- Oct 18 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 4 minutes LATE
- Oct.18 the sun was 4 minutes late in rising. Seems to continue a southward march.
- Oct 18 NOON in Virginia : 0 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached my baseline at 1PM on 10/18 in VA - ON TIME. True noon via compass occurred at 12:30PM.
- Oct 18 NOON in Poland : 31 minutes LATE
- Shadow check Krakow, Poland * time the shadow arrive same position OCT18- 10:24 -20 from last * shadow of Krakow moving
distance(for 30 minute) OCT18 - 9 mm ( 10:30-11:00) Sun transit 11:45 -6 from last CHANGE -17Last -20 +6Transit = 31L
- Oct 18 NOON in El Paso : 84 minutes LATE
- Today, Saturday, 10-18-03, in El Paso the Sun peaked over the Hueco Mountains @ 0713 hrs MDT. It reached the Noon position
(Transit Time 1251 hrs) @ 1415 hrs, 84 minutes late. Using magnetic N, the Sun cast shadow lined up along the N/S axis @ 1323
hrs, 32 minutes late. A new record late in El Paso for this method.
- Oct 18 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 27 minutes LATE
- The sunset was 27 min late according to my clock. But it is not a manual clock and I don't know what the real time is.