I have heard that it can be fried like a potato chip. Maybe it could be used like spinach. We might have to eat it someday, you know, when there is nothing else.
Offered by Ivy.
I tasted Kudzu today. It has a normal leafy green flavor and could easily be used as a salad item. No after-taste, no bitterness, your basic lettuce substitute. I was
pleasantly surprised! The clippings can be rooted just like ivy; i.e. stick them in a glass of water until roots start to form then plant. It grows all over Georgia and
Arkansas. It does destroy everything in it's path. But, I've seen older buildings here in Georgia covered in it that are still standing. Maybe the Louisiana breed is
hardier because it is warmer there more months of the year.
Offered by Leila.
- If it grows like it does, a new crop every week. It could possibly feed the animals if nothing else. I did some searching on the web and found Janie Sue Yearwood,
who says kudzu tastes similar to kale or mustard greens, tells how to add kudzu to your cuisine. And more on growing Kudzu:
- Growing kudzu from seeds is not very practical . It must be done under controlled conditions and requires 2 years to develop crowns which can
then be transplanted to field conditions. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture Leaflet No. 91 kudzu has a protein content equal to or
better than that of alfalfa and is readily eaten by all kinds of livestock. In addition hogs will eat the starchy roots. Therefore, heavy grazing by
livestock can be a means to control or even eradicate kudzu.
- And eating kudzu
- From ancient times to the present days, the root of Kudzu has been commonly used in Far Eastern culture as a food, rich source of starch ...
Starch derived from Kudzu Root contains a high amount of iron, a fair portion of calcium and phosphorus, and a little sodium. Interestingly, it has
more calories per gram than honey, but unlike honey, which is quick burning sugar, Kudzu is a long sustaining source of energy in an organism.
Presently, Kudzu is becoming popular in other places of the world such as the United States, Canada, and Europe.
- And its explosive growth
- Because the plant is a member of the bean family (Fabaceae), the bacteria in the roots fix atmospheric nitrogen and thus help increase soil
fertility. Although the vines are killed by frost, the deep roots easily survive the mild winters of the South and produce a new and larger crop of
vines each growing season. The vines grow as much as a foot per day during summer months, climbing trees, power poles, and anything else they
contact. Under ideal conditions kudzu vines can grow sixty feet each year.
Offered by Clipper.