Medical Care
The immediate major medical needs after the cataclysms will be trauma-related. As medical resources will be
severely limited, we will be limited to what injuries can be realistically treated. These basically include wounds
and fractures.

- Immediate treatment of wounds is to stop internal and external bleeding (to prevent fatal hypovolemic
shock). The best way to stop external bleeding is to apply pressure directly over the wound. If possible,
raise the portion of the body that the wound is on so as to force the blood back to the heart (via gravity) and
away from the wound. There is no layman's way to stop internal bleeding - this is usually treated with
surgery. One can quickly tell if the victim has internal bleeding by looking and feeling the abdomen. If the
abdomen becomes rigid (and often enlarged), it is a good indication of internal bleeding. The best thing to do
is keep the person as comfortable as possible and stay with him/her until the end (which will most likely be
very soon). If you suspect that one may have internal bleeding in the brain, keep the head elevated to
decrease cranial pressure.

Wounds and Fractures
- For fractures, first stop the bleeding and then splint the limb with something hard and straight. Adjust the
splint as necessary to accommodate swelling of the limb.
- In all cases, address the spirit of the person you are helping. The physical injury may be an extension of a
deeper "injury". Help the spirit to heal the body by visualizing a white or gold light around the person.
Imagine this light engulfing the person in its brilliance. Know that the light is healing. It is that simple! If
possible, feel the energy in your hands as you touch the other person. Know that it is healing energy. know that the other person will use that energy to his/her best advantage according to his/her path and lessons to be
learned thereof. Keep in mind that you are not healing the other person - you are just giving him/her a tool
that they may/may not use to heal themselves. That is how "miracle" cures come about.

Another major category of injuries include burns: chemical, heat and radiation in 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree severity.
- Under present day conditions, these burns would each be treated according to their type and severity. This
will not be a luxury available after the Pole Shift. So basically, immediate treatment consists of applying
something cool/cold to the burn area. This will help with the pain so that the victim can free more energy to
heal. If possible, try to keep severely burned areas covered with a clean cloth. Other than that, the burn
victim will require lots of fluid replacement and lots of calories for healing (particularly protein foods). The
latter will more than likely not be available.
- Since there will not be special burn creams and sterile gauze dressings to put over burn wounds, make a
"psychic dressing" that will cover and protect the wound as well as nourish it. Just envision a white dressing
loosely draped over the burn. Envision this dressing imparting healing nutrients into the wound. Do this
every 6 - 8 hours. As the wound heals, decrease to every 12 hours, then once a day.
- The best way to help oneself heal from post Pole Shift injuries is to best care for oneself before the Pole
Shift. This means to eat nutritiously and forget about calorie counting and fat gram counting. No one is going
to give a rosy red rat's rear about how fat/thin one is after Pole Shift. Health is the most important issue here.
Exercise is good also - helps with stamina and circulation.
Offered by Lyn. Graphics by Michel.