- Signs of the Times #1220
- I'm having trouble keeping up with all that's wrong anymore [Oct 29], here in Mississippi. The face of the Man in the Moon is canted to
the left and the moon is setting too far North, while the sun is tracking too far South. Venus is even South on its track. At sunset yesterday
[Oct. 28] I thought I saw X. As the sun started below the horizon there was a faint crescent at the 10 o'clock position, about 3 diameters
out, and of a size that would have been 2/3 that of the sun. [and from another source] I had a sighting while I was in Alaska [Oct 27]
that looked almost identical to your photos. It really freaked me out and I asked other people to come out and view it with me while I was
at work. It looked just like a second sun to me. [and from another source] After you posted the "second sun" photos [Sign 1188] taken
from the Katkam http://www.katkam.ca/p.asp in Canada on Oct 14, I began watching it like a hawk so I might see such once again. For
days it was overcast, but then one day it was clear so I waited in anticipation, but do you know that somebody turned the camera to the
right and zoomed in on trees the thirty minutes of the sunset, and then turned the camera back for the afterglow! Very suspicious. So I
continued to watch many overcast days, and then on Oct 30th I see another clear day, but this time someone has deleted the sunset
frames. Go to the archives and put in 20041030 and see that even though the camera posts a photo every 5 minutes, at 18:00 it then skips
to 18:30, and the sun has already gone down! Somebody does not want us to see what is happening. [Note: photos from Kansas, Lick
Observatory, and Italy are showing the Planet X complex clearly these days.]

- Signs of the Times #1219
- The Moon is moving as I´m watching it. [Oct 31]
I am sitting at my desk in the UK and at 09.00 AM. I switched on my computer. As I opened my curtains, I observed the Moon to the NW
and thought of all the posts made on this forum about the Moon. In ten minutes it moved (and is still moving) as I type. There is a church
spire 300 metyres from my house. In ten minutes I have watched it move from 6/7 degrees to the left of the spire and it is now, at 9.13, 3-4
degrees to the right and moving North. How can the moon move to the North by between 9 to 11 degrees in 13 minutes? I am an
accomplished map reader (ex special forces) so don´t even try to suggest I don´t know how to use a compass (two of them both give the
same reading). It is now 9.20. Add another 4-5 degrees. It is still moving. This, for me confirms that I no longer trust those who post here
denying any deviation from the norm. It is moving. This can be verified. It is a clear day, no wind or clouds in the UK midlands. I´m sorry
but it is still moving, add another 4-5 degrees at 9.28. This is happening live, I´m watching it! This is live, it´s happening and it is
verifiable, a compass, a land mark and two readings five minutes apart. Three times, now, in 35 minutes it has moved over 20 degrees.
First reading 260 degrees +/- 2 at 9.00. it is now 9.40 and the moon is at 281 +/- 2 degrees. In a few minutes it will be behind a grownig
contrail from a flight that left Nottingham E Midlands air port.[and from another] I have just checked a very old DOS moon simulator I
have and your observation are not normal. I assume you are in Nottingham? 52.57 N 1.10 W? Anyway your reading at 09:00 should have
been azimuth 294.175 and at 9.40 301.344 [Note: big difference between 281-260 = 19 degrees and 301-294 = 7 degrees. The Earth
wobble was occurring as he watched, in addition to the tilt and lean of the Earth under the Moon. Excellent capture of data!]
- Signs of the Times #1218
Scientists Find Prehistoric Dwarf Skeleton [Oct 27] In a breathtaking discovery, scientists
working on a remote Indonesian island say they have uncovered the bones of a human dwarf species marooned for eons
while modern man rapidly colonized the rest of the planet. One tiny specimen, an adult female measuring about 3 feet
tall, is described as "the most extreme" figure to be included in the extended human family. Certainly, she is the
shortest. This hobbit-sized creature appears to have lived as recently as 18,000 years ago on the island of Flores, a kind
of tropical Lost World populated by giant lizards and miniature elephants. Evidence suggests Flores Man made stone
tools, lit fires and organized group hunts for meat. Near the skeleton were stone tools and animal remains, including
teeth from a young stegodon, or prehistoric dwarf elephant, as well as fish, birds and rodents. Some of the bones were
charred, suggesting they were cooked. [and from another source] Indonesian Man in the pure form also died out. The
Australian Aborigines also can point to Indonesian Man for a large portion of their genetic heritage. Indonesian Man
was short and stocky, with a rounded belly. He had a dominant forehead which protruded out over his eye sockets,
giving him the natural equivalent of shades. He was not swift, but moved in a ponderous manner, and thus his demise. [Note: from
ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk: Races of Man written in 1995. Zetas RIGHT Again!]
- Signs of the Times #1217
- Global Quakes in Sweep sets include an Oct 25-26 Continuous followed by an Oct 27 Big followed by Oct 28-31 Wobble were
accompanied by derailment in Japan and Montana and Detroit and Bend, OR and Myrtle Creek, OR and New Haven, CT and Little Falls,
NY and DC, and sinkholes in Russia and Baltimore and Winnipeg, and fireballs in Ohio and Australia, and St. Helens and Vesuvius and
Mount Iabu unrest, and water main breaks in Freemont and Boston and Scranton, and explosions in India and Siberia, and 13 Small
Plane crashes in the US alone in one week! [and from another] Reports of Meteorite in Licking County, PA [Oct 25]
http://www.10tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=2472919 Truck drivers we found at truck stops in Licking County reported seeing the
spectacle while they were on the road as far away as Indiana and Pennsylvania. Another 10TV reporter near Cincinnati at the time says
she saw as she was driving toward Columbus. [and from another] Confirmed: Meteor Passes Over Aussi Region [Oct 29]
http://murraybridge.yourguide.com.au/ Astronomical Society of South Australia technical information officer Tony Beresford said a
meteor had been seen in areas from Renmark to Adelaide before fading out. The meteor was brighter than the full moon.
- Signs of the Times #1216
- Shinkansen Train Derailment [Oct 25] The first time a bullet train left the tracks since such trains began running with the launch of the
Tokaido Shinkansen Line in 1964. [and from another source] No One Hurt as Cars Tumble off Track [Oct 23]
http://www.greatfallstribune.com/ Tossing 40 containers alongside the tracks. Investigators haven't determined what caused the train.
[and from another source] Train Derailment Evacuates Schools [Oct 25] http://www.clickondetroit.com/ Explosive contents in a train
derailment have created a Hazmat Level Three situation in a Detroit neighborhood Monday. Evacuations include three elementary
schools. The cause of the derailment was not known. [and from another source] Investigators Unsure Why 5 cars, 2 Locomotives
Jumped Tracks [Oct 26] http://www.bend.com/ Two locomotives and five cars on a southbound freight train derailed. The cause of
Mondays 2:30 a.m. derailment remains under investigation. [and from another source] Myrtle Creek residents asked to cut water use
[Oct 28] http://www.newsreview.info/ A diesel spill in Cow Creek. Some 4,300 gallons of diesel flowed into the creek after a train
derailment. [and from another source] Amtrak Train Derails in New Haven [Oct 29] http://www.boston.com/ No injuries were
reported, and investigators were trying to determine the cause. [and from another source] Freight Train Derails in Central New York
[Oct 30] http://www.newsday.com/ 25 cars off the track and the rails closed for at least 24 hours. [and from another source] Minor
Derailment Continues to Affect Train Travel [Oct 31] http://www.wtopnews.com/ Eight cars on a CSX freight train with 61 cars derailed
Saturday morning. Investigators were trying to find out what caused the derailment.

- Signs of the Times #1215
- Virginia Crews recover all 10 bodies at Hendrick crash site [Oct 25] http://sports.yahoo.com/nascar/ 10 people killed in the crash of a
Hendrick Motorsports plane that was carrying family and friends of one of NASCAR's top syndicates. Investigators will try to piece
together what happened from the wreckage, radar data and communications between the pilot and the airport. [and from another]
Small Planes Crash in Missouri [Oct 26] http://ap.tbo.com/ap/ A small private plane crashed while approaching the airport here, killing
two of three people aboard. The cause was not known. [and from another] Marion, WI [Oct 26] http://ap.tbo.com/ap/ A small airplane
crashed in the woods in the central Wisconsin town of Marion. [and from another] Pilot dead in Leominster plane crash [Oct 27]
http://www.boston.com/ Plane crashed into a shop shortly after it took off from Fitchburg Municipal Airport. [and from another]
Arlington Hts. Pilot not hurt in Crash [Oct 27] http://www.dailyherald.com/ Engine trouble at about 1,600 feet in the air. [and from
another] Investigators examining cockpit voice recorder San Diego area crash [Oct 24] http://www.kesq.com/ Federal Aviation
Administration are trying to determine what caused the jet to crash into the mountain shortly taking off from Brown Field on Sunday.
[and from another] Los Alamos Couple Hurt In Utah Plane Crash [Oct 26] Witnesses say visibility was very poor, but investigators still
haven´t determined the exact cause of the crash. [and from another] Atlanta Students Witness Plane Crash [Oct 27] Most students
were still in a state of shock after the plane met its fiery end, moments after it was seen spinning out of control. [and from another]
Fatal Kansas Plane Crash [Oct 27] The cause of the crash remains under investigation. [and from another] Plane crash in Glenwood,
SC under investigation [Oct 26] Pilot tried to make a second landing attempt after he flew past the airport. [and from another] Small
Plane Crash in Aiken County Kills Pilot [Oct 25] Pilot was preparing to land when the plane crashed. [and from another] Deadly Plane
Crash Still Under Investigation [Oct 25] National Transportation Safety Board investigators were still working Monday to determine
what led to a deadly plane crash near the Crawford County town of Chester last week. [and from another] 3 killed in Florida air
ambulance crash [Oct 20] http://www.chron.com/ There was no distress call then and no further communication with the helicopter.
[Note: this represents 13 small plane crashes within a week that were reported in the news, in the US alone. The worldwide average is
less than one a day. Something is up.]
- Signs of the Times #1214
Sinkholes Swallows 3 Cars [Oct 27] http://www.zwire.com/ Pennsylvania American Water said it is
too early to determine the cause of the break. [and from another source] Broken Water Main
Damages Businesses [Oct 27] http://sfgate.com/ The 24-inch water transmission line broke
underneath Amtrak railroad tracks at the Centerville station around 6 p.m. Officials do not know
what caused the break. [and from another source] Sinkhole Swallows Minivan [Oct 29]
http://enterprise.southofboston.com/ A city man narrowly escaped death this morning when a
30-foot-wide sink hole on Perkins Avenue swallowed his minivan. City officials said a 36-inch water
main gave way. The hole was at least 15 feet deep. Unsure what caused the 36-inch pipe to let
go.[and from another source] http://www.1tv.ru/ Yesterday [Oct 23] a sinkhole was reported in the
center of Saint. A couple of cars sank. Source: the 1st Channel of the Federal Russian TV). [and
from another source] Sinkhole Creates Traffic Problems in Downtown Baltimore [Oct 23] http://wjz.com/localstories/ A sinkhole opened
up in Downtown Baltimore. [and from another source] Sinkhole Snags Truck [Oct 23] http://www.canoe.ca/ A sinkhole about 20 feet
long, 10 feet wide and at least 10 feet deep. Sinkholes are almost always caused by cracks in the sewer system, often combined with an
undetected water main break.
- Signs of the Times #1213
- Thousands Shelter from Volcano [Oct 26] http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/ Mount Iabu, in PNG's Madang province, started throwing
up lava and ash on Sunday prompting authorities to advise nearly 4000 villagers on the island to move to safer ground. [and from
another source] Locals say Kalama River signals St. Helens' Awakening [Oct 26] http://www.oregonlive.com/ When the water turns
milky white it means Mount St. Helens may be about to blow. The Kalama never turned white except during volcanic activity. [and from
another source] Mt. Vesuvius Showing Seismic Activity [Oct 28] http://www.ov.ingv.it/seismogroup-file/ Today two million people live in
the immediate vicinity of Mount Vesuvius. The last major eruption occurred in 1944, but activity may start up at any moment. [and from
another source] Russian Coal Mine Blast Kills 13, Rescue Efforts Over [Oct 28] http://www.mosnews.com/news/2004/10/28/ Rescue
efforts at a Siberian mine after an explosion Thursday morning have ended. The bodies of all 13 dead have been recovered. The blast was
most likely caused by a methane gas leak. [and from another source] Indian refinery blast injures 16 [Oct 29] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/
Sixteen workers have been injured in an explosion at an oil refinery near the western Indian city of Baroda. The cause of the blast is not
yet known. Koyali, which refines 13.7m tonnes a year, is the biggest plant owned by Indian Oil, which is India's largest refiner.

- Signs of the Times #1212
Japan earthquake kills 20 [Oct 24] More than 1,500 were injured when a 6.8
magnitude quake and a series of powerful aftershocks struck rural Niigata prefecture,
setting off andslides, wrecking houses and buckling railway tracks. In Ojiya, a textile
centre of 40,000, a large area of land under a rail line had caved in, forming a
crater-like hole and leaving train tracks dangling. [and from another source] Oct.23
17:00 to Oct.29 24:00 - M6+ 3, M6- 2, M5+ 6, M5- 4, M4 30, M3 76, M2 161, M1
278. [and from another source] Typhoon Tokage produces record eight-story wave in
Japan [Oct 23] Typhoon Tokage produced the biggest wave ever recorded in Japan
as its rampaged across the country this week. The 24-meter-high (80-foot) wave, the size of an eight-story building, was monitored off the
port of Muroto on the southern island of Shikoku. The previous record was 20 meters in a wave monitored off Miyazaki on the southern
island of Kyushu when another typhoon roared by in August, 2004. [and from another source] Western Japan faces increased flooding
[Oct 25] Study shows sea level rising around Osaka, Nagoya, western Kyushu. The densely populated urban areas of Osaka and Nagoya
as well as the western Kyushu region surrounding the Ariake Sea are at risk from rising sea levels resulting from higher oceanic
temperatures. [Note: in dealing with record typhoons and rising seas and continuous earthquakes, all at once, Japan is portraying a very
minor preview of what people can expect during the coming pole shift.]
- Signs of the Times #1211
- Aren't there any terrorists out there? [Oct 28] http://story.news.yahoo.com/news? 'So far as she knows, Pufferbelly Toys owner Stephanie
Cox hasn't been passing any state secrets to sinister foreign governments, or violating obscure clauses in the Patriot Act. o she was taken
aback by a mysterious phone call from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to her small store in this quiet Columbia River town
just north of Portland. When the two agents arrived at the store, the lead agent asked Cox whether she carried a toy called the Magic
Cube, which he said was an illegal copy of the Rubik's Cube, one of the most popular toys of all time. He told her to remove the Magic
Cube from her shelves, and he watched to make sure she complied.' [and from another source] IRS: Churches can't pray for Bush victory
[Oct 28] http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ In a letter of clarification requested by a traveling minister, the Internal Revenue Service has
declared people gathered in tax-exempt churches can't pray for President Bush to win the election on Tuesday. The ruling comes in
response to a request by the Christian Defense Coalition, which is in the midst of a 15-day prayer tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania.
[and from another source] 34 Newspapers Switch To Kerry [Oct 26] http://www.illwillpress.com/tech.html 'In the race for newspaper
editorial endorsements, 34 newspapers that endorsed President Bush in 2000 have switched their endorsement to Senator Kerry. Only
four papers that supported Vice President Gore in 2000 have switched to President Bush.'
- Signs of the Times #1210
- British Medical Journal, 100,000 Iraqis Dead [Oct 29] http://www.thelancet.com Making conservative assumptions, we think that about
100,000 excess deaths, or more have happened since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Violence accounted for most of the excess deaths and air
strikes from coalition forces accounted for most violent deaths. The major causes of death before the invasion were myocardial
infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, and other chronic disorders whereas after the invasion violence was the primary cause of death.
Violent deaths were widespread, reported in 15 of 33 clusters, and were mainly attributed to coalition forces. Most individuals reportedly
killed by coalition forces were women and children. [and from another source] Nuclear watchdog insists Iraq explosives taken after US
invasion [Oct 28] http://www.turkishpress.com/ The International Atomic Energy Agency stepped back into the controversy over missing
explosives in Iraq Thursday, insisting that almost 330 tonnes had indeed vanished from a depot in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein.
The fate of the missing explosives has become a major issue in the US presidential election campaign, with Democratic challenger John
Kerry accusing incumbent President George W. Bush of incompetence in his handling of post-invasion Iraq. [and from another] 5
Eyewitness New Video [Oct 28] http://www.kstp.com/article/ A 5 Eyewitness New crew was based just south of Al Qaqaa, and drove two
or three miles north of there with soldiers on April 18, 2003.

- Signs of the Times #1209
- Diebold Employed At Least Five Convicted Felons In Management Positions http://techdirt.com/ 'Not only has Diebold been shown to
have incredibly insecure technology on their electronic voting machines (universal password: 1111), had their CEO say that he was going
to help his party win the election, been trying to sue every whistle-blower who calls them on this, admitted that they're going to try to jack
up prices for anyone who tries to force them to add a paper trail and been caught using uncertified software in a recent election, now it
also turns out that they've employed at least five convicted felons in management roles at their voting machine subsidiary. In fact, a
senior VP of the group, who was responsible for writing and maintaining the code used in their voting systems, served time in prison for
stealing money and tampering with computer files.'[and from another source] Thousands of Florida ballots missing? [Oct 27]
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6346293/ Mailed Oct. 7-8, many have not been delivered yet. U.S Postal Service investigators Wednesday
were trying to find thousands of absentee ballots which should have been delivered to voters in one of Floridas most populous counties,
officials said. Broward deputy supervisor of elections Gisela Salas said 60,000 absentee ballots, accounting for just over 5 percent of the
electorate in the county north of Miami, were sent out between Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 to voters who would not be in town on election day.
While some had begun to be delivered, her office had been inundated with calls from anxious voters who still had not received their
ballots. U.S. Postal Service Inspector Del Alvarez, whose federal agency is independent from the U.S. Postal Service, said it had yet to be
determined if the ballots reached the post office.
- Signs of the Times #1208
I have another image from Katkam (image right), of the double
Sun. Comparing the two images of day Oct 14 and Oct 26, it moves
retrograde. [and from another] Significant motion of Planet X in its
retrograde orbit in just two weeks! [and from another source] I
work nights in the oil field, so the guys and I check out the moon
every night we´re on the rig. We have some pretty good equipment
here that is used to keep the rig perfectly over the drill hole, and
have used it to check out the Moon´s movement. Notice I said
movement - not possible movement. We are also linked to the
NOAA and Naval Observatory and GPS. The point is this, the Moon
is supposed to move a certain amount every day in a certain
direction and then back again over the course of a month. What it
IS doing is way off the mark. Three nights ago the moon was 17.3
degrees South of East. On the 27th when we watched the eclipse it was almost due East. Last night 4 degrees North of East, and now
tonight we measured Moon rise over the horizon at 22.7 degrees North of East. We are using presision electronic equipment that keeps
the rig aligned directly East/West along a particular latitude. From this latitudinal marker we measure the deviance from due East and
compare it with what the Naval observatory says it should be. [and from another source] I´ve been watching the moon for over 50 years
and from both ends of the Earth. This crazy shit didn´t start til last May. [Note: Going into the 3 Days of Darkness, we lean left, the N.
Pole of Planet X coming round clockwise, pushing us over or our N. Pole leans into the Ecliptic.]
- Signs of the Times #1207
http://www.rumormillnews.com/ On my real moon,
the top sliver is still lit, not dark like the rest. It is now
8:00, I am supposed to be in full eclipse at 7:23. [and
from another] I am currently looking at the eclipse
here in Arica, Chile. I saw the eclipse begin earlier
than predicted (about 9:30 Chilean time, is GMT -4).
[and from another] From Washington State: 1. The
eclipse beginning at the 7 o'clock position but instead
of an exit at 2, the exit is at the 10 oclock position! 2.
The eclipse as seen from Washington state never
completed which is to say it never got completely dark.
3. The entire event began about an hour early. 4.
There seems to be some indication of a second source of light. [and from another source] 29 years ago as I watched a total lunar eclipes
there was no half lit moon as there was this time from Washington State. I remember watching the moon disappear totally. [and from
another source] Boy the Moon was way strange tonight! It came up way North [Oct 29]. I´m in So Calif, and I noticed the moon was way
farther south the night before. And it had moved halfway across the sky in one day. [and from another] Saw the same thing here. I live in
Chile. I never saw the moon move so much in one night before. [and from another] I live just south of San Francisco, on the coast, and
the tides are very high lately. This is not being reported on the news at all (not that I´ve seen). Everyone in my neighborhood is talking
about it and scratching their heads. Something is up. [and from another] I saw the same thing in Ontario tonight. The moon was way
outside of it´s positions of last night. It wasn´t anywhere near where it was last night, not even close. This is not right, and the media not
reporting it sure does tell us all something. [and from another] Confirm from southern hemisphere: Moon rise last night 1 hr too early.
Altitude at least 5 (possibly 10) deg too low. Moon rise was north of east, well off the ecliptic. [and from another] This morning, Friday,
October 29, 2004, in El Paso at 0645 hrs MDT the full moon was Azi 279, Alt 43. Note Skymap has it at 280 and Alt 20, so it rose much
further North than expected! [Note: Earth tilt and wobble evident from eclipse early or late and totality not as expected, and Moon
rapidly moving North within a day or two, indicating N. Pole of Earth leaning into the Ecliptic.]
- x