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Oil Agenda
It is not just Iraq that is unstable, from a US point of view, with US influence waning. Areas north in
Turkey and the Caspian Sea and areas east in Iran are slipping out of US control or ignoring US
warnings. The US military is exhausted and a draft unlikely to be called by the Democratic Congress.
The US dollar is dropping in value, with inflation rampant because the US is printing money to stay
afloat, like a banana republic. Countries such as China that formerly bought US bonds to support the
bloated US debt are now refusing, dumping their dollars instead, with Bush sniping back at China with
accusations about the safety of their imported goods. Fiscally speaking, the US is staggering. The US
grip on the Middle East is thus slipping, as the US is seen to be weakened and waning as a superpower.
Why is it important, from a US point of view, to be dominant in the Middle East? It's oil!
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/9/2002: Korea has the nukes, but is left to quiet consultation and no war
mongering. It has no oil. India and Pakistan are squabbling at their borders, and both have
nukes, but you don't hear about military exercises near them, as they don't have oil. Russia has
nukes and poison gas and bioterrorism means, but is an ally, because to take their oil from them
would be difficult. Countries in Africa that find they have some oil are run like dictatorships by
US corporations, killing off villages that object without fear of prosecution. So what is the Bush
administration - so snug with Enron, with a history in the oil industry and utter lack of ethics in
companies such as Harken Energy and Haliburton - after in Iraq? Oil.
The fields in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq combined have the vast majority of proven oil reserves. The
oil fields in Canada are mostly in sand, where the oil is difficult to extract. Most proven reserves lie in the
Middle East.
Greatest Oil Reserves by Country
in Billions of Barrels |
Saudi Arabia | 261.9 |
Canada | 178.8 |
Iran | 125.8 |
Iraq | 115.0 |
Kuwait | 101.5 |
United Arab Emirates | 097.8 |
Venezuela | 077.2 |
Russia | 060.0 |
Libya | 039.0 |
Nigeria | 035.3 |
Turkey Troubles
Turkey is considered an ally, allowing 70% of the shipments to supply the US troops in Iraq to move
overland via their territory. Turkey is a restless ally, however, as their populace is overwhelmingly
against the Iraq War. When asked before the war began if the US could conduct bombing raids via
bases in Turkey, they refused, so the "shock and awe" campaign was done against Baghdad from the
south of Iraq. So where do matters stand with Turkey now? Restless, on several fronts. The Kurds in
northern Iraq are in sympathy with Kurds in southern Turkey and western Iran. These separatists, called
the PKK, make raids from northern Iraq, and Turkey intends to cross the border in hot pursuit. The US
considers this a destabilizing influence, as US troops at present do not need to be in northern Iraq. In
addition, half of Iraqi oil is in Kurdish territory, and potentially this would fall into Turkish hands! Can't
have that!
- Turkish MPs Back Attacks in Iraq
October 18, 2007
- Turkey's parliament has given permission for the government to launch military operations
into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels. The vote was taken in defiance of pressure from the
US and Iraq, which have called on Turkey for restraint. Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan has said the motion does not mean a military operation is imminent. But
he said Turkey needed to be able to respond to a recent rise in bomb attacks blamed on
PKK rebels from Iraq. Turkish MPs backed him overwhelmingly, by 507 votes to 19. As
the vote was being counted, US President George W Bush strongly urged Turkey, a key
ally, not to carry out the threatened action.
However, the Zetas predict that open warfare, or a takeover of territory, will not occur.
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/14/2007: Turkey, as is known, has Kurds, and has long been concerned
that if the Iraqi Kurds gain strength, then their own Kurds will join and Turkey will lose
population. They prefer a suppressed Kurdish population, and would like to see Turkey control of
the oil fields the Iraqi Kurds control. This is unlikely to break into open warfare, but become a
restless truce, however.
Then there's the furor over the Armenian genocide in 1915. A pending vote in the House would declare
this chapter in Turkey's past a genocide, an official statement that Turkey is vehemently against. Despite
promising on the campaign trail going into the 2000 election that he would press for this vote, President
Bush is frantically campaigning Congress now to drop it.
- Support Wanes in House for Genocide Vote
October 17, 2007
- Worried about antagonizing Turkish leaders, House members from both parties have
begun to withdraw their support from a resolution supported by the Democratic leadership
that would condemn as genocide the mass killings of Armenians nearly a century ago.
Almost a dozen lawmakers had shifted against the measure over the last 24 hours,
accelerating a sudden exodus that has cast deep doubt over the measure's prospects. Some
representatives made clear that they were heeding warnings from the White House, which
has called the measure dangerously provocative, and from the Turkish government, which
has said House passage would prompt Turkey to reconsider its ties to the United States,
including logistical support for the Iraq war.
As 70% of all supplies to US troops passes through Turkey, the card Turkey could play by withdrawing
support is significant.

- Military Seeks Alternatives in Case Turkey Limits Access
October 11, 2007
- Loss of access to military installations in Turkey would force the United States to send
more supplies for Iraq through other countries and could cause short-term backups in fuel
shipments and deliveries of critical equipment. It could take months to increase operations
in other logistical hubs, including Jordan, Kuwait and at the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr in the
northern Persian Gulf. Though a NATO ally, Turkey has proved a roadblock to American
military actions before, especially in March 2003, when its Parliament refused to authorize
movement of American ground troops through its territory during the initial invasion of
Iraq. Mr. Gates and other military officials have said that 70 percent of the military cargo
sent to Iraq is flown through Incirlik or on routes over Turkey.
Ottoman Empire Redux
Why would Turkey's defense of its territories by hot pursuit of PKK separatists be a such a threat? It is
the shadow of the Ottoman Empire in the recent past. Less than 100 years ago, Turkey was still
controlling vast regions outside of its current boundaries, and was powerful and aggressive. If they
moved into northern Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels, would they give the territory back?

- Ottoman Empire
- Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire happened in the aftermath of World War I. The empire
was forced to submit to a complete partition. The new countries created from the remnants
of the empire currently number 40. The fall of the Ottoman Empire can be attributed to the
failure of its economic structure; the size of the empire created difficulties in economically
integrating its diverse regions. Also, the empire's communication technology was not
developed enough to reach all territories. In many ways, the circumstances surrounding the
Ottoman Empire's fall closely paralleled those surrounding the fall of the Roman Empire,
particularly in terms of the ongoing tensions between the empire's different ethnic groups,
and the various governments' inability to deal with these tensions.
Iraq itself was formed during this same time period, deliberately composed of factions that could not be
cohesive - the Kurds, the Sunni, and the Shia. This was done to prevent Iraq from becoming strong, as
wracked by internal struggles, it could not become so. The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 cobbled
together the Kurds in the north of Iraq, the Sunni to the west in Iraq, and the Shia in the south of Iraq.
- Sykes-Picot Agreement
- A secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the
assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.
Iraq fears that a grab by Turkey of Kurdish territories might incite Iran or other countries to do likewise,
as southern Iraq is Shia, as is Iran. Southern Iraq holds the second half of Iraq's oil reserves.
- Iraq Fears Action 'May Escalate'
October 16, 2007
- Any cross-border operation could have destabilizing effects. If Turkey as a neighbor of Iraq
allows itself the right to intervene militarily in Iraq, what is there to prevent other
neighbors from intervening?
Is this World War III awaiting us? Per the Zetas, the Earth changes that will beset the region will end all
this conflict over oil fields and territory.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/13/2007: We have long predicted that Iraq will become a holocaust when
the Arabian plate moves in conjunction with the rolling African plate, the tip of the Arabian plate
digging through the oil fields of Iraq like a plow, setting them afire. It is this catastrophe that will
drive all US troops home.
Iran Alliances
Beyond a worry that Turkey might withdraw its support for the US occupation in Iraq and even do a
territorial grab, there is the continuing concern over Iran. The Bush plan, of course, was to invade not
only Iraq but to expand this invasion to a takeover of Iranian and Saudi oil fields. President Bush and his
administration have been seeking support for some kind of military action against Iran, despite lack of
international agreement and despite having an exhausted US military in Iraq. Bush is failing on this front,
and his hold on Iraq is weakening, as the Zetas predicted.
ZetaTalk Prediction 3/17/2006: The likely outcome is that the US will threaten and bluster, plant
evidence against Iran that the US citizen and the world does not believe, rumble tanks and planes
up to the border of Iran, and there the conflict stops. There will certainly be tense moments
behind closed doors when the military is asked to take steps they refuse to take, confrontations
that will not come out in the media until later, as leaks. Iraq may have to become several
different countries in order to attain peace. Bush will not succeed in invading or bombing Iran,
though orders may be given to the military to do so.
Where Bush wanted US oil companies to run the oil fields of Iraq, and the US taxpayer to fund
rebuilding of Iraq, these matters are being taken out of his hands by the new Iraqi government who have
a different opinion on the matter.
- Iraqi Contracts With Iran and China Concern U.S.
October 18, 2007
- Iraq has agreed to award $1.1 billion in contracts to Iranian and Chinese companies to
build a pair of enormous power plants. Word of the project prompted serious concerns
among American military officials, who fear that Iranian commercial investments can
mask military activities at a time of heightened tension with Iran. The Iranian project
would be built in Sadr City, a Shiite enclave in Baghdad that is controlled by followers of
the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr. Iran had also agreed to provide cheap
electricity from its own grid to southern Iraq, and to build a large power plant essentially
free of charge in an area between the two southern Shiite holy cities of Karbala and Najaf.
It was unclear whether any American firms had tried to win the work, although the
projects had been submitted for bids.
As if Turkey and Iran weren't worry enough for Bush, here comes Russia. Both Russia and China have
allied with Iran while it has been under attack by the US for its nuclear enrichment program. Now there
is a Caspian Sea alliance!

- Putin Warns Against Attacks on Iran
Oct 16, 2007
- Vladimir Putin issued a veiled warning Tuesday against any attack on Iran as he began the
first visit by a Kremlin leader to Tehran in six decades - a mission reflecting
Russian-Iranian efforts to curb U.S. influence. Putin came to Tehran for a summit of the
five nations bordering the Caspian, but his visit was aimed more at strengthening efforts to
blunt U.S. economic and military ties in the area. The main issue before the summit was
the Caspian Sea itself. Divvying up territory in and around the inland sea - believed to
contain the world's third-largest reserves of oil and natural gas - has been a divisive issue
among the five nations, and the leaders showed no signs of progress toward resolving the
dispute. The Caspian's offshore borders have been in limbo since the 1991 Soviet collapse.
The lack of agreement has led to tensions and conflicts over oil deposits, but Putin and
Ahmadinejad strongly warned outside powers to stay away from the region.
Despite the current oil wars, this entire region will not fare well during the forthcoming pole shift. Per the
Zetas, the new S Pole will be squarely over a submerged India, which will be driven under the
Himalayas. All in the region will move into a cold zone, something unfamiliar. Iran will be in the new
polar circle, Iraq skewed apart by the movement of the Arabian Plate, Turkey suddenly cold and
destroyed by earthquakes, and even Saudi Arabia unable to utilize its oil reserves.
- ZetaTalk Iran
- Iran will stand close enough to the new South Pole after the shift to be considered within
the Polar Circle. With the new South Pole positions essentially over India, this will put Iran
into the situation Northern Siberia or the Northwest Territories of Canada or the
northernmost tips of the Scandinavian countries experience today.
- ZetaTalk Turkey
- Jolting earthquakes from the nearby fault lines adjusting to the effect of having a moving
crust come to a crunching halt will take its toll on Turkey. Those unprepared for a sudden
drop in temperature will be the worst off, both from the standpoint of clothing and
agricultural practices.
- ZetaTalk Saudi Arabia
- The oil reserves, considered the lifeblood of the Saudi people, will not come to their rescue
as all pumps and refineries will be broken and explode into flames. What can be salvaged
eventually will be used by the strong, those with power and control of food supplies to
demand cooperation, to stay warm. This is a finite situation, going downhill, leading to a
king of the hill scenario which only leads to violent death for all involved.
So the oil wars are much ado about nothing!
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