Save Your Life
Survival: - A Manual That Could Save Your Life
by Chris & Gretchin Janowsky (Paladin Press)
This book is geared toward long-term survival in typical North American environments. A
wonderful little book. Chris runs the World Survival Institute in Tok, Alaska and is a
regular contributor to the American Survival Guide. The WSI can be reached at (907)
883-4243 or by writing to Box 394C, Tok, Alaska, 99780. He also produces videotapes,
including a set of 4 wilderness survival tapes, 5 combat martial arts tapes, and 5
emergency response tapes. Beware of imitators selling his Tracking & Ambush tape!
Survival Kit:
- complete fishing kit
- gill net
- awl with extra thread
- 25 ft 550 cord
- carton cutter (razor knife)
- solar battery charger for AA batteries, with rechargeable batteries
- signal mirror
- magnifying glass
- 2 pre-made wire snares
- bug dope (insect repellant)
- camo paint kit
- Katadyne H2O purifier
- extra H2O purification tablets
- spool of nylon twine, with capped center holding safety pins and sewing needles
- 2 compasses (1 regular, 1 lensatic)
- duct tape
- waterproof notepad with pens and pencils
- space blanket
- thermometer
- Altibaro (combination altimeter and barometer)
- spool of tripwire
Speed Pouch Inside Survival Kit:
- lock-back knife
- EZ-Lap diamond knife sharpener
- WSI Hot Spark flint
- firestarter
- small flashlight
- slingshot rubber
- surveyor's tape
- electrolytes
Medical Kit:
- 6 3X3 gauze pads
- 4X4 gauze pads (6 doubles, 4 singles)
- 3 4X5 Kling bandages
- 3 3X5 Kling bandages
- 1 field dressing
- 10 Adaptic nonadhering dressings
- triangular bandage
- Ace bandage
- addorted bandaids
- assorted rolls of tape, 1 waterproof
- safety pins, various sizes
- moleskin
- swab sticks
- field surgical instruments
- assorted sizes of suture thread and needles
- iodine
- antibiotic cream/ointment
- Lanacane cream
- eyedrops
- Tylenol
- Bactine
- potassium iodine tablets
- ground yarrow flowers and leaves
- Tums
- vitamins
- toothbrush
- dental powder
- dental floss
- snake bite kit (optional)
Fanny Pack:
- fishing line, 2 kinds
- small crookneck flashlight
- mousetrap
- book: Survival, A Manual That Could Save Your Life
- waterproof collection bag
- net bag
- 2 ponchos
- 100 ft 550 cord
- sierra saw with extra blade
- 3 heavy-duty water bags
- 6 regular water bags
Misc Items for Belt:
- canteen with drinking/cooking cup and outside pocket for water tablets
- large knife with sheath
Fishing Kit:
- 4-1/2" x 3" x 1-1/4" box
- 4 assorted dry flies #12 hooks
- 4 assorted dry flies #14 hooks
- 3 large lead jigs in assorted colors #4 hooks
- 4 small ice fishing jigs, assorted colors #12 hooks
- 6 lead-lined jigs, assorted colors #6 hooks
- 6 short shank #4 hooks
- 4 short shank #14 hooks
- 4 short shabk #2 hooks
- 6 long shank #4/0 hooks
- 1 gaff hook #8/0 hook
- 3 swedish pimples, assorted sizes (ice fishing jigs)
- 2 large safety pins
- 1 band-tied 3-hook worm harness
- 1 Rapella lure
- 1 red & white Dare-devil
- 1 small gold spoon
- 1 small silver- spoon
- 1 container floating fly dope
- 6 4" plastic worms
- 3 2" plastic worms
- 6 3-way swivels
- 6 ball-bearing snap swivels
- assortment of lead weights
- 1 tapered fly line
- 50 yards 18# test braided nylon squidding line
- 1 steel leader 8"
- 3 nylon leaders 20" each
- container fish poison
Large Survival Kit (for indefinite survival):
- sewing awl
- needle nose pliers with wire cutter
- needle
- dental floss (for sewing)
- folding knife
- Sierra saw (folding)
- ring saw
- survival saw
- snow shovel
- visqueen (heavy plastic tarp)
- water generator
- 3'x3' signal cloth
- fishing kit: safety pins, 150' 18 lb line, hooks, floats, bait, etc
- multivitamins
- protein tablets
- hard candy
- dried eggs
- dried milk
- tent cloth
- file
- silverware
- 3 space blankets
- compass
- signal mirror
- 2 sky blazers
- 4 candles
- micro-lithium flashlight, battery, bulb
- firestarter
- matches
- butane lighter
- flint
- bug dope (GI)
- 12 snares
- spool snare wire
- plastic drinking tube
- 2 heavy zip-lock bags
- p38 can opener
- water purification tablets
- sling shot rubber and ammo
- diamond knife sharpener
- whistle
- towel & facecloth
- soap
- 2 orange smoke signals
- 75 yards 42 lb nylon twine
- 75' nylon cord
- 1 pair work gloves
- metal cup
- mess kit
- small grill
- mousetrap
- 1 roll surveyors tape
- folding water jug