- The medical facilities of today, which as a matter of fact do not care for the mentally ill any more than they care
for the physically ill, will not be available. Health care in the US goes to those with the money to buy it, in the
main. This may be the idea, but the reality will be something like the aftermath of the Kobe earthquake where folks
sat on the curb waiting to be rescued for days. In the case of the pole shift, this will be forever, as help will not
come. The rescuers themselves will be sitting on some curb. Here's the situation: Now, outside of sharing each
other's emotions, i.e. talking about it all, which I'm sure the group has been doing, what would you have these
folks do? Do they have padded cells? Do they have access to a shrink? Do they have drugs, tranquilizers? At what
point does the group protect itself from violence or others from hurting themselves? Remember, they are starving,
scared, and beset with dozens of problems all at once.
- Offered by Nancy.
- I can only think of this one addition to the above picture. It is likely part or all of the group will turn to
cannibalism of the dead. Some will have more problems with this than others. From the continuing stress of the
situation the group has many opportunities of becoming divided and fighting each other or separating going there
own way. The technology of how to form strong "true groups" becomes important.
- Offered by Mike.
- Having served in both wartime and "peacetime" (natural) disaster settings, may I humbly suggest that "experience"
indicates that human beings have more capacity for resilience, solidarity and unity than you are giving them credit
- Offered by Granville.
- So all those people who find their houses open to the elements, water mains broken, phone lines dead, electric
lines without a spark, food in the cupboard gone and the stores raided, cars can't take them anywhere as the roads
are heaved and broken and the bridges down, and the injuries and starvation and lead poisoning I described very
much a part of their lives - these folks are all going to be calm, wise, mature, not panic, and act like saints?
- Offered by Nancy.
- Realistically, I think that these situations will be dealt with on an individual basis when the time comes. That is
what seems to happen anyway. Some mentally ill will be lovingly integrated into the groups, some will be
tortured and killed, some will be abandoned, some will commit suicide, some will be prayed over, some will be
counseled, some will be restrained.
- Offered by Lyn.