- Aug 25 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 13 minutes LATE
- Oklahoma Sunrise 08/25/2003 Sunrise stated 06.50AM Sunrise actual 07.03AM
- Aug 25 NOON in Ontario : 7 minutes EARLY
- From Toronto Ontario, Sunny/overcast, 9am 62E, 10am 57E, 11am 48E, 12pm no rdg due to cloudy cond'n, 1pm 7E, 2pm 16L, 3pm 37L,
4pm 52L (last read'g for the day,enormous cloud cover)
- Aug 25 NOON in Virginia : 13 minutes LATE
- The Sun reached my Noon shadow baseline at approximately 1:13PM on 8/25 in VA - 13 minutes LATE. Going by my computer clock
made me late going to check on the baseline shadow. My computer clock has lost 3 minutes -I had not noticed. Compass reading revealed
true noon as 12:52PM, with a distinct shadow. For the last three days, the compass reading has deceased by 2 minutes per day.
- Aug 25 NOON in Texas : 17 minutes LATE
- The sun crossed the High Noon marks in Houston, TX today 17 minutes 25 seconds late today (25AUG03). Still diverging from what the
analemma curves show our Earth should be doing!
- Aug 25 NOON in Missouri #2 : 21 minutes LATE
- Aug 25 Missouri #2 Sunrise very early. Noon 21 min Late. Sunset close to the right time.
- Aug 25 SunSET in Warsaw : 14 minutes LATE
- [GMT is +01:00 for Warsaw] The first time is hour, when the sun should be down behind the horizon and the second hour - when it really
was.19:33 - was down 19:47 25.08.03y.