YES : Develop a Plan, research your Location and plan your Route to
 | NO : Dont Panic or make a big Operation out of your plans.
YES : A Trench during the shift, Temporary shelter, and short term
Supplies for the week of rotation stoppage and the months after.
 | NO : Dont Overslock or Hoard.
YES : Plan to rebuild Shelter, with Hand Tools, and a source of Heat.
 | NO : Dont rely on government Assistance, as Camps are likely to become
slave labor camps.
YES : Garden with Seed supplies, low maintenace Flocks and Herds, and
Fishing and Hunting as the area will support.
 | NO : Dont rely on Money to buy comfort in the future, or gather things
that cannot be Bartered in the future.
YES: Be part of a Team, have an Action plan to keep people busy, and
collect Books for future reference.
 | NO : Dont go it Alone, nor be in the heavy Traffic lanes.
YES : Get into Short Wave radio, expect to be On Foot or boat when
traveling, and keep your Bearings.
 | NO : Dont expect Electronics to work, or to be Rescued by overworked
emergency response teams.