G8 Russian Roulette
This week the G8 are meeting.
The Group of Eight (G8), formerly G7 until Russia joined, is an international
forum for the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia,
the United Kingdom and the United States. Together, these countries represent
about 65% of the world economy. The eight countries making up the G8
represent about 14 percent of the world population, but they account for nearly
two thirds of the world's economic output measured by gross domestic product.

Per the Zetas the official agenda and the real agenda differ. The Zetas have often referred to the
White House plans to dominate the world after the pole shift by commandeering all the oil
fields of the world, including those in Russia. Russia has been steadily antagonized by Bush,
starting with Bush canceling the disarmament treaties in 2001
- US Withdrawal from ABM Treaty, December 13: Announcement & Reaction
Dec 13, 2001
- Remarks by President Bush on National Missile Defense: the need for America to move
beyond the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. Today, I have given formal notice to
Russia, in accordance with the treaty, that the United States of America is withdrawing
from this almost 30-year old treaty.
to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, both invasions having oil as the driving factor
- The Deadly Pipeline War: US Afghan Policy Driven by Oil Interests
Dec 9, 2001
- George W. Bush justifies his bombing of Afghanistan as a war against terror. A twin
motive, however, is to make Afghanistan safe for United States oil interests. Prior to
September 11, United States policy toward the Taliban was largely influenced by oil.
Former French intelligence officer Jean-Charles Brisard and journalist Guillaume
Dasquie document a cozy relationship between George W. Bush and the Taliban.
Caspian oil, landlocked between Russia, Iran and former Soviet republics, presents
formidable transport challenges. Afghanistan is strategically located near the Caspian
to the interference with the elections in the Ukraine, Russia has been encircled and threatened
by the US.
- Russian Roulette
Oct 30, 2004
- Meanwhile, the Russians - in Russia itself as well as in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea -
can hardly be thrilled about the attempted revolution in Kiev.
The battles have been mostly behind the scenes, for instance with the giant Russian oil
company, Yukos, taken over by the state, forcing US oil company interests to lose their bid for
- Russia Plans to Proceed With Yukos Oil Auction
Dec 17, 2004
- Russia pledged Friday to ignore a U.S. court ban on the looming auction of oil giant
Yukos' key production unit. Russian officials said the ruling was irrelevant on Russian
soil and promised the auction would go ahead on Sunday. Russia's state-owned natural
gas monopoly Gazprom is expected to win the auction, making it -- and by default, the
Russian government -- one of the biggest oil businesses in Russia virtually overnight.
Yukos management and outside observers say the back taxes and the jailing of its
former chief executive Mikhail Khodorkovsky on fraud and tax evasion charges are
aimed at neutralizing Khodorkovsky's political activities and reasserting state control
over Russia's economically crucial oil industry.
Russia has also supported Iran, its neighbor, by blocking US seeking sanctions at the UN, as
has China which gets much of its oil from Iran. In the push to block Russia, Bush has tried to
ally strongly with Europe, especially with some of the weaker Eastern European states abutting
Russia. Going into the G8 on a weak footing, Bush is trying to put on a good face regarding
Global Warming, as the US is one of only two countries not agreeing to the Kyoto Treaty re
emissions. Per the Zetas, this is a stalling posture on the part of Bush, who is being insincere
and is seen as that by the Europeans.
- Bush Urges 15 Nations to Reach Global Emissions Goal by 2008
May 31, 2007
- Bush called for the first in a series of meetings to begin this fall, bringing together
countries identified as major emitters of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
The list would include the United States, China, India and major European countries.
The president outlined his proposal in a speech ahead of next week's summit in
Germany of leading industrialized nations, where global warming is to be a major
topic and Bush will be on the spot. The United States has refused to ratify the landmark
1997 Kyoto Protocol requiring industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases to
1990 levels by 2012. Developing countries, including China and India, were exempted
from that first round of cuts. Bush rejected the Kyoto approach.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/2/2007: The Bush families arrogance toward emission control is
legendary, the Senior Bush roaring around on his cigar boat declaring that the US has a
right to protect and demand their way of life be perpetuated during an oil crisis, for
instance. That the US, the biggest polluter, has been demanding an exemption from the rules
as their corporate interests would be discomfited has stood in opposition to the rest of the
world which has been agreeing to change. What changed, in the weeks going into the G8
summit? Bush is on the ropes, and has been increasingly mouthing the right words over this
past year, in an attempt to fool the sheeple. He has plunged in the polls, the true numbers
not reported as they are worse than might be imagined. He is hated around the globe, by
rich and poor alike. He is seen as vapid, insecure, incompetent, unworthy of a leadership
position, and when faced with difficult decisions, stubborn on getting his way regardless of
the costs. The G8 posture is simply a way of trying to get good press for the US, as he has
no intention of changing anything. This will fool few, as his record stands for itself, and his
recent attempts to mouth the right words on many issues is seen for what it is.
Last week, the battle with Russia finally broke into the open, with Putin calling Bush on his
reasons for wanting to install missiles in Eastern Europe, pointing at Russia! Just ahead of the
G8 meeting, Putin declared that Bush had started it, and he would have no choice but to defend
mother Russia by a return to the Cold War, if necessary. Russia would be forced to install
missiles pointing at Europe!
- Bush Opens Europe Trip on Jarring Note
Jun 4, 2007
- President Bush's European trip was jarred as it began Monday by deteriorating
relations with Russia and threatening words from President Vladimir Putin. In a
diplomatic poke in the eye at Putin, Bush bracketed the summit with stops in the Czech
Republic and Poland - the two countries where the United States wants to build a
missile defense system for Europe. Already complaining of being encircled by NATO's
expansion, Putin said putting missile defenses on Russia's doorstep would ignite a new
arms race. He threatened to retarget Russia's missiles toward Europe. Bush says the
anti-missile program is intended to protect Europe from states like Iran and North
Korea, but Putin said neither country possesses the rockets the American system is
intended to shoot down.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/2/2007: Russia, as all countries, is looking out for their interests
as the pole shift approaches. They can see the US will be chased out of Iraq and not even be
a player in the Middle East after the shift. They are in contact with Iran, China, and any
other country likely to be a player after the shift on their continent. Putin takes a stand
against the Bush Administrations attempts to use Europe as their puppets, to incroach into
Russia. The invasion of Afghanistan had Russian oil as the goal, not Bin Laden, who was
allowed to escape to remain as the boogyman.
Bush has tried to assert leadership among the Europeans by chiding Putin over democratic
ideals. But at a time when the US had a clear record of voter fraud in the 2000 and 2004
elections, keeping Bush in power, and erosion of liberties under the Patriot Act, this all has a
hypocritical ring.
- Bush Says Russia has 'Derailed' Democratic Reforms
Jun 5, 2007
- On the eve of the G-8 summit, US President George W. Bush has told Russian President
Vladimir Putin he has nothing to fear from the planned US missile shield in eastern
Europe. But his statement that Moscow has "derailed" democratic reforms isn't likely
to break the new ice between Russia and the US. Opinion polls show 60 percent of
Czechs are against the shield.
Faced with this uproar, matters not going well regarding the planned missile installations, Bush
attempts to speak for Putin. Do you suppose Europe is reassured and Putin is pleased that Bush
has become his spokesperson?
- Bush Says Russia Won't Attack Europe
Jun 6, 2007
- President Bush on Wednesday discounted Vladimir Putin's threat to re-target missiles
on Europe, saying "Russia is not going to attack Europe."
Indeed, Russia has used the price of its natural gas as a political tool, letting Europe know
whose hand is on the spigot. This, done in the middle of winter! Poor Europe, in the middle
between the US and Russia! Where this seems to be a battle of words over terrorism and
democracy and oil and emission controls, there is something much deeper under the surface,
per the Zetas. These major countries are drawing a line in the sand, carving up the world, for
life after the coming pole shift! Russia, China, Venezuela, all telling the Bush crowd 'Yankee
go home!'. Here's what the Zetas had to say about the real agenda after Hu's visit to Washington
DC a year ago.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/21/2006: We have repeatedly stated that the heads of major
countries are aware of the pending passage of Planet X and what this means. These matters
are not discussed on the phone. They are not discussed by email or any kind of electronic
means that could be hacked or potentially spewed over the Internet. Face to face only. When
Bush and Cheney go over to Asia and the Middle East as they did recently, or Bush and
Condi go to Europe, what are they talking about? They're having face to face meetings.
When in Europe, there is the US Puppet Master, the House of Rothchild which is
headquartered in Europe. What was discussed during Hu's visit? Where will China sit?
What will China do? What will the US do? At what point is there a border that is considered
sacred? Or are there borders that are considered mushy? What lands that the US might
want to invade or take hold of during the pole shift would China allow in US hands. What
does China consider sacred? What lands around China were considered too close for
comfort? Stay out of Iran, because we would not allow the US with the greatest military in
the world to rush over into China's borders. What about Japan? The US is an ally of Japan,
but Japan is small and expected to be devastated during the pole shift. It's on the Ring of
Fire, with so many volcanoes. Up for grabs. Korea likewise. The US is already pulling
troops out of South Korea, and telling South Korea 'you're on your own'. So this was a
discussion about territories, and also along the lines of China's alliances with Brazil and
alliances in South America. The Bush administration would like to consider all of South
America their back yard. They're already trying to get a foot hold in Argentina and
conducting military games down there and being told 'we would like you to leave'. Israel is
also down in Argentina, as it is presumed to be a country that will do well after the pole
shift, not be flooded like Brazil. What does China mean by selling armaments in South
America, and how does the pushing and shoving and the desire of the Bush administration to
control both of the America's fit? Basically, China told them not to consider South America
their playground, that Russia and China are making alliances there and would like to
continue those alliances even after the pole shift.
Crop Circles
Where most of the crop circles this season look small and balanced, a
couple stand out. May 25, 2007 at Winterbourne, UK.
ZetaTalk Interpretation 6/2/2007: Most of the legitimate circles laid
this season are reflecting the quiesent period of late, the last couple
months, while the Earth is attempting to align with Planet X in a type of
side-by-side arrangement during his 270° roll, and thus not jerking
back and forth in an attempt to align magnetically with the Sun. We
have explained that this is temporary, a return to the wobble and lurch and a lean to the left
to start, with a vengeance. Imagine Earth in the center of this Winterbourne circle, being
battered back and forth between two opposing magnetic fields! The Sun is dominant, with its
N Pole pole pointing up. Planet X is next dominant, and will be pointing its N Pole out. The
poor Earth, who swings here N and S poles around daily to present to the Sun and Planet X,
will attempt to please both masters. If you thought the wobble was extreme before, just wait!
What will this mean for the plate, which have been loosened up, rock fingers along the
edges broken off, so they are slippery. More quakes, larger quakes, more distance during
each movement, and the stretch zones pulled upon hard. The New Madrid, already showing
stress, will not hold out much longer.
And another May 30, 2007 at Yatesbury, UK.
ZetaTalk Interpretation 6/9/2007: What is immediately noticed is
that this is not a hoax, as the circular lines are too precise, in a
barley field, too narrow to allow for correction in a manmade circle.
The second immediate observation is that this circle is an oddity,
compared to prior circles. Spirals have existed, but the placement of
circles like beads along the spiral is new. Where the spiral outward
is regular, the placement of beads seems to have no pattern. We
would point to another recent circle showing the jaring, rattling effect that competing
magnetic fields will have on the Earth, soon. We have long warned that the lean to the left,
leading into the 3 days of darkness, would be a time of great change on Earth. We have
stated that there will be Earth changes we have not detailed, deliberately, so as to knock the
establishment off its equilibrium so that the coverup might crack and the common man
become aware of that which the establishment has been hiding from them. What does this
crop circle tell man, about the next events to unfold? That they will be increasing in
severity, thus the number of beads as the spiral unfolds. That the Earth wobble will surely
get worse, and be accompanied by events that will happen irregularly. That these events
will have no discernable pattern that the establishment can use to plan their path.
N Hampshire Booms
N Hampsire was rattled last week by booms, as they are called, sound waves coming from the
- Earthquake rattles NH Seacoast
June 3, 2007
- Hampshire's Emergency Management Agency says a mild earthquake shook the state's
Seacoast area during the night. Many residents called police to report hearing
explosions and authorities are still trying to figure out just what happened. They say
the blasts might have been underground methane explosions. Emergency Management
says a 1.4 intensity earthquake hit at 10:30 and was centered about a mile and a half
north of Exeter. At the same time, and also a couple of hours earlier, police in
Portsmouth received numerous calls from residents reporting they had heard
explosions and felt concussions that nearly knocked pictures off their walls. Then,
around 12:45 this morning, Portsmouth police reported finding unusual levels of
methane gas escaping from the ground. Crews are digging holes to vent the
underground gases. Police say they don't know for sure if the explosive sounds were
from an earthquake or underground gas explosions or both.
Indeed, a couple small quakes had occurred.
Magnitude 1.9
Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 7: 56:02 PM
Magnitude 1.4
Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 10: 35:06 PM
Quakes this low are hardly noticed, even at the epicenter. So what was this?
- All Shook Up: Seacoast Jittery Over Series of Baby Quakes
June 4, 2007
- The quakes recorded so low on the Richter scale that Jim Van Dongen, public
information officer of the New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security and
Emergency Management, said he is surprised anyone even felt the rumble. It
practically feels like a logging truck going by. But Alfred Seyins of 10 Elwyn Road
didn't agree. It was one instance, but it shook the whole house. Nearby on Edgewood
Road, Myrna Promer said she felt something similar. Nothing was broken and nothing
even fell, but the whole house shook.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/9/2007: Earthquake monitors measure movement in the rock, but
not movement in the air above ground, which is what this was. Methane, escaping from
pockets released to the air by the movement of rock layers, especially in the stretch zone
where these rock layers are being pulled apart, can fumigate the area while rising (as
happened on Jan 8, 2007 during a large Earth Fart) or can explode. Tunguska in 1908 was
a methane gas explosion, lighted by lightning. Methane is highly combustible, like natural
gas, and consumes all the oxygen in the immediate area when such explosions occur, thus
preventing the spread of explosion to nearby areas. If in an open area, as in the out of
doors, it quickly rises and disburses unless a large pool is being released. Methane pools
along the Eastern seaboard are from rotting material long underwater when this land was
pulled under the waves during prior pole shifts. Such a stretch to submersion pulls rock
fingers apart, but also pulls some rock fingers over decomposable material.
JFK Bomb Threat
Here we go again! Another group of yahoos, closely watched by the FBI, being asserted as
master minds over a real threat to the US. This certainly was the hype on TV. Where the
goofballs hoping to make a name for themselves hoped it would be 'worse than 9/11' there was
no hope they would ever pull this off, nor would trying to explode jet fuel at JFK done much
damage, per the experts. But the headlines shouted 'worse than 9/11', giving the implication
that a holocaust was in store.
- Authorities Arrest 3 for Alleged Plot to Use Explosives at JFK airport
Jun 2, 2007
- Despite what has been deemed a "credible intent to commit violence," many sources
admitted that the groups plans were neither operational nor even feasible.
- FBI Official Believes Attack Could've Been Worse Than 9/11
Jun 3, 2007
- In an indictment charging the four men, one of them is quoted as saying the plot would
"cause greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks." Despite their "extraordinary
efforts," the men never obtained any explosives. Richard Kuprewicz, a pipeline expert
and president of Accufacts Inc., an energy consulting firm that focuses on pipelines and
tank farms, said the force of any explosion would depend on the amount of fuel under
pressure, but it would not travel up and down the line.
Why promote this pathetic group to such a level in the media? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/2/2007: This is another well watched plot that would never have
come to fuition, and we predict the news will report that the FBI was watching them,
stopping just short of providing them with the means to pull it off! Had the FBI not been
aware, they would have failed and you would never have heard about this plot. In any case,
this fuel is not highly flamable, and is not stored in any kind of quantity where equipment or
humans are about. It would have been harmless fireworks, at best. But of course, those in
the administration who are desperate to have the old days when they were regarded as
strong defenders of the people come back, will grasp at anything.
This is akin to that group planning to blow up the Chicago Sears Tower who were given
weapons by the FBI, or the Toronto teenagers who were given fertilizer by the Mounties, or
concealing explosive in sports drinks taken aboard planes, or more recently, the Fort Dix
attack. None of these plans could ever have succeeded, but are being touted as evidence of the
continuing threat against the US by terorists.
- Radicals Wanted to Create Carnage at Fort Dix
May 9, 2007
- The federal government has charged five alleged Islamic radicals with plotting to kill
U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey. The case began to take shape in January 2006,
when an employee of a store told the FBI someone had brought a "disturbing" video to
be duplicated. Two paid informants infiltrated the group, one in March 2006 and the
other in July. One of the informants claimed to have connections with an arms dealer
who could sell the alleged conspirators AK-47 automatic machine guns and other
ZetaTalk Explanation 5/12/2007: Indeed, this is a false terrorism alarm. In this, as in the
Florida case a year or more ago, and the Torondo case near that same time, there were
genuine Muslims involved, but they did not have the capacity for any serious threat in and
of themselves. In the Florida case, the FBI gave them the weapons, and this group was
equivalent to a bunch of teen agers thinking themselves grand and powerful. Take down the
Sear Tower? With a few hand guns given to them by the FBI! In Toronto, the matter was
revealed to be a case where the Mounties likewise suppied the 'terrorists' with fertilizer
with which to manufacture their bombs! This is the same plan, to strike fear in the populace
by a faltering Bush and Co government. They failed, as they have with their other attempts
and sudden announcements. No one takes this Bush Administration seriously anymore. No
ZetaTalk Video Clip on LA as Safe Location
The Zeta Report 8, Jun 10, 2007 - Why LA is not a safe location during the coming pole shift.
Where should LA residents dash to, in the last days?
Click on the image to play.
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