| A violent pole shift there would also be violent electromagnetic storms and pulses, which we
know as these are a well known components of nuclear explosions. It is known that these pulses
destroy transistor based devices (i.e. chips in radios and computers ) but not valve based
devices. Electromagnetic pulses create surges that would overload and short out chips. Valves
by comparison react very slowly to pulses and are much less likely to be affected if at all. A
simple transmitter built from valves should be a must. I built a one valve 60 meter transmitter for
about $20 in 1986. It would not cost anymore today and virtually any one could build one. A
frequency in the VHF range would be best. Being of a valve type will ensure it will survive
serious electromagnetic spikes. These spikes would also affect computers, which certainly
would have to be off line during that time to protect them. |