- Arab/Asiatic
- Usually made of thin layers of horn and softened (soaked and softened) sinew glued
to a central core of wood. They are often shorter (42"-72" = 107cm-183cm ) than
their European counterparts (60"-78" = 152cm-198cm) as they were more often
used from horseback, whereas the European bows were more often used from the
ground. The Japanese bow was different again, being up to 84" (=213 cm) (or
more) in length. Many of the Turkish, Asian and Arab races drew the bow using a
thumb- ring, a ring worn on the thumb of the drawing hand. The string was hooked
behind it (in the palm of the hand) and the thumb closed over the string so that it
rested tightly against the middle finger. For heavy bows, the forefinger could also
be used to lock the thumb closed. To release, the thumb is opened, allowing the
string to slip off the edge of the ring. (With the heavy bows, the forefinger should be
raised first to save undue strain on the thumbnail as it slides free from the
forefinger). Using the Asian release, the arrow would rest on the opposite side of
the bow to that of those using a finger release i.e. for a right handed archer, the
arrow would rest on the right side of the handpiece, whereas usually for those using
a finger release, a right-handed archer will have the arrow resting on the left side of
the grip.
- European/African/American Indian
- Usually a wooden 'Self' bow of between 60"-78" (=152cm-198cm) and intended
for use from the ground, although the American Indian used the shorter versions
very effectively from horseback. The American Indian also often used composite
(horn/sinew or wood/sinew) or backed bows. The traditional yew bow of Europe
acted as though it were a composite bow, as it was preferably made of a section of
yew taken where the sapwood and heartwood joined. The different properties of
the two different wood types allowed the bow to act with the best features of each
wood type. The properties of the 'Self Bow' are such that the minimum length of the
bow is (2x Draw length) i.e. with a draw length of 28 inches (=71 cm), the
minimum length of the bow will be 56 inches (=142 cm). The greater the length of
the bow, the more even can be the spread of forces built up.
The short bows of the American Indian probably varied between 20-70 pounds, the
European hunting bows normally ranged between 40-100 pounds, with the
European war bow (e.g. the Welsh Longbows) ranged from 90-180 pounds.
However, the European war bows were drawn both to the chin an d to the chest.
Due to their great draw weight, and the fact that they were often used in ranks of
archers and fired at large masses of opponents at long range, they were often drawn
to the chest (with the bow-string passing down the cleft of the chin) using a longer
arrow (36" = 91cm) the 'cloth-yard' shaft, and fired high into the air in massive
volleys to fall almost randomly into their targets. As the ranges got closer and the
archers were more able to pick specific targets, they reverted to a more traditional
aiming style, with the long arrow drawn past the side of the chin and the fingers of
the nock hand back somewhere around the jawbone or ear and aimed normally. The
heavy draw weight of these warbows requires a significantly heavier shafted
arrow, usually with some form of bodkin head, which had enough weight to strike
its target with frightening power.
Indications are that often many warbows were carried half made (as shaped staves)
during prolonged campaigns, and finished as and when they were needed during the
campaign. Normal (European) war tactics involved massed ranks of lightly armed
or armored archers firing large volleys of arrows into formations of target s. It was
the Welsh Longbow, in the hands of thousands of archers, which effectively
obliterated the cavalry force of thousands of French knights at both Agincourt and
Crecy. Bad weather and mud were major contributing factors in this, as the French
cavalry were unable to close to attack effectively, so that massive volleys of
arrows wiped out the opposing crossbowmen and then the French Knights (and
their horses).
Offered by Brian.