I think one can make a serviceable sextant based upon the common grade school protractor.
- Glue one of those "bubble" things, that contractors connect to a string to make sure the string is level, to the
bottom straight edge.
- Mount the protractor on a tripod or perpendicular post in the ground. That way you don't need any optics that
allow you to see both the bubble and elevation indicator at the same time.
- Under the clear base of the protractor glue a compass so the azimuth can be determined as you turn the
protractor on it's axis.
- At the junction of the two straight sides of the protractor, drill a small hole, through which you insert the end
of a straight wire, bent 90 degrees such that the long part of the wire lays along the side of the protractor.
- To use the device, swivel the whole device and sight along the wire to point to the landmark of interest. Read
the azimuth from the compass and elevation from where the wire crosses the protractor angle marks.
What have I missed? What improvements should be made? This we can construct/perfect today.
Offered by Ron.