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Light Towers
On January 2, 2008 soldiers in Iraq using night vision goggles for infrared detection viewed an odd aerial
display - a type of light tower in the night sky. This was much the subject of discussion on message
boards like the GodlikeProduction board, where speculation ranged from earthquake lights to light
towers over oil field flames to a type of UFO phenomena.
VIDEO: Iraq Light Towers
My Soldiers and I witnessed what I think is some sort of natural phenomenon in the sky over
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/5/2008: What is being filmed are light towers, a phenomena not
uncommon above the Sun. These light towers were appearing in other places in the sky, however,
thus the furor. We have hinted that there would be surprises, things not anticipated seen in the
skies. The tail of Planet X is wafting toward Earth, and chemical changes will be occurring. This
is a hint of what may be coming!
Light towers over the setting or rising Sun are not uncommon, and have this appearance, a tower soaring
up into the sky above the light source. Light towers can also appear in the night sky above a light source
such as street lights if there are ice crystals in the air above the light source to disburse and reflect the
light. But there was no such light source evident in Iraq. Earthquake lights likewise do not fit the
explanation, as they are brief and broad in scope across the horizon, not at all in a tower formation. The
Zetas were hinting at some kind of chemical reaction. Just as the furor was dying down, another report
came in from Germany on January 11, 2008 of a light tower that formed and lasted for 10 minutes. This
was featured on Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles website. Here still photos were taken, and were even
more dramatic.
I thought first it was a tornado, but then it started to glow and the stripe become brighter.

Here the light tower ended overhead in what looked like a tornado effect, a swirl. Earthfiles categorized
several Canadian sightings on January 3 and January 15, 2008 of dark tornado-like clouds with the Iraq
and Germany sightings.
Would the Zetas explain what is happening? If these are not earthquake lights but are more similar to
light towers without an obvious light source beneath them, and yet are chemical in nature - what the heck
are they?
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/24/2008: When we described the light emitting properties of Planet X,
which is a smoldering brown dwarf, our comments were met with ridicule by those clinging to the
explanations given by the human establishment. Per the human establishment, a brown dwarf
must be huge and gaseous like a partially lit sun, yet Planet X is small and compact like Earth or
Mars. Per the human establishment, a light illuminating process in a sun must involve radiation
and heat, yet Planet X is no warmer than Earth and sustains life. While the human establishment
ridicules our scientific explanations, which have invariably proved true, they have no explanation
for earthquake lights or even the auroras, both of which cannot be replicated in the laboratory.
There have likewise been no explanations offered for what was observed in Iraq and Germany.
Humans do understand that light can be generated from chemical processes without being
accompanied by an explosion or heat. Light sticks are an example of this simple process being
commercialized. There are different chemicals in the atmosphere of Earth at this time than have
been in the memory of man. It has been only during the past couple years, since the arrival of
Planet X into the inner solar system, that Moon halos have been noted, or odd neon clouds. The
wafting tail of Planet X arrived in 2003, which was noted as a time when the red dust first
arrived. We have discussed the chemical qualities of the charged tail of Planet X, which includes
not only debris such as gravel and boulders but also petrochemical components gathered from
the Asteroid Belt when it was pelted to pieces in the past. We have described how the moon swirls
in the tail of Planet X form tubes that funnel light toward one end, thus appearing as a light orb
to those who see the moon swirl while peering down one end of the tube. Is there a relationship of
these light towers and tornado shapes appearing on Earth now to the moon swirls in the tail of
Planet X? Indeed there is. Light is bent within the moon swirl by chemicals swirling there to flow
down the tube and emerge at an end.
Light bends, a fact known to man as rainbows spread across the light spectrum bent only by the
water in the clouds. Light is bent by water, a fact known to any child who wonders why his feet
are displaced when he stands in a pool of water. Light bends when going through a prism, solid
glass. An oil smear on the window will also create a rainbow in the sunlight. Light also follows
the flow of electrons, which anyone watching a lightning display understands. These light
particles were not generated from thin air by the flow of electrons. They were attracted to the
charge and bent to follow the flow, and thus emerged into view in the vicinity of the lightning
path. The tail of Planet X is charged due to the iron oxide dust particles disbursed throughout the
tail. This charge has nowhere to go, as the tail is not grounded. It is essentially static electricity.
But when the red dust and petrochemical components in the tail waft into Earth's atmosphere
where there is free oxygen and nitrogen, chemical reactions not occurring out in space are
Man is used to thinking of chemical reactions involving petrochemical components and oxygen
as an explosion, happening suddenly - boom! But where disbursed and present in barely
perceptible quantities, it is more akin to a slow swoosh, creating a spiral of heat that starts a
tornado effect in the atmosphere. Where a slow explosion has passed, the smoke created can
linger, looking like a dark tornado floating in the air. Where the slow explosion occurs at night,
the light can seem dramatic for the few minutes it lasts. This is a chemical reaction in the
atmosphere, as we stated earlier in response to the initial report from Iraq. More such light
towers can be anticipated, but beyond this, more effects from the tail of Planet X can be
anticipated as the tail components increase in density in the atmosphere of Earth. What these
effects will be we will not say, as we prefer to have the establishment caught off guard so that the
cover-up stumbles and the public learns the truth. The establishment knows what is coming, but
is keeping the truth from the public, who like the elite have a right to know.
Cloned Meat
Is cloned meat safe to eat? The FDA seems to think so.
- FDA Backs Safety of Meat, Milk from Cloned Animals
December 28, 2007
- As expected, the Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that its scientific
assessment of meat and milk from cloned animals determined they were safe for human
consumption. The announcement, coming after four years of review and research, is just
the beginning of what will be a year or more process of public input and discussion before
these products can be sold.
The Zetas agree, pointing out that cloning does not change the DNA, so the meat from a clone is the
same as the meat from the original.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/19/2008: Cloning, when done properly, done not affect the outcome. The
clone is indistinguishable from the original. If the cloning process builds in genetic defects, the
cloned embryo is unlikely to survive and will be aborted. When an embryo is created the natural
way, half the DNA is received from the mother, half from the father, and the two coils wind
around each other to form the DNA double helix of the new offspring. It is during this process
that mutations can occur, as the winding can falter, or the parents can have missing
chromosomes so that the winding matches up incorrectly. When the mutation is too extreme,
natural abortions occur. In cloning, no such winding is involved, as the DNA is complete to begin
with. If the cloning technique is such that the DNA is tampered with in any way, the fetus would
be unlikely to able to develop, as whole sections of genetic instructions would be missing. Thus, if
the cloned animal survives and is healthy, it is no more dangerous to eat the clone than to eat the
original. There is, frankly, more risk in eating meat from offspring conceived the natural way, as
this is more a genetic toss of the dice than cloning. Therein lies the allure of cloning. The
offspring will not be a surprise!
Will we soon have a cloned human? Not for lack of trying, apparently, as some doctors working for a
stem cell firm in California recently announced. Cells from the skin of the firm's CEO were used to
create a cloned embryo.
- CEO Uses Own DNA to Clone Embryo
January 17, 2008
- Californian doctors say they have used their chief executive's DNA to create the world's
first cloned human embryo using. Doctors at private embryonic stem cell research
company Stemagen created the cloned human embryo by removing the nuclei of mature
egg cells donated by healthy young women and inserting the cells with DNA from the
company's chief executive. The DNA was taken from a type of cell found in skin biopsies.
During the Jewish Exodus, the Jews were reported to have sustained themselves in part during their long
walk in the desert by ambrosia, or manna from heaven found on the ground in the early morning. Thus
the land in which this occurred was described as the "land of milk and honey" as the manna melted in
water to become a milky fluid and was somewhat sweet.
- Worlds in Collision, by Emanuel Velikovsky
- After the nightly cooling, the carbohydrates precipitated and fell with the morning dew. It
had an oily taste like honeycomb, and was ground between stones and baked in pans. The
clouds brought the heavenly bread, it is also said in the Talmud. The Greeks called the
heavenly bread ambrosia. It is described by the Greek poets in identical terms with manna:
it had the taste of honey and a fragrance. The Atharva-Veda hymns say that honey-lash
came down from fire and wind; ambrosia fell, and streams of honey flowed upon the earth.
The grains also fell upon the water, and the rivers became milky in appearance (i.e. lands
of milk and honey).
The Zetas have described manna as a carbohydrate formed in the air passing over active volcanoes, a
process that will be on the increase after the pole shift.
ZetaTalk Explanation 8/15/1996: It is generally assumed that hydrocarbons such as
petrochemicals are formed under extreme heat and pressure, conditions that mankind assumes
can only take place under the surface of the earth where biological elements might be
sandwiched between layers of the Earth's surface. They also form in the air during every passage
of Planet X, as all the components are in the atmosphere - carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. During
a pole shift, violent volcanic explosions take place, super-heating the air passing overhead.
Combined with continuous lightning flashes in some places, many chemicals form readily which
under ordinary circumstances do not form in the atmosphere. Some of these chemicals are what
humans term petrochemicals, but their close cousins, carbohydrates, form also.
It is written in many parts of the world that after a pole shift, what the Jews called manna was
found lying on the ground in the morning dew. Beads of carbohydrates that tasted like honey,
and where landing on water turned the water milky, so that those lands where this occurred were
sometimes known as the lands of milk and honey.
Not all locations find this handy food delivered for breakfast, and not all such food can be
gathered and eaten by the eager humans, as there is competition from the bugs and rodents in
the area who seem to need less sleep than the weary and malnourished humans scrambling about
in the gloom upon rising. Manna is formed and dropped in those parts of the world where the air
has just passed over active volcanoes. It is formed to some degree during normal times, but
becomes pronounced after a pole shift due to the exponential increase in volcanic activity. Other
parts of the world find no such gift beading the ground in the dawn, and residents of those parts
that are fortunate in this regard must rise early and scramble if they are to collect any manna at
all. Not only is it eaten by anything that can crawl, it also melts and seeps into the ground during
the heat of the day.
Recently a milky rain fell in New Mexico, puzzling the authorities. Was this a carbohydrate formed over
volcanoes, the manna of old?
- Environment Dept. probes strange precipitation in Grant County
January 11, 2008
- The New Mexico Environment Department is looking into what caused a strange milky
white rain to fall on Grant County. Area residents noticed the unusual rain as it left white
puddles and a white, almost sticky residue everywhere. The New Mexico Environment
Department (NMED) is looking at several possible reasons, including wind and weather
patterns that might have brought the unknown substance to the area. The alkalinity of the
substance was unusually high - a rating of 7.9 pH based on tests with a litmus strip. PH
testing classifies substances on a scale of 0 to 14. A rating under 7 is classified acidic - the
level of acidity increases as the number drops. A pH level above 7 is considered alkaline, or
base. A rating of 7 is considered neutral.
ZetaTalk Answer 1/19/2008: This episode is a classic manna sign, the rainwater milky from
carbohydrates formed over volcanoes in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. The jet stream at the time
was plunging down along the West Coast, along with a cold mass plunging south, pulling any
particles formed over the volcanoes toward New Mexico where the cold air mass met warmer
air. This caused rain to form, cleaning the carbohydrate particles out of the air.
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