There must be ways to defend without guns, but defensive measures nonetheless.
- How to booby-trap food stores (In a non-harmful way)
- How to make perimeter 'alarms' of some sort. Something that would make a hell of a lot of noise
when crossed.
- How to effectively split up resources so if theft occurs, it isn't all stolen.
- How to make a slingshot & which kinds of 'shot' will only repel, and what will actually kill. Maybe
how to make it out of natural materials, in case you need an effective weapon on short notice.
- How to make lots of thin tripwires and set them up so that anyone who doesn't know where they are
will trip and fall, probably yelling "@#$#@$#@$" during the 1/2 second before impact - alerting the
whole bunch to his presence.
- How to make some substance that just smells completely horrible, something that will make almost
anyone throw up just by smelling it. Like Syrup of Ipecac for the Nose. You could store valuable stuff
somewhere, and put the 'Hell-Smell' around it, causing wandering bypassers to wander elsewhere.
They probably wouldn't expect food to be in a smelly place, and you can put a clothespin on your
nose when you make food runs. (seriously!) =)
Also, perhaps some anarchy type things could be put to good use, like:
- Smoke bombs you can make on the stove, for smoke screens or something)
- Other ways to disable vehicles, like pouring sugar or other substances into the gas tank or sticking
bananas in the tailpipe or whatever.
Offered by Joe.