Selected Parasite reference information on the Internet: There is a lot of data in these links, so I doubt one could get through it in one seating. I
recommend coming back to it several times.
- A very detailed and educational page with lots of graphics that describes Protozoa Parasites and how they effect us.
- Different types of worm parasites that effect humans
- Detailed Pictures and Descriptions of Cryptosporidium parvum, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and others.
- The Bad Bug Book by U. S. Food and Drug Administration. This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic
microorganisms and natural toxins. Has many kinds.
- Cryptosporidium Research by the division of biology at Kansas State University.
- NY State Health Dept. information on how the Giardiasis (beaver fever) parasite is spread and how it effects us.
- Stop kissing your dog, or cat, or gerbil, or ... pet related parasites.
- Dr. Hulda Clark. Dr. Clark is a biophysicist with a Doctorate in cell physiology who had been working on government funded research has
since made a startling discovery that has resulted in what can only be described as a Poor Man's Rife Unit!
Offered by Mike.