Oct 11, 2004
- UFO Spotted Near Fort Wayne
- A resident here got out his video camera and caught an object moving through the sky at a high rate of speed on Sunday. Brandon
McBroom used the family videocam to tape a strange looking object in the Sunday sky. He pulled over in the Croninger
Elementary parking lot and pointed the camera north-northwest.
- CU Researchers To Study Berthoud Meteorite
- University of Colorado researchers are planning their scientific analysis of a meteorite that fell near Berthoud last week. It´s only
the fifth meteorite to ever have been seen falling and then be recovered in Colorado. The meteorite weighs just over two pounds
and is about the size of a baseball. It is shiny and black, and has an irregular shape. Scientists say it appears to be made of igneous
rock and is melted on its surface from the heat of entering the atmosphere. The meteorite was recovered after it landed about 100
feet away from Berthoud residents Megan and John Whiteis. The couple was walking into their back yard last Tuesday afternoon
when it flew over their heads.