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Essex Inundated
An exceptionally high tide was experienced in the United
Kingdom at noon on November 26.

- Essex on Flood Alert After
High Tide
November 26, 2007
- The Essex coast was on flood
alert last night after a freak tide engulfed a popular
waterfront, completely swamping a number of cars. The
surge happened at Brightlingsea at around noon when a
spring tide led to the sea rising over the town's hard and
as far up as the Waterside fish and chip restaurant. In
Suffolk and Norfolk the tide breached sea walls and
coastguards were warning last night that a further tidal
surge was expected at about midnight.
Could this be related to the Earth wobble? The wobble was featured
just last week in this newsletter, Issue 51.

The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation
12/1/2007: It was the east coast of Britain
that experienced the high tide, this tide coming from the
North Sea. What happens when the Earth wobble, the figure 8 so
well documented on the ZetaTalk website, affects Britain? When
the noon Sun is over India, the Earth has assumed a more
normal stance vis-à-vis Planet X. But then the noon Sun is
positioned over Europe and Britain, the N Pole of Earth is
pushed up, suddenly, with a tilt in the direction of the
Americas. This lurch forced Britain into the North Sea,
increasing the press of water coming from the North Sea.
Britain in essence was pushed into the oncoming tide!
Indonesia Awash
On November 27 Indonesia and Vietnam also experienced an
exceptionally high tide. These high tides might seem to be a day
apart as noon in the UK places the date a day later in
Indonesia, which is just past the International Date Line in the
Pacific. However, these high tides occurred at the same
time, on nearly opposite sides of the globe.
- High Tides Flood Indonesian
Capital with Sea Water
November 27, 2007
- High tides in Indonesian capital
forced thousands of people to abandon their flooded homes
and cut off the road leading to international airport.
Authorities installed pumps to bring down water levels,
which were 1.7-meters (yards) high in several subdistricts
and reached up to two kilometers (more than a mile)
inland, but said they expected tides to continue to wreak
havoc through the end of the month. Residents in north
Jakarta have grown used to flooding during the monthly
high-tide cycle, but Monday's was the worst in memory.

- Tides Erode Dykes, 300 houses
November 27, 2007
- Many houses in Thu Duc District's
Hiep Binh Phuoc ward are now under one metre of water,
with house-hold appliances damaged and dozens of families
having to move to safer areas along National Highway 13.
Equipment kept outdoors by various companies was also
damaged by the water. High tides on the rivers of Tuy An
Song Cau in the south central province of Phu Yen caused
50 houses to collapse and sank 11 fishing vessels.
What could cause a high tide on opposite sides of the globe,
ZetaTalk Explanation
12/1/2007: What happens to southeast Asia,
on the other side of the world, when the Sun is at high noon
over Britain? When the N Pole of Earth is pushed suddenly up,
toward the north and with a tilt toward the Americas, Vietnam
is likewise pushed up and tilted into the South China Sea, and
Indonesia is likewise pushed up and sideways into the Flores
Sea, the Banda Sea, and the waters trapped between Borneo and
Jakarta. Why did such flooding during the high tide not affect
the east coasts of Japan or the Philippines or the Americas?
These coastlines are open to vast waters, which can absorb the
increase in pressure. The North Sea off coast from Britain,
the South China Sea off coast from Vietnam, and the seas off
coast from the north coast of Indonesia are bounded by land
masses and thus pressure can build up when the land is shifted
under these waters. We have warned of a time when high tides
would be experienced, unrelated to tsunami from earthquakes
and unrelated to storms. We warned likewise that the wobble
would produce such high tides. This time is now upon the
And indeed such warnings were given by the Zetas, who
predicted these times as far back as 1999. At first these
warnings excluded the wobble, as the Zetas intended the wobble
to take the establishment by surprise. But after 2004 when the
wobble had emerged, they admitted this was the reason for the
high tides they had been warning about.
ZetaTalk Prediction
4/15/1999: Tides that are greater than
expected, especially along the Pacific coastlines.
ZetaTalk Prediction
1/12/2000: We also predict, as we did last
year, that there will be high tides. Not tsunamis, following
earthquakes, but unusual high tides.
ZetaTalk Prediction
8/26/2006: We have predicted that
coastlines will become uninhabitable, in many places, so that
crops are grown but man sleeps restless there. The degree of
assault on coastlines that will occur as the Earth wobble
increases is hardly imagined.
Stress on the
Days after the high tides in the UK and Indonesia, the stress
on the St. Lawrence Seaway caused a major oil pipeline from
Canada to the US Midwest to pull apart, resulting in a fatal
fire. This pipeline breach might not have hit the news were it
not for its effect on the price of oil, which appeared to be the
big news.
- Fire at Major US Oil Pipeline
Kills 2
November 29, 2007
- A deadly fire at a pipeline from
Canada that feeds oil to the United States sent oil prices
soaring. Two workers fixing the underground pipeline were
killed when fumes apparently escaped and ignited the
blaze. No other injuries were reported. The fire along the
Enbridge Energy pipeline in northern Minnesota was
reported shortly before 4 pm [Wednesday, November 28]. The
34-inch pipeline carries crude oil from Saskatchewan to
the Chicago area. The pipe had leaked a few weeks ago and
was being repaired. It appears as though one of those
fittings may have failed and caused fumes to leak, and it
caught fire. Clearbrook is about 215 miles northwest of
Per the news, the pipeline had leaked weeks ago, been repaired,
and burst again. What is causing the leaks, and why would a
freshly repaired pipeline be so weak as to burst again? Clearly,
this part of the seaway stretch zone is pulling apart. The
Minneapolis bridge collapse was the result of such tension along
the seaway stretch zone. The land to the east of the Minneapolis
highlands pulled to the east, creating a torsion stress on the
bridge, a matter recorded on video by security cameras focused
on the bridge during the moment of collapse. Per the Zetas, the
seaway stretch zone ends at the Black Hills of South Dakota,
which explains why they are so rumpled and tossed. Put a line
from the mouth of the seaway to the Black Hills and where does
that line pass through? Minneapolis and Clearbrook!

The Zetas have long warned of this St. Lawrence Seaway rip,
including it as part of the scripted
drama that will occur during the hour of the pole shift.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/10/2006: The stress on the N American
plate will resolve by ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. A
widening Seaway also does not affect just those land masses
bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What
does man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with
the appearance of a recent buckling and heaving? This is the
center of a land plate! The tearing of the Seaway does not end
at Duluth, MN. It travels underground to South Dakota!
The Zetas also predicted oil and gas line breaks, with
resultant fires. Where a fire in crude oil is more easily
subdued, we can expect such breaks to occur in natural gas lines
too. These will be far more explosive.
ZetaTalk Prediction
9/29/2003: Far worse than this are breaks
that are about to occur in gas lines and gasoline refinery and
distribution networks. When these break, as break they will,
there will be explosions and fires that will not be so easily
corrected nor subdued. A holocaust, an inferno, one that
spreads without abatement along the distribution lines, so hot
and intense that none can approach.
China River Tides
China likewise has experienced a change in its tides. Both the
Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are finding a salt water backwash, a
reverse tide. Where this normally happens after the equinox for
a period of time, for the Yangtze this is occurring almost two
months after the expected timeframe, and for the Yellow River,
more than a month late.
- Salt Tide Reaches Mouth of
Yangtze River
November 30, 2007
- A salt tide hit Shanghai on
Wednesday, two months later than usual. Water sample tests
at Chenhang Reservoir near the Yangtze River estuary at
11am on November 28 found more than 250 milligrams of
chloride in every liter of water, indicating the tide has
moved into the mouth of the Yangtze River. Water flow from
the Yangtze dropped to 13,000 cubic meters per second on
Wednesday. The density of chloride kept rising on
Wednesday morning, eventually surpassing 300 milligrams a

Question: It is
said there was a false tide on November 28 on the Yellow
River where it enters the Yellow Sea and the frequency
increased during November, the phenomena is such that it
happened not in the tidal period when these false tides
The flow rate increased from 400 cubic meter per second to
1400 cubic meters per second. Usually this happens in
October but this year it happened in November and with the
frequency increasing. The experts are quite uncertain as to
cause. They only indicated that it may related to the river
bed or something astronomical. My question: is this evidence
of the wobble?
ZetaTalk Explanation
12/1/2007: The normal global position
vis-à-vis the Sun is such that after the September equinox
China experiences a less direct overhead gravity pull from the
Sun, as the Yellow River is tipping away from the Sun. This
temporarily adjusts the water pressure in the vast Yellow
River and the Yellow Sea, causing what the Chinese call false
tides to occur during this equalization period. Even though
the Earth is stopped in her orbit at present, benign aliens
are tilting and tipping the globe to simulate the seasons so
this same effect of less gravity pull on the waters of the
Yellow River and Yellow Sea are in effect during their normal
season. What happens to these bodies of water during the Earth
wobble? When the Sun is centered over New Zealand and the
Aleutian Islands, the Earth has no particular skew but the
magnetic N Pole is pushed away. When the Earth rotates and the
Sun is centered over India, the Earth bounces back into a more
normal position as the N Pole is hidden. The Yellow River is
affected by this push away and bounce back, such that sloshing
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