 6 p.m., the satellite Galaxy IV suffered a failure in its
onboard control system. The backup switch also failed, and the $250 million satellite
rotated out of position, completely disrupting communications here on Earth. USA Today
called the incident "the biggest telecommunications failure in recent years," adding that
the breakdown "wiped out pager traffic, halted credit card transactions and knocked TV
and radio stations off the air." Pager service to 45 million customers was lost when
Galaxy IV rotated out of position. Galaxy IV remains in orbit but is no longer pointed at its
target on Earth. An onboard navigational computer and its backup failed. PanAmSat still
doesn't know why Galaxy IV's spin controller and backup failed. The satellite is beyond
The Zetas further predicted on October 15, 2001 that satellites would consistently fail during the year
prior to the pole shift. In this prediction they did not specify the reason for failure.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/15/2001: We have predicted that satellites will fail, consistently, in the
year prior to the shift.
At the start of 2002, the Zetas warned that the failure rate was not being admitted.
ZetaTalk Warning 1/12/2002: We have predicted that satellites will malfunction in the year
before the shift. Satellites have already been misbehaving, by early 2002, but the public is not
informed anymore as they were in 1999 or thereabouts. More satellites are put up, a backup
system in place, and the functions overlap at all times. Since the military and a few telecom
companies are doing this, the public is kept in the dark. Few know the number of satellites and
their function and ownership.
Six months later, the failure rate did hit the press in an article on insurance rates, and confirmed what the
Zetas had been saying. The failure rate had risen by 146% over the past four years.
- Satellite Anomalies Pushing Insurance Rates Up
July 11, 2002
- Satellite insurance rates are affected by several factors, primarily the levels of anomalies,
or malfunctions, in the operation of a satellite. While anomalies occur every day within the
global satellite fleet, it is severe anomalies resulting in a total or partial inability for the
satellite to perform its mission that can trigger an insurance claim. Thus, satellite insurers
are very sensitive to any increase in satellite anomalies, which can be a leading indicator of
decreased satellite reliability. In the last four years, space insurance rates have risen by
129%. In the last four years, major on-orbit anomalies have risen by 146%.
On January 19, 2008 during the GLP live chat the Zetas once again addressed their prediction on
satellite failure.
ZetaTalk Prediction 1/19/2008: We have predicted that before the pole shift that satellites will
fail, completely. Since the tail is expected to waft about, bringing debris of all sizes into the area
of Earth's atmosphere, it is assumed that this would be the reason for failure. Electromagnetic
disturbance is a major factor in our predicted satellite mass failure, however. We have frequently
reminded our public about the August-September 2003 time frame when brownouts and
blackouts were occurring worldwide. This was a time when red dust was also noted on cars and
patio furniture. The tail of Planet X is charged, as iron oxide takes a charge. Electrical
equipment on the ground has breakers that protect the equipment, should it be struck by
lightning. Electrical equipment in satellites is not anticipated to be struck by lightning, or to
receive a surge or brownout for any reason. Ground based equipment is anticipated to suffer
because lightning seeks the ground and will strike the highest point, such as transmission line
poles with their grounds. The tail of Planet X has not been causing lightning storms in excess in
the atmosphere of Earth, as yet, nor did it in late summer of 2003. But it does create surges and
Wobble Confirmed
The Earth wobble has been in place since early 2004, per the Zetas and many reports from around the
world. The wobble has been documented, based on these reports, to be a figure 8, where the N Pole of
Earth is pushed away and then bounces back, daily. An example is international reports from Sweden,
Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Vancover, and several spots within the continental US documented in
January, 2005. By November, 2007 the wobble had grown more extreme. There are few opportunities
to document the wobble as precisely as the one afforded by this photo gallery, which has an archive of
daily photos of the Great Pyramids, date and time stamped, going back over the years. By comparing
photos taken in 2006 and comparing them to photos taken in 2007 (archives not yet available) on the
same date and time, one can see, graphically, that the Sun is in a different position vis-a-vis the Great
Pyramids. The camera is stationary. The pyramids are stationary. It is the Earth's tilt that has changed.

A report from a Russian officer, assigned to do astronomical observations on occasion, confirms that the
Earth has a lean on occasion, as he finds the Sun rising several degrees from where it should be, finds
the compass deviation more than expected, and finds by the position of the stars on occasion that the
Earth is leaning oddly. This was during the summer of 2007, when the wobble was relatively quiet, per
the Zetas. In Viktor's words:
I am officer of a mercantile fleet. I would wish to share with you my experience of astronomical
observations. The nautical astronomy is used at present time in a mercantile fleet. It solves two
problems: definitions of ship's position and the compass error. The first problem of nautical
astronomy: finding position of a vessel.
One of them is based on foundation : altitudes of celestial bodies are measured by
sextant (the instrument for measuring vertical angles). After present-position
coordinate (the latitude and the longitude) are calculated by hand so that measured
altitudes of celestial bodies was equaled to altitudes computed in these coordinates.
After determining the ship's latitude and longitude, based on the stars overhead, he determines the
compass deviation. Since the magnetic N Pole of Earth is not at the geological N Pole, "north" varies
depending upon where on the globe the compass is placed. For instance, on US soil, the compass will
seem to point more to the west than it should because the magnetic N Pole is to the west of the
geographic N Pole.
The second problem of nautical astronomy: Definition of compass error. The
azimuth of celestial body is measured by a bearing finder (the position of a vessel is
already known) and compared to the calculated bearing of this body. The difference
between two bearings is the compass error. Certainly at present time the sextant is
used seldom and as a medicine for boredom but compass error should be determined every day.
Viktor gives us the limitations of what he can determine on the ship's bridge.
What opportunities have the navigational officer for astronomical observations? At night: it is
possible to define azimuths of bright stars or planets if they not above 20 grades of horizon. At
day: it is possible to define azimuth and altitude of the sun. In twilight: it is possible to define
altitude of stars or planets if the celestial body and a horizon line can be seen simultaneously. But
there are limitations for observations: ship's rolling due to storm weather and cloudiness.
Viktor tells us that the two times he measured the Sun's altitude (height overhead) he found no
anomalies, but four times he found the sunrise to be off by up to 4º and the compass deviation was off
by 6º.
Now about the practical part. My last contract (april-august 2007) has passed in the Atlantic
region (The Europe - the Caribbean islands - USA - the Europe ). The sun has not shown a great
anomaly. Measuring of altitude (two times) has not given surprises. But it's happened that point
of sunrise was shifted on 4º. The vessel was underway, conditions of observation were identical.
Within one day, gyro-compass error varied so:
Time, Object | Gyro-Compass Error |
night, stars | -2 |
morning, sunrise | -6 |
midday, sun | -2 |
evening, sun | -2 |
Viktor states that when taking these measurements on a ship plowing through the ocean, certainty of
position presents challenges. But by taking more than one measure as a control, certainty can be
Certainly the allowance of a gyrocompass depends on latitude, speed and
course of a vessel. And if the vessel does not maneuver that the gyrocompass
error varies very slowly (for example from 0 to 1 degree during 1 day). Every
day the vessel makes through the water at new latitude and on a new course
and to predict the new gyrocompass error it is impossible in advance. As
shown in figure:
Bearing1=true azimuth1+(+/- gyrocompass error or device error ).
But the gyrocompass error (or device error) is unknown and it is difficult to say
that the location of a celestial body is correct or "not correct". But there is exit from this
inconvenient situation.

Three (or two) bearings of three celestial bodies are determined
simultaneously (for 30-40 seconds). Then the horizontal angle between
two bearings is:
Bearing1 = true azimuth1 + device error
Bearing2 = true azimuth2 + device error
Bearing2 - Bearing1 = (true azimuth2 + device error) - (true
azimuth1+ device error)
Bearing2- Bearing1= true azimuth2 - true azimuth1+ device error -
device error
Bearing2- Bearing1= true azimuth2 - true azimuth1
It means that the horizontal angles between two bearings are possible to measure very exactly.
Now it is necessary to calculate the same angle using the program SkyMap or other program. If
the calculated angle is equal to the measured angle that it means that celestial bodies is placed at
correct position. If these two horizontal angles are different that incontestable proof of lean is
before you.
Based on these careful measurements, Viktor has found on occasion that the Earth is leaning up to 3º or
more during the summer, when the wobble was relatively quiet..
What shows a practice? Observations showed that celestial sphere has not shifted often
(April-August 2007). But there were observations which showed that a lean is. The measured
angle differed from the calculated angle up to 3º. It means that lean of celestial sphere exist and
it is more than 3º.
Viktor in Russia
Albino Fawn

Forwarded via email, from Rhinelander, Wisconsin, date unknown.
I saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car - thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it,
and wow! A real albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around.
Another car nearly hit it in front of me. Well, he is the neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such
a "freak of nature", that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food,
followed us around the house, doing great. He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves.
Kids called him powder. He was so small. That is my shoe lying beside him.
The Zetas had predicted that more albinism would occur, as the core of the Earth roiled under the
influence of the approaching Planet X.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/15/1996: Albinos occur naturally in all life forms, some with more rarity
than others. What causes an albino to emerge is assumed to be a genetic quirk, where the normal
production of color compounds is suppressed. This is the effect but not the cause, else why would
life in dark caverns or the depths of the ocean be pale, without color? If color were a genetic
quirk, then why the almost total absence of color in creatures living in darkness? Coloration is
influenced by radiation, just as tanning takes place upon exposure to sunlight. What is little
understood is that this phenomena has two switches, one increasing coloration under certain
radiation frequencies, but another reducing coloration under a different set of radiation
frequencies. The core of the Earth, emitting in greater bursts the radiation her caverns and deep
water creatures are bathed in, is confusing her surface creatures. Thus, the White Buffalo,
heeding the signals from the restless Earth, are heralding the approaching pole shift.
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