Stress Points on June 21-22, 2003
Stretch or compression stress points were Noted on June 16, then Increased on June 17-19 going into strong back-to-back Global Quakes on June 20
which notably resulted in two of the stress point, Brazil and the North Atlantic, having major quakes, but primarily the South American plate affected. Once
again stress points are noted, denoting either stretch or compression stress, during a calm of June 21-22, but here the Northern Hemisphere is primarily

Otavalo, Equador June 21 | Harvard, Massachusetts June 21 |
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Otavalo, Equador June 22 | Kongsberg, Norway June 21 |
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Qiongzhong, China June 21 | Bilibino, Russia June 21 |
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Qiongzhong, China June 22 | Bilibino, Russia June 22 |
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Tiksi, Russia June 21 | Magadan, Russia June 21 |
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Tiksi, Russia June 22 | Magadan, Russia June 22 |
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Midway Island, Pacific Ocean June 22 | Wake Island, Pacific Ocean June 21 |
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Kipapa, Hawaii June 22 | Wake Island, Pacific Ocean June 22 |
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