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Military Assassinations
Are soldiers in the US military likely to speak out against the Bush administration being killed? Three of
seven critics who co-authored an op-ed for the New York Times were killed or shot. Was this to send
a message to others who might be considering following in their footsteps?
- Were War Critic Soldiers Killed To Send Message?
Sep 15, 2007
- Just over three weeks after the op-ed was published, two of its authors, Mora and Sgt.
Yance T. Gray, were killed in an apparent vehicle accident when their truck veered off an
elevated highway in western Baghdad and fell about 30 feet. A third author of the letter
was also shot in the head in a separate incident during the time when the op-ed was being
written. Though Staff Sgt. Jeremy Murphy survived and is expected to make a full
recovery, the fact that three of the seven authors of the op-ed were either killed or received
life-threatening injuries shortly before and after the publication of the piece is highly
And then there is the issue of a rash of deaths surrounding Minot and Barksdale Air Force base
personnel. Do they have something to do with the so-called "oversight" where 6 cruise missiles loaded
with armed nuclear warheads were moved from Minot in N Dakota to Barksdale in Louisiana,
surreptitiously? One blog, The Pundit, certainly seems to think so, and has caused a stir on Internet
message boards. The Pundit lists 6 deaths, some occurring before the B52 flight on August 30, 2007
and some occurring afterwards. But those likely to stick their nose into a situation of a failure to follow
the correct procedures and complain might be eliminated before the crime, so that more complicit
personnel could be assigned. Here are the six suspicious deaths.
- Minot Base Officials Say Airman Dies While On Leave
September 12, 2007
- The Minot Air Force Base said an airman has died while on leave in Virginia. Airman First
Class Todd Blue, who was 20 years old, died while visiting with family members. The
statement did not say how he died. The base said Blue was a response force member
assigned to the 5th Security Forces Squadron. He enlisted in the Air Force in March 2006
and was assigned to the Minot base the following August. His squadron commander said
Blue was known to step up to help out his fellow airmen.
- Caddo Deputies Work Double-Fatality Accident
September 15, 2007
- Caddo Parish sheriff's deputies worked a wreck this morning in which two people from
Barksdale Air Force Base were killed. The two were riding a 2007 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle, with the husband driving and the wife the passenger. The woman passenger on
the motorcycle died at the scene, while the husband was taken to LSU Hospital in
Shreveport, where he died.
- Authorities Identify Minot Airman Killed in Crash
July 5, 2007
- Authorities have identified a Minot Air Force Base man killed in a crash on the outskirts of
Minot. Base officials say 20-year-old Adam Barrs was a passenger in a vehicle that failed
to negotiate a curve, hit an approach, hit a tree and started on fire. Barrs was pronounced
dead at the scene. The driver is identified as 20-year-old Airman Stephen Garrett. He was
taken to Minot's Trinity Hospital in critical condition.
- Bomber Pilot Killed in Crash
July 20, 2007
- A Minot Air Force Base bomber pilot was killed in a motorcycle crash in Tennessee. 1st Lt.
Weston Kissel, 28, was a B-52 pilot assigned to the 23rd Bomb Wing at the Minot base.
Kissel died in the crash while on leave. Kissel, a native of Tennessee, graduated from the
Air Force Academy in 2004, and arrived at the Minot base in July last year.
- Body of Missing Air Force Captain Found
September 10, 2007
- The body of a missing Air Force captain from Florida has been found near Badger Peak in
northeast Skamania County, Washington. Acting on a tip from Portland police, Skamania
County authorities found Capt. John Frueh's rental car about noon on Saturday. They
quickly began a search and rescue mission and, with the help of search dogs, found Frueh's
body near the vehicle about 5 pm. Authorities said foul play is not suspected. Frueh, 33,
came to Portland late last month to attend a friend's wedding. He last spoke with family on
Aug. 30.
And what do the Zetas have to say about the spike of suspicious deaths surrounding the B52 warhead
theft and the criticism of the War in Iraq?
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/20/2007: Assassinations to eliminate whistleblowers or critics is nothing
new. Journalists have been shot in the head or in the back since the start of Bush's War in Iraq,
with the attempted assassination of an Italian journalist one that hit the press dramatically. Her
case, which is still in the courts, is one that came to light, but most are brushed under the rug.
Journalists soon learn to speak the Bush line or be silent, frankly on pain of death if they step
over the line. Making an example is a common way of approaching such issues. Football star
Tillman, who was going to become a critic of the war, was such an example. He was shot in the
back of the head, at point blank range. Where the cover-up over this assassination was in place
for the public, the true facts only recently coming to light, the true circumstances were spread
throughout the armed services by rumor, and thus the assignation was considered to have served
its purpose.
These two instances are no different. Pointedly shooting a critic in the head, or cutting the brake
or steering mechanisms and installing a minor explosive device so an accident occurs on the
road, are assassinations easily arranged. Such assassinations may pick up in the future. The Bush
White House and their cronies will find themselves more desperate to achieve their goals. They
will be more willing to take chances and thus place themselves in circumstances more exposed to
whistleblowers. And past crimes will become a worry, with any possible witnesses eliminated
before they can be questioned by investigators. Such assassinations always have a flip side, as
they are noted by many, and increase determination to prosecute and bring to justice those
September 14 Stand Down
On September 14, 2007 the military conducted a stand down, an inspection on all bases. This was in
reaction to the August 30, 2007 flight of 6 warheads from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air
Force Base in Louisiana.
- Langley Jets Grounded Next Week for Safety Review
September 9, 2007
- Officials say the stand down next Friday was prompted by an August incident where a
B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown across several
states. The advanced nuclear cruise missiles loaded on the B-52 were scheduled to be
decommissioned and were flying from North Dakota to Louisiana.
Were they searching for a missing warhead? This article on the Jeff Rense website certainly seems to
think so.
- Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke?
September 12, 2007
- Conclusion: Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota. Five
nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. Which leads to my
chilling conclusion: Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the
United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.
The Zetas say that far more than a search for a missing warhead or a check on procedures was
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/22/2007: As was noted by many commenting upon the planned stand
down, such a procedure when announced places the nation in danger. No jets would be
scrambled, or would be slow to scramble, for instance, so the nation could come under attack.
Were they looking for the missing warhead? This had already been found at Barksdale Air Force
Base, though the confusion over whether 5 or 6 warheads had gone missing was never clarified
in the news. The whole matter has been treated in an understated manner, with the perpetrators
hoping that the issue will go away and disappear from the radar of newscasters and the curious
public. Those caught in this crime will receive military justice off the radar and out of the news,
with demotion and reassignment of those involved hardly the outcome. The investigation within
the military has gone higher up the chain of command, and includes the obvious assassination of
a number of airmen just ahead of and following the attempted theft of these warheads. Why the
stand down then involving all bases on the continental US? Those conducting the internal
investigation were aware of other missing warheads, and knew where they would find them.
Without a continent-wide inspection, a shuffle could take place, the warheads being moved about
just ahead of an inspection team. Did they find what they expected to find, and arrest those
responsible? Absolutely, across the board. But you won't read this in the news!
Blackwater Expelled
Blackwater, the largest private security firm under contract to the US government in Iraq, has long had a
reputation for just shooting Iraqis for no cause, or in overreaction to some perceived threat. Their
careless lack of regard for innocent Iraqi life finally got them expelled from Iraq.
- Iraq Expels American Security Firm
September 17, 2007
- The Iraqi government announced it was ordering Blackwater USA, the security firm that
protects US diplomats, to leave the country after what it said was the fatal shooting of
eight Iraqi civilians following a car bomb attack against a State Department convoy. The
order by the Interior Ministry, if carried out, would deal a severe blow to US government
operations in Iraq by stripping diplomats, engineers, reconstruction officials and others of
their security protection. The presence of so many visible, aggressive Western security
contractors has angered many Iraqis, who consider them a mercenary force that runs
roughshod over people in their own country. Sunday's shooting was the latest in a series of
incidents in which Blackwater and other foreign contractors have been accused of shooting
to death Iraqi citizens. None has faced charges or prosecution.
In one of the most horrific attacks of the war, four Blackwater employees were ambushed
and killed in Fallujah in 2004 and their charred bodies hung from a bridge over the
Euphrates River. Iraqis have long complained about high-profile, heavily armed security
vehicles careening through the streets, with guards pointing weapons at civilians and
sometimes firing warning shots at anyone deemed too close. And Iraqi officials were quick
to condemn the foreign guards. About 4,600 contractors are in combat roles, such as
protecting supply convoys along Iraq's dangerous, bomb-laden highways. Blackwater, a
secretive North Carolina-based company run by a former Navy SEAL, is among the
biggest and best known security firms, with an estimated 1,000 employees in Iraq and at
least $800 million in government contracts. In May 2007, a Blackwater employee shot and
killed a civilian who was thought to be driving too close to a company security detail. Last
Christmas Eve, an inebriated Blackwater employee shot and killed a security guard for an
Iraqi vice president.

The contractors fall into a gray area, authorized to operate without oversight or accountability, as they
are not under military law nor could they, in the past, be prosecuted per Bremer's Order 17 whereby
they were forgiven all crimes.
- U.S. Immunity in Iraq Will Go Beyond June 30
June 24, 2004
- The Bush administration has decided to take the unusual step of bestowing on its own
troops and personnel immunity from prosecution by Iraqi courts for killing Iraqis or
destroying local property after the occupation ends and political power is transferred to an
interim Iraqi government. The administration plans to accomplish that step -- which would
bypass the most contentious remaining issue before the transfer of power -- by extending
an order that has been in place during the year-long occupation of Iraq. Order 17 gives all
foreign personnel in the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority immunity. US
administrator L. Paul Bremer is expected to extend Order 17 as one of his last acts before
shutting down the occupation next week. The order is expected to last an additional six or
seven months, until the first national elections are held.
Contractors are hated in Iraq. Is it any wonder when they post trophy videos of the murder of innocent
Iraqis on their web sites?
- Trophy' Video Exposes Private Security Contractors Shooting up Iraqi Drivers
November 11, 2005
- A "trophy" video appearing to show security guards in Baghdad randomly shooting Iraqi
civilians has sparked two investigations after it was posted on the internet. The video has
sparked concern that private security companies, which are not subject to any form of
regulation either in Britain or in Iraq, could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of
innocent Iraqis. The video, which first appeared on a website that has been linked
unofficially to Aegis Defence Services, contained four separate clips, in which security
guards open fire with automatic rifles at civilian cars. All of the shooting incidents
apparently took place on "route Irish", a road that links the airport to Baghdad.
VIDEO: Aegis Trophy Video for Windows Media Player
VIDEO: Aegis Trophy Video for Quicktime
Recently it came to light that Blackwater was purchasing combat airplanes from Brazil.
- Blackwater Buys Brazilian Bombers
August 27, 2007
- Security company Blackwater USA is buying Super Tucano light combat aircraft from the
Brazilian manufacturer Embraer. The Super Tucano is basically a prop driven trainer that
is equipped for combat missions. The aircraft can carry up to 1.5 tons of weapons,
including 12.7mm machine-guns, bombs and missiles. The aircraft cruises at about 500
kilometers an hour and can stay in the air for about 6.5 hours per sortie.
Brazil? What are they up to? And does their close association with Bush and Rumsfeld bode ill for US
citizens during any martial law attempts?
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/8/2007: Blackwater is operating on what might be popularly called the
Dark Side - Cheney and Rumsfeld and the Bush family and their close associates. Even before the
US military began to resist, to rebel, they were funding special operations via Blackwater and
their ilk, as there was zero oversight and lots of funds. Due to the Congress switching to
Democratic hands, there is now more oversight, or the threat of this, and war profiteering and
the building up of private armies for those in the White House is feared to be next. This is an area
that has not had Congressional oversight, and it is begging for it. Thus, to avoid scrutiny, or so
they hope, they went shopping in odd places!
Gore's Plans
Will we encounter Blackwater, quelling the US population during martial law attempts? Certainly, if
Bush and company are in charge, but the Zetas have consistently predicted that they will be ignored, if
still in the White House, and stated that Bush has frequently tried to invoke martial law but has been
blocked. But what if Speaker Pelosi or Al Gore were in charge. What might the plan be then?
Question: I have tried to consider the position of the next president of the US, assuming it will be
Al Gore or another human who feels an obligation to notify the public of the impending passage.
One can quickly foresee the potential ramifications of such a notice. The Zetas have mentioned
small survival groups is the desired solution by the Puppet Master, however, if the planet is
officially informed of the passage it seems to me that he/she would feel a need to be proactive in
relocating the masses from the coasts and setting up these diverse, small survival groups. It takes
about five seconds of thinking about that to realize the virtually insurmountable problems that
must be overcome in that scenario - organized transportation, enough safe land to relocate to,
diverse infrastructures such as food production and distribution during the transition, sanitation,
security, mob control, etc. - a nightmare to be sure. Can the Zetas tell us what goes through
Gore's mind and that of other leaders who wish to help others survive?
ZetaTalk Prediction 9/15/2007: We can tell you the plan, loosely. They intend to honestly inform
the public of what is likely to occur. They will explain that social services as they are known
today will not be possible. Government will do what it can, but it cannot do the impossible.
Government was never set up to do what would be required, so should not be expected to
operate as a rescue operation. People must rely upon themselves, and help each other. This will
be the announcement. People will be advised to leave the coast. Travel restrictions will be
imposed to prevent looting and invasion of private citizens' homes from happening. Thus those
with family or friends willing to take them in, inland, will be allowed to travel from cities, others
will not be.
It is the wish of Al Gore that busloads of people in cities be taken to rural areas where they can
at least forage, disbursed in this manner, but this plan is unlikely to get cooperation from state
and local government and thus will fail. State and local government will be the deciders in the
end, as federal government breaks down during the last weeks. The US military will be in the
main returned to the continental US, with the enlisted allowed to return to their homes to be with
their families. In this way, the soldiers are less likely to become armed gangs, and will become
defenders of their homes and families, at least so it is hoped. Those trapped in cities are likely to
force an escape at the last minute and flood the rural areas around the cities, in any case. We
have advised, repeatedly, that those hoping to survive make their plans early, make their moves
early, and have a strong footing in a rural area for the days when travel restrictions might be
imposed. This advice still stands.
Peru Meteor Sickness
Hundreds of people were sickened after a meteor plunged to Earth in Peru. Livestock too, was
affected, with one farmer reporting his bull had dropped dead.
- Mystery Illness Strikes After Meteorite Hits Peruvian Village
September 17, 2007
- Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a
fiery crash to Earth in their area. Residents complained of headaches and vomiting
brought on by a strange odor. Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also
became ill and had to be given oxygen before being hospitalized. Rescue teams and experts
were dispatched to the scene, where the meteorite left a 100-foot-wide and 20-foot-deep
crater. Boiling water started coming out of the crater and particles of rock and cinders
were found nearby.
Analysis confirms that it was indeed a meteor, and not some kind of local explosion that blew open the
hole in the ground.
- Scientist Confirms Meteorite in Puno, Peru is a Chondrite
September 18, 2007
- Peru's official government news agency reported this afternoon that scientists who went to
the town of Carancas in the Region of Puno, Peru, have confirmed that the glowing object
which fell from the sky on Saturday afternoon was indeed a meteorite. The chondrite was
not radioactive and did not have any toxic gases or substances which could be harmful to
peoples health. National University of Altiplano, Peru's Nuclear Energy Institute, the
National Institute of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health and a Bolivian university
are all taking part in the analysis of the area.

The Zetas explain that the source of the sickness is indeed the meteor!
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/22/2007: We have explained that the tail of Planet X, when it wafts the
Earth during the pole shift, drops the components of petrochemicals onto the Earth, sometimes
while aflame. These petrochemical components have been gathered into the tail during the many
passages by Planet X through the Asteroid Belt in the past. These petrochemicals are also the
basis of oil deposits on Earth. The Asteroid Belt was once about two dozen planets, most of them
water planets, which were pelted to pieces during these times. The water from these water
planets was slung about and became the dirty snowballs humans call comets that sling past the
Sun periodically. The magma from these shattered planets of course became the Asteroid Belt.
But there was more than water and rock that was disbursed. There was life, components of life,
as these water planets were life bearing planets. Out in space, such components cannot rot, as
the bacteria that cause decomposition have no oxygen. But as recently falling orange snow in
Siberia has shown, when deposited in an environment where bacteria and oxygen exist, these
petrochemicals soon rot! How can these petrochemicals survive the fall to Earth, when solid
objects and the meteor itself is set ablaze? Certainly meteors survive the fall, and are located and
considered prized objects for museums or private collectors. If the meteor is small, it may burn
completely upon entry, but if large, survives. Upon impact, the meteor can explode, releasing
petrochemicals encased within.
This is what occurred in Peru when a large meteor from the tail of Planet X exploded on impact,
releasing a soup of biological elements into the atmosphere. These did not contain life, such as
bacterium or viruses, but were not the harmless components of rotting life one finds in cesspools
or during soil formation. It was not merely stinky -- it was irritating. The components picked up
in the past during periodic passages of Planet X through the Asteroid Belt are not simply
representative of the life on a water planet, which might be assumed to be vegetative and lower
life forms such worms or protozoan. This soup includes the results of decomposition, in various
stages. What adheres to the tail of Planet X varies according to chemical attraction, so some
material is gathered while other material is ignored. Thus, an exploding meteor does not spew
forth what one might find in rotting material, as some irritating chemicals are there in excess.
Can these chemicals kill? The report of the bull dropping dead should not be unexpected, as the
vapors released when the superheated meteor exploded replaced the normally available oxygen.
The bull simply suffocated.
This is not the first time the tail has deposited rotting matter on the Earth, and it won't be the last!
- Russia Probes Smelly Orange Snow
February 2, 2007
- Russia has flown a team of chemical experts to a Siberian region to find out why smelly,
coloured snow has been falling over several towns. Oily yellow and orange snowflakes fell
over an area of more than 570sq miles in the Omsk region on Wednesday. Chemical tests
were under way to determine the cause. Residents have been advised not to use the snow
for household tasks or let animals graze on it. Vladimir Gurzhey, an official with the civil
defence ministry in Omsk, told the Russia TV channel that the snow had four times the
normal levels of iron in it. The coloured snow had fallen in the neighbouring regions of
Tomsk and Tyumen.
Video Clip on the Insanity of King George
The Zeta Report 11, September 23, 2007 - The Insanity of King George. Why the increasing
mention of Bush's mental state in the news?
Click on the image to play.
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