- Jan 31 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 8 minutes EARLY [1L]
- Jan.31 the sun rose 8 minutes early...Later there was still some pink in the sky at about 9:27 am. Don't remember seeing pink stay around so long
from sunrise. Also saw a pink area below the sun when the clouds were covering it.. Fire dragon?.
- Jan 31 SunRISE in El Paso : 2 minutes LATE [0L]
- This morning, Saturday, 01-31-04, in El Paso, the sun rose at 0700 hrs MST. Per Navy Sunrise 6:58 a.m.
- Jan 31 SunSET in Missouri#4 : 4 minutes LATE
- While trying to get a picture of the sunset I noted the time according to my SprintPCS phone (which automatically updates to NAVY time via
Sprint ever time it's turned on) According to the Farmers Almanac 5:17PM Actual: 5:21PM, so 4 minutes late according to the atomic clock. Re:
[WebForm] Missouri (St. Louis) Sunset 4 minutes late
- Jan 31 SunSET in Pennsylvania : 6 minutes LATE
- It's 6:12 pm and it is still light on the western horizon. It is true as others have been saying that the sky is lighter at night (it's not the snow). I'm
located in southeastern Pennsylvania. Pittsburg Per navy Sunset 5:37 p.m. End civil twilight 6:06 p.m.