- July 10 NOON in Virginia : 12 minutes LATE
- The Noon Sun was 12 minutes LATE in VA on 7/10.
- July 10 NOON in Missouri : 21 minutes LATE
- July 10th: The Midday sun was 21 minutes LATE in Missouri!
- July 10 NOON in Oklahoma : 35 minutes LATE
- 7/10/2003 No sunrise report - too many clouds to get an accurate reading. Sundial report: Shadow crossed over @ 1:35pm
- July 10 SunSET in Missouri : 9 minutes EARLY
- Sunset was 9 minutes EARLY in Missouri.
- July 10 SunSET in Missouri : 4 minutes EARLY
- July 10 sunset..huge brilliant yellow sun went down quickly, could hardly look at it, it was so bright. Pink orange started up as suns disappeared,
and again there was pink all around the horizon. Sun went down 4 minutes early. The 2 suns light flared out across the horizon as they went down
at sunset
- July 10 SunSET in Ohio : 28 minutes LATE
- Well, the sunset up here in cleveland was 1 and 1/2 hours late tonight. I looked it up on the Navy site and it was supposed to be sunset at 2002 or
8:02pm. Didn't set until 9:30pm. Getting pretty close are we? [Note: assumed only 28 min due to DST]