Hammock Net
Imagine that the day has arrived and the pole-shift is about to occur. How will you position your body in order to
prevent injury? I have this idea, and I don't know if its any good, but here it is:
- In an open clearing (away from potential flying objects like branches), set up a large hammock-like net that is
firmly attached to four deeply concrete-set poles. For the hammock, perhaps a fishermans net would suffice.
The idea here is to keep your body from flying in which ever direction the pole shift takes you! Alternatively,
perhaps just lying on the ground will keep individuals safe.
- A second part of the hammock could be an additional net that is positioned directly above the first with some
space allowed. Thus you have a sandwich made of nets. The top net protects you from being hurled out of the
lower net, and provides some protection from flying debris.
- The lower net needs to be above the ground far enough to prevent the maximum oscillation of the nets from
banging the user into the ground. If the body was insulated, and wrapped in protective garments, perhaps this
hammock could survive the terrific winds that occur during a pole shift where as many building won't
survive. Also, the net could be put inside a cleared-out room, given enough space and a metal roof above.
Is this idea any good?
Offered by Charles.