Books on Pole Shift
- [The] 12th Planet
- By Zecharia Sitchin, $6.99 ISBN: 038039362X Published by Avon September 1996. Sitchin's theories have a wealth of leads originating across the
sciences of archeology and astronomy, demonstrating over and over again that the ancient Summerians were aware of an additional planet in our Solar
- 5/5/2000: Ice: The Ultimate Disaster
- By Richard W. Noone, List: $16.00 ISBN: 0609800671, Published by Crown Pub May 1997 Wealth of factual evidence, including 223 illustrations and
interviews with geologists, archaeologists, and climatologists. Theorizes that the alignment of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn with the
Earth and her Moon on May 5, 2000 will cause a shift in the Earth's axis and great flooding.
- Beyond Prophecies and Predictions: Everyone's Guide to the Coming Changes
- By Moira Timms includes prophecies of the Hopi, Mayans, Babylonians,the Bible, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Great Pyramid all documented
scientifically and seismologically. $11.00 paperback.
- Coming Earth Changes:The Latest Evidence
- By William Hutton. $14.95 paperback. Published by Are Press. ISBN: 0876043619 American psychic Edgar Cayce predicted an acceleration in physical
changes in the Earth beginning in the period 1958-1998 which would lead to a shift of the Earth's poles at the end of the century. Geologist William Hutton
compares predictions in the Cayce psychic readings with the latest geophysical research findings and points to patterns of change described by Cayce as
long ago as the 1930s that appear to be coming true - with enormous implications for the next few years.
- Earth's Catastrophic Past and Future: Scientific Analysis of Information Channeled by Edgar Cayce
- By William Hutton and Jonathan Eagle. 598 pages, 2004. http://www.universal-publishers.com/book.php?method=ISBN&book=1581125178
- Earth Changes Update
- By Hugh Lynn Cayce, the son of Edgar Cayce $8.95 paperback.
- Earth in Upheaval
- By Immanuel Velikovsky. Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc, New York, and Buccaneer Books, Inc., PO Box 168, Cutchogue, New York
11935. Scientific reports compiled to show that the Earth herself is the best witness to periodic cataclysms occurring approximately every 3,600 years.
From flash frozen mastodons in the Arctic circle to a universal drop in sea level to whales on mountain tops, the evidence is undeniable.
- [The] End Times, Prophecies of Coming Changes
- By John Van Auken which covers prophecies from the Bible, Edgar Cayce Nostradamus and messages from Marian apparaitions. $12.95 paperback.
Published by ARE Press, 1-888-ARE-0050, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
- Genesis Revisited
- By Zecharia Sitchin, $6.99 ISBN: 0380761599 Published by Avon September 1996. Sitchin's theories have a wealth of leads originating across the
sciences; from archeology and astronomy through genetics and geology to zoology and zoomorphism, demonstrating that the ancient Summerians were
aware of an additional, inhabited, planet in our Solar System.
- Mass Dreams of the Future
- By Chet B. Snow. Documents that relationship between future dreams of many people about a future pole shift and the current earth changes, and where this
is leading. Popular book, a favorite of and highly recommended by many.
- Pole Shift
- Bby John White, presents the debate about pole shift, with scientific evidence that pole shifts occur on Earth and countering arguments. Published by A.R.E.
Press, 1-888-ARE-0050, Virginia Beach, Virginia. $9.95 ISBN: 0876041624
- When the Comet Runs: Prophecies for the New Millennium
- By Tom Kay. Examines millennial prophecies from Nostradamus, Ezekiel, Hildegard of Bingen, Edgar Cayce, Mary Summer Rain, Gordon- Michael
Scallion and others. $12.95 paperback published by ARE Press, 1-888-ARE-0050.
- Worlds in Collision
- By Immanuel Velikovsky. Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc, New York, and Buccaneer Books, Inc., PO Box 168, , New York 11935.
Documents written and oral history of the peoples of the world, describing what they experienced during prior pole shifts and the aftermath, showing
consistent patterns reported by isolated people never in contact with one other. Also translated into Dutch as Werelden in Botsing, Ankh-Hermes bv,
Deventer, ISBN: 90-202-3258-4