- Sep 5 SunRISE in Missouri #2 : 8 minutes LATE
- Sept 5: Missouri #2 Sunrise 25 min late! Sunset about 8 min late. Pink sky, over 1/2 of the horizon.
- Sep 5 NOON in Ontario : 15 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto Ontario, A.M overcast/sunny break P.M, 1pm 15E
- Sep 5 NOON in Virginia : 8 minutes LATE
- Today, I reset my compass to North/South latitude on the map (it had slipped a tid). I marked three lines (true noon with the compass at
12:49PM 1PM with a battery clock. The shadow baseline at 1:08PM). True noon = 12:49PM >> moving East >> 1PM line >> shadow
reached my baseline at 1:08PM.
- Sep 5 NOON in Texas : 18 minutes LATE
- The sun was 18 minutes 25 seconds late crossing the High Noon Marks in Houston, TX today! Slowly slowing down!!
- Sep 5 NOON in Seattle : 46 minutes LATE
- Very pronounced delay from Thursday's reading. Two days ago noon was at 1:49. Today it wasn't until 1:53. Midday chart said it should
have arrived at 1:07.
- Sep 5 SunSET in Ontario : 3 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto Ontario, A.M overcast/sunny break P.M, 2pm 20L, 3pm 48L, 4pm 65L, 5pm 75L, 6pm 72L, Note: adjusted for earlier
sunsets per diff from June 20 to present, 75 minute total.
- Sep 5 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 25 minutes LATE
- August 5 the sunset was 25 minutes late in finishing. Not much pink, sun blinding until almost at direct sunset.