- June 17 SunRISE in California : +5 minutes LATE
- Sunrise in California come about 5 minutes later than yesterday .I know because I been watching this phenomena.
- June 17 SunRISE in Arizona : 5 minutes LATE
- In Las Vegas the sun rises with 5-10 seconds delay on daily basis and June 17 became almost 5 minutes longer than June 15, which has no
explanation in the sunrise/sunset tables for our city. I'll be watching continuously.
- June17 NOON in Florida : 33 minutes LATE
- Yesterday when the Sun should normally be overhead at around 1:00 PM ET give or take a couple of minutes, it instead did not reach the
midpoint until 1:28 PM ET. Today the Sun did not reach the midpoint until 1:33 PM ET a difference of 5 more minutes.
- June 17 NOON in Wisconsin : 9 Minutes LATE
- We put several high noon markers in place, which with DST is 1:00 PM when the Sun is directly overhead. Our 1:01 marker was 8-9 minutes late,
not a big difference from yesterday. The other markers were consistenly later also, from yesterday and the day before, proportional to this
- June 17 SunSET in Texas : 13 minutes EARLY
- Sunset in Central Texas was supposed to be at 8:35 last night. It set at 8:23. Anybody have an answer for this? Any one else experience something
like this? I did use this site: http://www.adventist.org/sun/ It has been accurate in the past but yesterday something was off. This was for an exact
city so I don´t know how I could be too far east, but who knows. I do know that last week I was right on time every night as I checked.