- June 19 SunRISE in Wisconsin : 0 minutes LATE
- Today the Sun was in the position I had viewed it on May 15 and subsequent to that, whereas it had been late getting to that point a couple days
ago. In fact, it should be much higher in the sky if the longer day going into the solstice is considered, so is still late, just relatively earlier than two
days ago.
- June 19 NOON in Arizona : 16 minutes LATE
- According to the accuracy (or non) of my wind-up clock. 12 o' clock high here in Northern/Central AZ is 16 minutes earlier by my marker.
- June19 NOON in Indiana : 0 minutes LATE
- 0 Minutes Late at high noon with marker in Indiana.
- June 19 SunSET in Spain : 5 minutes LATE
- I checked the time between sunset and end of twilight in Ibiza for June 19. Here are the findings: Sunset was at 21:24:52 or almost 5 minutes later
then the 21:20 Uhr schedule. Twilight ended at 22:20 uhr or 1 hour after sunset. Ibiza is located in the Southwestern Mediterranean off the East
Coast of Spain and north of the Tropic of Cancer.
- June19 SunSET in Texas : 9 minutes EARLY
- I think that it set 9 minutes too early in Texas. The official definition of sunset is when the top of the orange ball goes down past the horizon? That
is what I used. No Mountains, trees or buildings in the way.