Given that Planet X is near the Sun and creeping toward us on a path that will take it over our heads during its passage, what can mankind expect?
What will a pole shift bring?
Man has survived these shift in the past, and will survive this one.
ZetaTalk has discussed, in detail, what steps to take to survive the shift itself and to prepare for life afterwards.
The Safe Locations section of ZetaTalk, on the web, is available for free and as a downloadable PDF readable by Adobe Reader, also free to the
The Troubled Times nonprofit has prepared information available to the public at cost, A CD twinset and booklet, but this information is also available
for free on the web.
It takes a brave heart to listen to a description of the coming pole shift, But all described here can be survived.
Nor does survival cost money, as laying in a trench to avoid being tosssed about during earthquakes and flying debris during high winds is as accessible
to the poor as it is to the rich.
The rich will fare no better, in fact, are more likely to cling to their toys and be crushed to death in their mansions.
The pole shift will certainly not take mankind by surprise, as it is preceded by 3 days of darkness and 6 days of sunrise West in the northern
These gyrations of the Earth are caused by the near proximity of Planet X, itself, as Earth, a giant magnet, as it points it's North Pole toward us, pushing
our North Pole away.
- ZetaTalk: 3 Days of Darkness, written Sep 30, 2004
- Planet X seeks to align along the tight magnetic flow lines just under the Ecliptic to the tight magnetic flow lines just above the
Ecliptic, which have radically different alignment dictates. Under the Ecliptic, the flow lines are returning magnetic particles to the
Sun, but above, they represent an outward bound stream, which does not tolerate a N. Pole pointed toward it. Planet X must roll, and
does this as a sideways roll, the path of least resistance, then rising its N. Pole to align side-by-side with the Sun.
The Earth is hardly a passive observer, but participates when it finds a hose of magnetic particles pointed at it by deflecting its N.
Pole. This is reflected in folklore as a period of darkness for the northern hemisphere, a Biblical prediction of 3 days of darkness,
which is not the week of rotation stoppage. As the Earth continues to roll, in synch with Planet X, keeping its N. Pole pointed away,
the Earth is unmistakably turned [sideways], again well documented in folklore.
All those complicated descriptions of magnetic poles and flow lines.
Remember when as a child you played with iron ore flakes on a plate of glass, a magnet underneath the glass?
Tap the glass and the particles made circles on either side of the bar magnet, lining up with the magnetic field as it emerged from the N Pole and
returned round to the S Pole.
If you tried to put the N Poles of two magnets together, they resisted, and the same with two S Poles, but if you lined them up end to end, they
snapped together.
They would also snap together side by side.
Both Planet X and the Earth are such magnets, but are not allowed to touch each other as the anti-gravity force keeps them apart.
The anti-gravity force is actually an outbound surge of gravity particles from the center of a planet, and it's what keeps our Moon up there, so very huge
and moving so very slowly.
This is not centrifugal force keeping the Moon up, it's the anti-gravity force.
This twisting and turning are NOT the pole shift, not yet, and are followed closely by the rotation of the Earth slowing to a stop for 5.9 days.
This is due to the tendency of the deep rift running N/S the length of the Atlantic Ocean to act as a surface magnet.
This rift is gripped, which causes the stopped rotation.
- ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation, written July 15, 1995
- [Planet X] outweighs the Earth by some 23 times. Should one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would look to [Planet X] as
the Moon does to the Earth. In the tug of war regarding Magnetic Alignment [Planet X]'s mass gives it a 4-to-1 advantage. There is
no contest.
The Earth slows in its rotation, and actually stops. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or
night. The period of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans who experienced this described
this as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is more correct.
Rotation stops because [Planet X] has essentially gripped the Earth. While at some distance from the point of passage, it has gripped
Earth to the point of not letting the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift go. During this week, the size of the approaching Planet X horrifies
those on the daylight side of the Earth.
At first a reddish blob only a fraction of the size of the Moon, it grows in size and appears to twist and turn like a dragon in the sky.
The ancients recorded this as a fire dragon in the sky, as the tail of swirling moons gave this appearance.
The first sign, during this period of twisting and turning and slowing and most likely preceding it, is a fine red dust.
- ZetaTalk: Red Dust, written Jan 11, 2003
- The red dust cloud evolved as many planets in the solar system are heavy in this element, Mars, for instance. There are portions of the
Earth that exhibit a red clay soil, Australia and the Southeastern US, but this is not a native soil as much as an accumulation of
During the breakup of the Asteroid Belt, many planets that had this element, heavily, were pelted to pieces. Molten lava spewed into
space became the asteroids. Iron ore is magnetically configured to pull out of any soup it is free to move within, and does so
particularly in space.
Thus, the dust, during poofing off into space during demolition derby's as Planet X and its complex of Moons moved through what is
now the Asteroid Belt, moved, and became part of the Planet X tail. Planet X, like a big magnet, swept through the area during the
poofing phase, and emerged with a larger dust cloud, each time.
Some evidence of this red dust appeared on Earth in 2003, and since.
This is discounted in the news as coming from the Sahara, all the way, supposedly, to the Gulf of Mexico, where such dust storms were never reported
Deposits in bird baths and on patio furniture, unmistakably iron oxide particles, very blood red.
But these very early signs of red dust in our atmosphere are NOT the heavy dusting that will turn the rivers blood red, as legend reports and prophecy
predicts, during the days preceding the pole shift.
- ZetaTalk: Warning, written Dec 15, 2001
- Folklore stands as a guide as to what can be expected during the hours preceding the shift, and the shift itself. The tail of [Planet X]
streams outward from the Sun, pushed there by the solar wind. Thus, it does not sweep the Earth until [Planet X] is positioned
[exactly] between the Earth and Sun, a short moment in time.
During the time of the Jewish Exodus, it was reported that Moses was able to turn the waters of the Nile red, with his staff. Of course,
this was the red dust in the tail doing this, but having been forewarned that the moment was upon them, Moses took advantage. Thus,
one can see from folklore that the tail dusting was in effect before the shift.
It is only the tip of the huge tail that reaches Earth at first, composed mainly of fine dust and debris that result in meteor showers and fireballs on Earth.
But just as we have had signs of fine red dust in the atmosphere since 2003, we have also had increased fireballs screaming to Earth, meteors thudding
down next to startled housewives hanging the laundry.
During the week of rotation stoppage more than red dust enters the Earth's atmosphere, increased fireball and meteor activity also occurs, as the tail is
full of rocks.
Hailstorms occur.
- ZetaTalk: Warning, written Dec 15, 2001
- The tail sweep includes first the red dust, most likely to be in a cloud around the tail, then heavier gravel, then lastly boulders. Gravel
is defined in folklore as hail stones, which can injure homes and humans and animals alike caught under such a deluge.
Boulders cannot be defended against, but are rare. Like a meteor dropping from the sky, should one land upon you, your next
incarnation is at hand! Thus, dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to take cover, under metal or sod roof structures,
out of the wind. The shift cannot be more than a few hours away.
The dusting with red dust occurs less than 24 hours, and most likely less than 12 hours, [before the shift]. This depends upon a number
of factors, including how well the dust drops through the atmosphere to be deposited on land. In one location, the first sign of dust may
be 18 hours ahead of the shift, and all run in panic to shelters. In another location, dust may not be noticed until heavy, perhaps 6
hours ahead of the shift, a good time to head for the shelters in any case.
The tail sweep will then proceed from red dust to hail stones just ahead of the shift. A normal roof would protect from the hail stones,
which will be like the hail experienced during violent windstorms, where hail of ice falls and ruins crops.
What to do during the hail storms? The Zetas have some advice.
- ZetaTalk: Comet's Tail, written July 15, 1995
- It is reported in folklore that hail stones, gravel, lashes the Earth. During the last passage the reports stated that crops and small trees
were utterly destroyed by these hail storms.
The best defense for humans is to huddle near cliffs, out of the wind, not in open fields, as most missiles that crash to Earth, large
boulders, will not drop straight down! They come in at an angle, and will glance off hilltops, bouncing about. Thus, those in ravines are
unlikely to experience a direct hit.
Those who would escape the wicked lick of this tail are advised to take shelter against cliffs, in caves, in valleys, or under metal roofs.
Its passage is swift, a matter of days, and the ending abrupt.
Where is could be assumed that the side of the Earth facing Planet X would get wiped by the tail,
The tail in fact curls around the Earth.
- ZetaTalk: Red Dust, written Jan 11, 2003
- All parts of the globe report debris, China as well as Egypt, in the past. The tail streams behind Planet X, and is involved in swirling
motions as the Moons have a dance between themselves. A tail swirl, moving like a slow moving tornado, approaches Earth which has
magnetic as well as gravity attraction. Thus, it is not simply a head-on hit, tail to Earth, as it is also a sideways hit from swirling
matter coming from this or that side.
Then there is the motion of a tail swirl being curled toward Earth, continuing the curl. Like a whip that curls around what it is thrown
against, the tail can wrap all around the Earth during such a lick. There are no parts of the globe that do not report red dust, frankly.
It is perhaps more extreme on those sides of the globe that will be facing the approach, but elsewhere is not exempt.
Lashed by the tail, the Earth's atmosphere is somewhat stripped away, creating more problems as debris is less likely to burn up during a fall to Earth
than when oxygen is available to create the burn.
The tail has component that can form into petrochemicals, the origin of the oil deposits on Earth, as when the tail passes over volcanoes the heat there
CREATES these petrochemicals.
This is reported in legends, near volcanoes as along the West Coast of North America and lands East of the Mediteranean, that walls of fire fell from
the sky.
This is the reason for the ZetaTalk advice to lay in a trench covered by either a metal or sod covered roof at ground level.
This protects from such fire storms.
- ZetaTalk: Firestorms, written July 15, 1995
- Petrocarbons are in essence created, due to the flashes of lightning and intense heat due to passage over open volcanoes, and these
petrocarbons rain down, afire, at times. With the atmosphere scattered, chemicals in the comet's tail similar to your petrol chemicals
do not flash in a quick consummation into water and carbon dioxide, but descend close to the surface of the Earth before bursting into
A fire storm, killing all beneath it. All this has been reported in ancient times, as humans observed accompaniments to the cataclysms.
Mankind presumes that oil came from compressed and trapped vegetation, eons ago, but cannot duplicate this process. Why would
vegetation result in oil, deep underground, when the process only results in methane and compost today? Petrochemicals are broken
down by cracking, during the refinement process, and are thus sensitive to heat process.
This is how they were created, in the first place! During the shift, so much is roiled about in the atmosphere, and so many volcanoes
erupting, super hot air overhead, that binding occurs. This is evident in the recent [Papua New Guinea] oily substance found following
a volcanic eruption, which man had no explanation for!
What about freezing and frying during the week of rotation stoppage?
Would this not occur?
Per the Zetas, the oceans and atmosphere are not stopped, and these act as cooling and heating influences.
- ZetaTalk: Warning, written Dec 15, 2001
- During the week of rotation stoppage, the normal heating and cooling that occurs during rotation stops. This means that the day side
of the Earth warms up without cooling, and likewise the night side cools down without warning up under sunlight the next day. Where
does this lead, in a week? Will one side of the Earth cook, while the other freezes?
Folklore likewise tells mankind that such a situation does not occur, as there are survivors, and these survivors do not relay such
problems. In fact, due to the atmosphere moving about, hot air rising and cool air dropping, as usual, there is exchange of heat and
cold, even without rotation.
Thus, those in the day side will find it may be as hot as a very hot summer day, but no worse. And those in the night side may find they
need to break out the blankets and turn on the furnace or start a fire, as in winter, but no worse than this.
During rotation stoppage, the Earth also groans and moans, as the core wants to continue turning, and pulls in that direction, which the crust insists it
must stop.
- ZetaTalk: Groaning, written on Feb 15, 1999.
- As the passage nears, during that day, the Earth will begin to groan and moan, resisting yet inclined to shift. The moaning of the Earth
is akin to material snapping, screeching rock strata pulling across other strata, and vibrations of rock strata under tension.
Many sensitive people report becoming ill prior to earthquakes due to similar vibrations, not particularly heard, but felt by the body in
any case. In similar manner, many more humans will feel ill during the week of rotation stoppage, and not just due to the stress of the
moment, but due to vibrations in the underlying rock strata.
Pressure on rock results in more than motion or noise. It has been reported that pending quakes can be sensed by radio, as static on
the radio increases just prior to a quake, by hours or days. Rock strata, under pressure, changes the emissions, electrons, magnetic
fields, and other subatomic particle flows. Pets likewise get up and move about, sensing something, as do farm animals.
No motion or shifting of the crust happens until a threshold is reached, and thus the week of rotation stoppage, with increasing
groaning and moaning of the Earth until the snap and shift. But until the actual shift, the tension is sustained, and the Earth groans in
her agony.
Brilliant displays of lightning occur, high in the heavens, flashing between the Earth and the passing Planet X.
- ZetaTalk: Lightning Bolts, written July 15, 1995
- Static electricity in the atmosphere will not increase during the approach [of Planet X], nor afterwards, but during the passage
lightning will seem to be almost constant in some places. Humans are familiar with arcing, where two poles or points are electrified,
carrying an electric current, and suddenly the air between them is filled with a minor lightning bolt - zap.
What allows lightning to find its path? It is using a little understood path formed by sub-atomic particles, electrical waves of a sort,
that have not been measured yet by Earth's human scientists. These emanate from any highly electrified field, and when they touch the
arc is now possible.
The path between the Earth and its passing brother, [Planet X], will be so electrified at points, and static electricity accumulates. This
would be devastating to the Earth if the static electricity had accumulated on the passing [Planet X], a monster compared to the
Earth, but the opposite is the case. The static electricity passes from the Earth to her brother, and causes fantastic lightning displays in
his upper atmosphere.
This period when static electricity can pass is brief, a few hours, and occurs when the Earth's inhabitants are, essentially, fighting for
their lives, so they barely take notice. How does a lightning bolt pass some 14 million miles across space? It doesn't, not in that form.
In space, not having water vapor and other particles to interact with, there is no spontaneous release of light and heat, no flash and
crackle, just the passage of electric particles in all the various sub-atomic components that comprise an electrical current.
14 million miles from Earth?
That close?
Planet X will pass overhead at an angle, such that it moves from being exactly between the Earth and Sun to crossing overhead.
It is during this passage overhead that a pole shift is effected, as the North Pole of Earth is pushed away, the South Pole of Earth pulled up, and the
Earth tipped in space.
Planet X had been pointing its North Pole at the Sun's South Pole, then moved upright during the week it was directly between the Earth and Sun, that
week of rotation stoppage, then must twist again to point its North Pole away from the Sun.
It is during this second twist that the Earth is tossed about.
This sudden movement of the core of the Earth, dragging the crust with it, takes place in the span of an hour, the hour of the shift.
- ZetaTalk: Pole Shift, written prior to July 15, 1995
- You are aware that your Earth is heavier at its molten core, which is rumored to be composed primarily of iron. This is not entirely
untrue, but regardless of the composition, the Earth's core is more sensitive to the magnetic alignment than the crust. The core grips
the crust, and is not as liquid as one might think. There is friction. There is the tendency for the whole to move as one, despite their
differing magnetic allegiances.
The pole shift is in fact a movement of the interior of the Earth, the core, to come into alignment with [the passing Planet X, which]
due to its massive size in comparison to the Earth, dominates the magnetic scene.
The Earth's crust resists, being caught in a web of magnetic pulls from its immediate neighborhood. In other words, the Earth's crust
wants to stay with the old, established, magnetic pull, while the core of the Earth, having less allegiance and attachment to the
neighborhood, listens to [the passing Planet X].
There is a great deal of tension that builds between the crust of the Earth and the core of the Earth. This tension is released when the
core of the Earth breaks with the crust, and moves. However, the core of the Earth drags the crust with it as it turns to [remain in
alignment with the passing Planet X].
The pole shift is therefore sudden, taking place in what seems to be minutes to humans involved in the drama, but which actually takes
place during the better part of an hour. There are stages, between which the human spectators, in shock, are numb. At first there is a
vibration of sorts, a jiggling, as the crust separates in various places from the core. Then there is a Slide, where the crust is dragged,
over minutes, to a new location, along with the core.
During the slide, tidal waves move over the Earth along the coast lines, as the water is not attached and can move independently. The
water tends to stay where it is, the crust moving under it, essentially. When the core finds itself aligned, it churns about somewhat,
settling, but the crust, more solid and in motion, proceeds on. This is in fact where mountain building and massive earthquakes occur,
just as car crashes do their damage on the point of impact, when motion must stop.
Weak spots among the Earth's crustal plates give way. The Pacific Ocean will shorten, and the Atlantic widen. Subducting plates will
subduct greatly. Mountain building will occur suddenly, primarily increasing in areas already undergoing mountain building. All told,
the better part of an hour, but at certain stages, only minutes.
Plants survive as they are rooted and their seeds are everywhere, and animals including man survive because they travel with the
moving plates of the Earth and experience no more severe a shock when the plates stop moving than they would during a Richter 9
Where mountain building occurs when the plates stop moving, the stoppage is not simply a sudden jolt, like a car hitting a brick wall.
All is in motion, and the stoppage is more like a car hitting a barrier of sand filled plastic barrels - a series of small jolts, occurring in
quick succession.
At this time we estimate that [Planet X] will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth. The strength of its magnetic field at that
distance will be such that the North Pole [of Planet X], angled essentially in the same direction as the Earth's North Pole, forces the
Earth's North Pole to evade the pressure and accommodate its larger brother by swinging south to the bulge of Brazil.
As the Earth is moving UNDER the blanket of the Earth's atmosphere, hurricane force winds, worldwide, occur during this hour.
- ZetaTalk: Violent Winds, written on Jan 15, 1996.
- At the shift, the surface of the Earth will move, in just under an hour, more than a quarter turn. Where massive earthquakes and tidal
waves occur when this motion stops, Hurricane Force winds, world wide, occur during this shift.
During the shift, the atmosphere of the Earth does several things, all at once.
* It drags along with the Earth. Do not the waters in your oceans move with the Earth as it turns? The atmosphere is an ocean too,
just lighter and therefore more mobile.
* It moves as a mass, pushing on air in other places and likewise, itself being pushed. Thus, even in those places on the Earth which
are not moving, during the shift, being pivot points, the air is turbulent.
* It swirls, as circular motion in air masses is the response to conflicting forces, as seen in the circular motion of tornadoes and
Yes, the atmosphere is in motion, and yes, the whipping and confused winds might reach hurricane force during this hour and be
unpredictable for several hours after the shift, but one should not assume a force of winds above what the world experiences today.
Your hurricanes and typhoons represent what occurs when air masses attempt to move against each other, given their density and
gravity attraction and inertia. These same factors are in place, are predominant, during the pole shift. Humans wishing to prepare for
these violent winds should anticipate a force equal to their familiar hurricanes, not tornado force, although tornadoes will be spawned.
Stay below the Earth's surface, lie low, and tie down everything you wish to find when it's over.
Earthquakes do not occur during the shift, but occur when the shift stops.
As the saying goes, it's not the fall that hurt, it was the sudden stop.
These earthquakes will be like a Richter 9 worldwide, but because quakes are measured by scope affected as well as force, the Zetas have described
these as Richter 15.
- ZetaTalk: Earthquakes, written on Dec 15, 1997.
- During the pole shift all plates on earth on the move, and the jolt occurs at the sudden stop when the crust stops moving. This is when
the Richter 9 equivalent earthquakes, which we have termed Richter 15 as the scope is far larger than Richter 9, [and] will be felt
The earthquakes following the pole shift will be no more wrenching than earthquakes due to plate adjustments under normal
circumstances. The moving plates, suddenly slamming into each other as they start to slow down, will create a domino effect not unlike
a multiple car crash.
One plate slams into another as the first plates slows down, creating a domino effect that rapidly ricochets around the world, within
minutes. There is no delay in this motion, as each plate is solid and what affect one edge affects the far edge, when the entire plate is in
motion. Thus, the earthquakes come all at once, and rapidly settle down to an adjustment phase, within minutes.
Due to the immensity of the adjustment, with many plates in barely tenable positions, there will be many aftershocks, most occurring
within the first few weeks. These will range from Richter 8 on down, but in no case will be as great as the initial shock during the pole
shift. They will rapidly diminish, reduced to annoying tremors after a few weeks.
Of course, during such upheaval, volcanoes will explode.
Per ZetaTalk, any volcanoe active during the past 10,000 years should be anticipated to explode.
- ZetaTalk: Volcanoes, written on Feb 15, 2000
- Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the
pole shift? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that
were not expected to become active will reactive.
How long will it take the volcanoes to settle down? 100 years, but in a reducing ratio, over this time. By the end of 100 years, their
activity will seem as today. Nevertheless, for those downwind, this post shift burping is virtually a death sentence!
We have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000 years can be considered candidates to blow, or ooze during the shift.
During every pole shift, there are places on Earth where the earth is stretched, like the Atlantic, such that mountain ranges such as the
Appalachians have not experienced mountain building and scarcely any rock outcropping are bare.
Places like the Himalayas are subducting, so that rock layers are being laid under one another, and protection from the lava occurs.
Hawaii, likewise, is expected to do better than one would think, because the compression of the Pacific will layer rock strata and
protect the oozing volcanoes from roiling lava.
In New Zealand, where that edge of the plate will tip up, it will be some protection from exploding volcanoes as the pressure will be
relieved. Likewise, where there is a stretch, as Iceland will experience, there will be continued oozing, but explosions caused by lava
under pressure unlikely to happen.
In areas under stretch in Europe and the Middle East, the roiling will cause oozing and where volcanoes are already open to the air, an
outlet established, such as in Italy, they will continue during the early part of the shift to explode and ooze.
Per the Zetas, Yellowstone will not become a supervolcano.
- ZetaTalk: Yellowstone, written Dec 5, 2003
- The eruption will not be what many fear. It has evidence of being a super volcano at a time when the world was in complete global
turmoil, not due to a pole shifts but due to impacts and being careened out of its orbit and closer to the Sun. The injury to the crust so
deep it almost reached the core. So clearly that was an exceptional situation, not this situation.
What should be born in mind is that this is a subduction area, with layers of the North American Plate pushing all the way to the
Continental Divide. Even though Yellowstone lies in an area which is a hot spot, there's enough crust flakes overlapping that it is not
just a direct siphon of lava to go kaboom in an explosion.
But it will cause ash for some 100 miles in all direction, bad enough that life may be snuffed in those areas. So we would recommend
anyone wanting to survive the shift itself, not to be close to Yellowstone but to allow a 100 miles buffer, more miles would be better.
During the violent earthquakes that accompany this shift, mountain building occurs.
- ZetaTalk: Mountain Building, written on May 15, 1999.
- Mountain Building occurs during rapid subduction of one plate under another. There is friction between the plates, so that crinkling of
the upper plate occurs. This crinkling represents pressure and release, which can result in violent jerking and upheavals, sometimes
snapping to create new cliffs or jutting rock.
Mountains and valleys have likewise been formed because of crumpling, horizontal pressure, and this will happen again during the
forthcoming shift. What happens to rock when it is asked to compress, to fold? It breaks, and moves into the point of least resistance
which is upward into the air. Thus, jutting peaks of sheer rock with the rock strata going almost vertical occur.
It crumbles, with a jumble of rock rolling over each other as the mass is pushed upward. Thus, anyone or anything on top of that spot
will be subject to being ground up in the tumbling process. Compressed rock can also drive horizontally, into nearby soil or space not
occupied by anything as dense as itself.
Thus, those in a valley can find rock shooting out of a hillside, or rock spears shooting under their feet, unexpectedly. Surviving the
mountain building process while in the mountains is precarious, and not advised.
This time around, there will be strong mountain building, in particular in the Hymalayas and Andes, not so much along the West Coast
of North American, and hardly at all in the Alps in Europe.
There will be new land rising from the waves, and some land sinking beneath the waves.
- ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising, written on Jun 15, 1997.
- Periodically during severe pole shifts, land rises or drops, sometimes moving under the waves. Likewise, land long under the sea can
suddenly pop up, presenting gasping and dying sea life and deep muck that eventually dries to form new and very fertile soil.
Continents pulled apart, as in the steadily widening St. Lawrence Seaway or African Rift, can cause land along the perimeter to rise, as
the stretch over the curvature of the Earth has been removed, so that the natural buoyancy or shape of the land can take effect.
New land will emerge near Antarctica between the tip of Africa and South America due to pressure against the western coast of South
America. Due to the strength of the Antarctic plate, this pressure will be relieved by allowing the Antarctic plate to ride over the
bordering plates [in the Atlantic].
The pole shift proceeds in a predictable fashion, the existing structure of the crust scripting this drama.
The grip on the Atlantic Rift, so evident in the global quake signatures, shows where this drama will start, how the continents tear apart during the hour
of the pole shift.
The Earth is ALREADY pulling East from the Atlantic Rift, and piling up behind the Atlantic Rift from the rear, in the West.
There is ALREADY stress on the plate jamming under India, and popping up near New Zealand.
The North American continent is ALREADY nailed at Alaska and sliding into the Pacific in Central America, causing Florida and the SE to sink as it
has less support from the edges of the Atlantic Rift, near the opening jaw.
The South American continent is ALREADY likewise nailed at Argentina and sliding into the Pacific near Central America, causing the ripping of the
South American continent near Buenos Aires.
The African continent is ALREADY nailed at South Africa and pulling East at the top, ripping apart the great African Rift in Kenya and surrounding
- ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama, written on Apr 15, 2002.
- The stage having been set, then, the crust movement during the hour of the shift is as follows:
1 As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of Planet X, moves north, the crust is torn from the core and freed in this way,
allows pre-existing stress points to relax. Thus, Europe and Africa move further east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart, during the
slide northward.
2 The immediate affect of the massive plate housing Europe and Russia and the Near East to move is felt most strongly in India, as the
Himalayas are driven over India at this point, effectively sumerging this country in a wink.
3 The effect of the Indio-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the African rift, such that this
tears, promptly, but in shuddering steps with halting adjustments pauses between shudders. In essence, the movement eastward of the
African continent is a momentum creating this tear.
4 During the tearing of the Atlantic, and the dragging north or the North American continent, an already existing tear in the St.
Lawence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at so many points to the further side of the Atlantic.
Canada move north, while the rest of the Americas cling to the Atlantic Rift while it separates.
5 The movement of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia, and Asia to the east also is expected to rip this plate along the
Himalayas, as we have stated, creating an inland bay into the Russian lands just to what is now the north of the Himalayas. This
follows, in jerks and tears, over the hour of the shift, along with the tearing of the African rift.
6 When the ocean off the Bulge of Brazil has reached the position of the current North Pole, crust slippage stops, creating yet another
drama. The major northern hemisphere plates stop, and whatever follows crashes into them. In the case of the America's, this causes
Central America and the Caribbean to crumble.
7 In the case of Africa, already sliding eastward, the force is further movement eastward, as subduction of the Indio-Australian plate
has already begun, the weaker link already established and momentum in process.
8 The pile-up is in what was the former northern hemisphere, and the compression of the Pacific is creating resistance as plates are
subducted under the Americas and Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles.
9 This frees the plates south of the tips of South America and Africa of stress. As the Pacific adjusts, reluctantly, pressure toward
Antarctica, the one place on the globe not experiencing plate pressure, allows new land to pop up between the tips of South America
and Africa.
As the Earth moves under the oceans, tidal waves roll inland first on one side of the ocean, then as sloshing occurs, over the other side.
- ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves, written prior to July 15, 1995
- As great as the danger that earthquakes bring, greater still is the devastation that the shifting waters will bring. Thus the waters slosh
over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to the shift.
As with the hurricane force winds, which will likewise push in the opposite direction of the shift, this can be computed.
I live in Wisconsin, and as the Bulge of Brazil will be dragged up to where the North Pole is currently, I expect my winds to come from the NW.
This same logic can be applied elsewhere around the globe, for both wind and water.
- ZetaTalk: Flood Tide, written Jun 15, 2001
- As anyone carrying a saucer of soup knows, the soup and the saucer do not always move as one. If the saucer moves suddenly, the
soup may stay behind, slopping. What happens to oceans which are thus lifted out of their beds, and pushed up over land higher than
that from which they came?
It is a flood tide, as the oceans are climbing out of their beds, into higher ground, so the leading edge is the highest point of the wave.
During a pole shift the ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while the crust moves, and thus rolls up on land onto
the coastline being pulled under it.
This is a flood tide, with the lip of the water being its highest point, rising like a silent tide endlessly on the rise, the wave rolling inland
without a crashing back and forth, just a steady progressive inundation. To those at the mercy of such a flood tide, their first thought
is to climb above the tide.
Soon they are standing on the highest point they can reach, and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises. Afloat on a boat or
flotsam, they will be dragged inland with the flow until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its bed.
But in the nature of water during a slosh, overshooting this other side so that both sides of the ocean experience this flood tide,
alternately, for some days until the momentum diminishes. When the flood tide recedes, those afloat are in danger of being dragged far
out to sea with the flow, as the water will rush to its bed unevenly, more rapidly where it can recede the fastest.
Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not lifted by Tsunami waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave. A whale would not
be close enough to the shore to be caught in such an occurrence. They arrived at these inland mountain tops because the entire ocean
was moving, and they could not escape the momentum.
Thus caught, they were deposited in rocky crags where fast flowing waters moved quickly away from them through cracks, too tight a
squeeze for the hapless whale left floundering behind.
The hour of the shift can be determined in a number of ways. The Sun and Moon and stars will be suddenly on the move, moving steadily and swiftly.
For those under cloud cover, there are other clues, a jiggling sensation, the wind picking up simultaneously.
- ZetaTalk: How to Identify, written May 10, 2003
- For those not able to see the sky, to gauge motion of the crust during the hour of the shift by a movement of the Sun or Moon or stars,
they should at this point be in their trenches, virtually living there. Obviously, as the shift takes place over an hour, and it is the stop of
the crust slide where the huge quakes occur, one can leave to relieve themselves or stretch, but certainly sleeping should be done in the
At the start of the shift, there is a strong clue that crust shift has started, and this is the uptick in wind. As the crust moves, the
atmosphere resists, and this causes hurricane force winds globally. It will come from the direction the crust is moving. For North
America, for instance, the crust will be moving NW, and the hurricane winds comes from that direction.
There will also be a jiggling in the Earth, a sense of motion, jerking, that will be consistent with crust movement during this hour of
the shift.
The hurricane force winds persist for an hour or more after the shift, as the atmosphere adjusts. Except as a caution to watch for
falling structures around you, broken glass, fearful animals that might attack if they feel they are blocked, there is no reason not to
emerge from your trenches. It is over, and picking up the pieces and comforting the injured and devastated can start.
For everyone, worldwide, this will be a most terrible day.
- ZetaTalk: Most Terrible Day, written on Jul 15, 1996.
- For most, it will be a most terrible day.
Those who have had no forewarning will be no worse off then those who have heard rumors but been unable to make changes in their
life to prepare. In fact, having no forewarning will almost be a blessing for those unable to prepare, as in this way they will not agonize
over choices made.
Those who have prepared will be in a state of high anxiety, imagining the worst. Regardless of whether a human realizes what is about
to happen but has been unable to take themselves to safety, or has no realization, the effect is the same. They wait for what is to come
This waiting can take the form of distractions such as parties or denial such as continuing with the daily routine as though everything
were normal, but for most this waiting is a type of breath holding. They are in shock, from the time they realize that the Earth has
stopped rotating until the pole shift, they are essentially in shock, for days.
For those along coast lines, the hour when the Earth's crust moves along with the core to its new position is not the time of trauma
until the Earth's core and crust stop. It is then that massive tidal waves roll slowly up into the coastal areas, first on one side of a body
of water and then, later when the water sloshes back, on the other side.
Both tides are equally as devastating. Being on high ground along a coast line is no safety factor if the water has nowhere to go, as the
press of water behind the wave head will force the water up when meeting a barrier, so one is flooded anyway.
Riding the wave results in being dashed against barriers, and allowing the wave to engulf one is a certain drowning, fortunately a
painless death. Thus, those along the coast lines die from tidal waves, almost invariably, if they are not dead already.
For those inland beyond the reach of tidal waves, the earthquakes are devastating. All but the flimsiest of housing is wrenched so
violently that it collapses, crushing and trapping those inside. Those inside tents or straw huts will find themselves, along with their
housing, jerked sideways, but aside from scrapes and bruises, relatively unharmed.
Lying on the ground during this time is in and of itself a protection, as friction along the ground prevents one from being hurled. In the
cities, structures collapse, creating the scenario seen after major earthquakes in the extreme, everywhere.
The injured die from lack of treatment and the living soon sicken from drinking sewage contaminated water, and with transportation
blocked on all sides, starvation soon takes its toll also.
Those living on subducting plates that border the oceans, [such as India and western Australia,] will find themselves covered with a
depth of ocean water that they cannot resist. They will surely drown.
Those situated where rapid subduction occurs on areas above sea level may themselves on hot earth during the moments following a
pole shift when the crust stops moving and the plates in essence slam into each other like a train whose engine suddenly comes to a
Here height helps, as the greater the distance from where friction between the crusts is creating heat, the better. The heat can be great
enough to melt rock, as witnesses who have survived such terrifying sights attest.
Volcanoes, active and inactive, will explode violently, covering the surrounding areas in raining rock and dust and superheating the
air so that all life nearby is extinguished in a wink.
Lightning and firestorms from falling walls of flaming petrochemicals, formed during the interaction of gasses with volcanic heat and
continuous lightning, cannot be predicted. They can happen world wide, and as with the hurricane force winds are a factor of the
atmosphere, not the land mass.
Where they are rare, these firestorms are devastating, and burn all beneath the falling wall of flame in a holocaust. The horrified
victims have little chance to even realize what is happening before they are engulfed and lose consciousness from lack of oxygen.
As with spontaneous human combustion, the victim is unconscious during the burning process. Protection from this rare chance of
devastation is best attained by sheltering under a metal roof, which will not burn.
In rural areas survivors find themselves dealing less with the collapse of civilization than with climate changes. At first, stores are
eaten until gone, and then real concern about the inability to grow crops sets in. Will the Sun never shine through the clouds?
More than any other reason, this is what causes pole shift survivors to wander - they are seeking a land where the sun shines as it used
to, sure that they are simply on the wrong side of the Earth for some reason. Starvation soon has survivors eating everything in sight,
chewing on old leather, eating the branches of dead trees, but still the gnawing hunger continues.
Death by starvation is also relatively painless, as a stupor sets in. The mind is dulled and languor envelopes the human, who is
essentially asleep when death comes.
The result is a new geography and a new climate, worldwide.
- ZetaTalk: New Geography, written July 15, 1995
- After the pole shift the Earth begins rotating again. Whatever part of the Earth is North, magnetically, after the shift, will become the
new North Pole. The pole shift, with consequent realignment of the poles, will place the New Equator over formerly frozen lands.
Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Europe will be affected by the new equator. Past cataclysms have regularly rearranged the
Earth's geography and climate zones, as the Earth attests. After a pole shift the former poles invariably melt and soften while the new
poles take on layer after layer of ice and snow.
In the meantime the Waters Rise worldwide, several hundred feet, and then recede again. This pace is gradual, so that coastal
settlements have plenty of time to relocate, an exercise they find they must do repeatedly.
And the Earth will experience a rebirth.
- ZetaTalk: Rebirth, written July 15, 1995
- The Earth of the future will clear up. The Earth's population will reduce by 90%. Polluting practices, such as burning oil and chemical
additives, will essentially stop.