- Oct 27 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 0 minutes LATE
- Oct. 27 the sun rose on time.
- Oct 27 SunRISE in Idaho: 60 minutes LATE
- Sunday morning Oct 26 we set the clocks back one hour. The sun HAD been starting to show its light at 6:30-ish, so after the time
change it SHOULD have started rising at 5:30-ish. Guess what... Monday morning Nov 3 it was COMPLETELY DARK until 6:40, when
the sun should have started its rise at 5:30-ish!!! (Yes, I re-checked the clocks AND the TV and internet all showed the correct time).
- Oct 27 NOON in Guyana : 64 minutes LATE
- I live in Guyana, on the edge of South America, next to Brazil/Venezuela. I started checking the time of the Sun at high noon here in the
city in April and my first reading was 11:32 AM for high noon. On your site you explained to me that high noon was then 17 minutes late
for my location . Yesterday, October 26th, my marker reached high noon at 12:17 PM, and today, October 27th, at 12:19PM, late by a
further 2 minutes. High noon is now therefore late by 64 minutes here.
- Oct 27 NOON in El Paso : 82 minutes LATE
- Yesterday, Monday, noontime was 1217 hrs magnetic and 1311 hrs at my old mark.
- Oct 27 NOON in Seattle : 88 minutes LATE
- 10/27/03 Reading: 1:20 Chart, 11:52 actual, 88 minutes late here in Seattle.