Dollar Stores
- Eye Glasses folding and non-folding type
- Light bulbs - Florescent low wattage screw in bulbs (AC 125V) - 12 volt halogen 50 watt spot - 200 and 500 Watt halogen tubes. 115
Volt AC night lights.
- Carton Clear Sealing Tape 2" (3.0 Mil works best for boxes. The thinner types can be used for sealing of paper documents from the
- Glues of all kinds including 5 min epoxy.
- LED red flasher. Battery operated light (Sold for bicycle safety but can be used any where for any purpose in a primitive environment at
- LED flash and task lights of all kinds (From time to time shows up. Usually sells out quickly).
- Low power soldering irons.
- Door/Window entry battery operated alarm. (Can be used to help secure food over night)
- Knifes (multi-function, pocket, kitchen)
- Glues and tapes of all kinds.
- Tire and tube repair or patch kits.
- Outdoor use thermometers.
- Battery operated clocks.
- Hardware assortment of screws and bolts
- Light reflectors stick on type.
- Fly paper traps.
- Pet supplies.
- Canned food goods of all kinds for storage.
- Boric Acid Roach and Bug Killer.
- Twist tie wire in roles (cut your own to length as needed).
- Safety goggles and dust mask. (Use during dust and wind storms)
- Plastic spray bottle with sprayer. (For gardening and protection - use cayenne pepper mixed with water and with particles filtered out. Spray
on animal's nose and eyes if in danger)
- Stainless Steel strainers of various types. (Take a magnet with you when you go shopping and look for that which is not attracted to the
magnet to determine if SS or not.)
- Small Kitchen Scale (typically about 2lbs max. Can be used to ration out food quantities.)
- Hour timers wind up type.
- Cleaning brushes of all types.
- Toiletry Items (soaps, disposable razor blades etc.)
- Sewing needles and thread for hand repair.
- Assorted sizes of safety pins.
- Nail clippers and files.
- Emergency Medical Supplies: Bandages, gauze roll, sports tape, disposable diapers (for gauzes), ankle and elbow supports, first aid
antibiotic ointment, Anti-itch and athletes feet ointment.
- Reusable plastic food containers with sealable lids (to keep bugs out)
- Zipper seal plastic bags and paper plates
- Soaps of all kinds
- Toys for kids.
Offered by Mike.