- Sep 11 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 10 minutes LATE
- Sept. 11 the sun was 10 minutes late in rising. Lots of pink previous to sunrise, which was a deep orange. Horizontal streaks of pink across
the sky.
- Sep 11 SunRISE in Missouri#2 : 25 minutes LATE
- I have never seen a sunset or a sunrise with this much RED. It was brief, less than ten minutes. And the effect quickly disappeared after
the sun rose, 25 minutes late.
- Sep 11 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 9 minutes LATE
- Sept 11: Missouri#2 Sunset was late, about 9 minutes. It had POURED down rain an hour before. The amazing thing was the RED, RED
Western Sky for about 10 minutes after the sunset. Just like the sunrise was SO RED, this morning for 10 minutes BEFORE the sunrise.
- Sep 11 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 38 minutes LATE
- Sept. 11 the sunset was 38 minutes late in finishing. An hour before there were large amounts of light pink around the horizon. At sunset,
and for quite awhile after, there were massive amounts of pink clouds. The pink has been staying longer, both in the sunrise and the