- Jan 28 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 10 minutes EARLY [0E]
- Jan.28 the sun rose 10 minutes early.
- Jan 28 NOON in Virginia : 25 minutes LATE [0L]
- I could tell the Sun was approximately in the same place as previous noons. Interestingly, the ice on the trees distorted the Sun's shadow and I
could not get a reading.
- Jan 28 NOON in Missouri #2 : 10 minutes EARLY [2E]
- Mo#2 1/28/04 Looking for NOON today. Actual NOON seems to be getting closer to 12:00! The disappearance of the E/W shadow seemed to
occur about 12:20, around 12 minutes EARLIER than it did a week or so ago.
- Jan 28 SunSET in El Paso : 16 minutes LATE [3E]
- My 30 minutes late noon did not hold up until sunset. Sun went behing majoe peak at 1720 hrs. So, it will be about per the 1736 time given by
USNODS. Surging again?
- Jan 28 SunSET in Seattle#2 : 28 minutes LATE [0L]
- Sunset, remains at 28 min late. But weather is still, a little crazy. Snow was forecast, then a beautiful Spring day. Today: cold and windy.
- Jan 28 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 30 minutes LATE [0L]
- Jan.28 the sunset was 30 minutes late in finishing. Again twilight finished fairly quickly.
- Jan 28 SunSET in Missouri #2: 38 minutes LATE [0L]
- Mo#2 1/28/04 Adjusted sunset was suppose to happen at 4:52pm, it was about 5:30pm or about 38 minutes LATE.