Water Purge
Worms are an excellent protein source. Dig for them in damp humus soil or watch for them on the ground after a rain. After
capturing them, drop them into clean, potable water for a few minutes. The worms will naturally purge or wash themselves out,
after which you can eat them raw.
Offered by Clip.
PREP: (for both commmercial and self-harvested worms)
- Earthworms must be purged and cleaned before cooking or freezing
- Commercial worms (store bought/mail order) are generally purged already (they purge [deficate/poop] every 24 hours,
and will have done so during shipping). Discard all dead worms you end up with (spread them out by the handful on
[ideally wax] paper, if they don't move around, they are dead. Be sure they are moving, not just "look alive" cuz one is moving another.)
- Worms you gather from the earth should be purged to remove intestinal waste immediately after gathering (but if necessary you can keep them for 2 days in
refrigerator or similar cool place, in vermiculite or meal).
- To purge them, place them in a box of moist vermiculite/peat moss, (or moist cornmeal/ flour, or similar material for 24 hours). OR for immediate use place
them in a bucket of cool tap water for 1 hour and they will purge themselves. Purging makes certain the worms will be clean inside and ready to bathe, then
freeze or cook (which must be done immediately). (If you've ever de-veined loads of shrimp you will certainly appreciate this purging method instead!)
Posted on the Pole Shift ning.