Books on Nutrition
- [The] Art and Science of Eating Insects
- By F.S. Bodenheimer, a Material World Book, published by Ten Speed Press, California. 192 pages.
- [The] Book of Whole Grains
- By Marlene Anne Bumgarner, The Grain-by-Grain Guide to Cooking, Growing, and Grinding Whole
Cereals, Nuts, Peas, and Beans. Compares essential Amino Acid Contents of all the grains, beans, nuts, and
peas in chart form. Discusses grinders. 1976. ISBN: 0-312-09420-7. Recommended by
decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Botany in a Day
- By Thomas J. Elpel. An orderly approach to understanding edible and medicinal wild plants, which allows
the reader to avoid having to memorize thousands of plants. User friendly and easy to read.
- Cookin with Home Storage
- Order from Backwoods Home Magazine (800) 835-2418, 228 pages, $17.95. How to incorporate stored
food into everyday life.
- Dead Doctors Don't Lie
- By Doctor Joel Wallach, a free tape on nutrition. Enter the title into a web search engine to locate the
current distributor and request your free copies.
- Diet for a Small Planet
- By Frances Moore Lappe. A million sold by 1975, and still selling well. ISBN 0-345-27429-6. Includes a
good set of recipes and guidance in balancing needed amino acids when avoiding meat or forced into a
vegetarian diet during tough times. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on
- Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type
- By Dr. Peter DAdamo, which includes specialized diets for each blood type to bolster the immune system,
avoid self imposed problems caused by diet, and reduce allergies.
- Edible Wild Plants
- By Oliver Perry Medsger. Covers all of North America, describing over 150 of the most promising species
and their habitats. This is an old-style plant book; so you will need a dictionary to decode the botanical
jargon. There are ample pen-and-ink illustrations and a few photos. Plants recommended are often eaten by
Canadian hunters and Indians when food is scarce. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De
Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Encyclopedia for Country Living
- By Carla Emery. Many recipes for whole grains, breakfast foods, breads, and growing tips, animal care,
primitive living, how to buy country land, back-to-basics life-style. Borders or Walden book stores.
Publisher: Sasquatch Books, 1008 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, (206) 467-4300, ISBN
- Food Insects Newsletter
- Available for only $5 from the following address: Florence V. Dunkel, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Editor,
Dept. of Entomology, Room 324, Leon Johnson Hall, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717-0302,
USA. or University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Entomology, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 93706
- Insects as Human Food
- by Dr W. Junk, 1951, published by The Hague. 352 pages.
- Making the Best of the Basics
- By James Talmage Stevens, published by Pelton Corporation, PO Box 11925, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Topics include home storage of food, making yogurt, drying fruits and vegetables, preparing game fish and
fowl, and household cleaning.
- Man Eating Bugs: The Art and Science of Eating Insects
- By Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio (A Material World Book, Ten Speed Press, Berkley, 1998)
- More-with-Less Cookbook
- By Doris Janzen Longacre. Suggestions by Mennonites on how to eat better and consume less of the world's
limited food resources. 1976 Simple recipes. Lots of information on substitutions for ingredients you don't
have. Breads, cereals, meat, soup, veggies, complementary protein, allowances for energy and protein,
garden, costs. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Natures Life
- a book on natural healing and vitamin suppliments.
- Old-Fashioned Dutch Oven Cookbook
- By Don Holm. Caldwell, Ohio. Published by Caxton, 1989, c1969. ISBN 87004-133-9. Also covers basic
Dutch oven care and use, and lots of Dutch oven recipes. Emphasizes wild game. Includes information on
gutting, skinning, and boning game, sourdough cooking, and drying and/or smoking meat. Also has a chapter
on the eating habits of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Recommended by decastro@netcom.com (Richard
A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Passport to Survival
- By Esther Dickey. Published by Bookcraft Publishers, 1848 west 2300 south, Salt Lake City, Utah.
predominantly concerned with food preparation, preservation and storage. Over 100 recipes showing how a
survival diet of wheat, powdered milk, honey and salt - may be used to supply the family with nourishing
and appetizing meals. Example: Wild yeast: 2 cups flour, 2 cups warm water, 2 tsp. honey; mix well and
place in bottle or crock, uncovered. Allow mixture to ferment five days in a warm room. Stir it several
times a day.
- Vitamins and Minerals for Health
- By the editors of Prevention magazine, 1988, includes a nutritional analysis of over 500 foods and specific
instructions on how to maximize nutrition from foods. Rondale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania.