- Purpose:
- Most survivors will have done no preparation whatsoever - either having gone through the shift totally clueless, or having ignored the warning
signs completely. Of those who did any preparation at all, most will have waited till the last minute when their only options are the basics of
the basics - extra canned goods, flashlight batteries, etc. For most of these folks, clear thinking about long term scenarios will not have been
the norm - whatever survival tidbits they gather will have been done when all hell is breaking loose, and their attention span is quite narrow.
For them, literally anything more than bullet points will not be remembered.
- Structure:
- To make a limited list (initially about 100 items) of the basic and most practical primitive survival wisdom needed to survive after a pole shift.
The list gives starting points of action. The list is used for training and education and becomes more useful the closer we get to pole shift time.
The items in this list become stable starting points fixed in the minds of those we train or educate. By repetition and keeping the points
simple, we give the public something they can hold onto and remember when the confusion of what to do after a pole shift hits them. The list
can be used as a basic outline for documentaries and interviews. The list is added to or amended over time. After a given size (say 100
items) it is sorted by priority.
- Approach:
- Most simplistic to complex. From what can be gotten last minute to what can be gotten with planning and time. Example:
- last minute: any food seeds (hybrid - whatever, just get what's available)
- some time: Non-Hybrid, Heirloom, Herbal meds, Vitamin C rich
- more time: Seed Bank - plan for new climate, multiple varieties of everything
- Constraints:
- The list is intended to be hard hitting and to the point. It should contain statements that clearly communicate the bottom line starting point for
each key practical survival concept. There may be a lot more to that subject that will be discovered once one starts in the stated
recommended direction, but this "more to it" is not unnecessarily discussed in this list. The task is to step back about 1000 ft with an exterior
view and cull out the simple "step one" primary truths or primary thing or things to do on each subject that can be remembered to start one in
the right direction for better primitive survival. The list is not so much a detail of the entire "how to do" or "how to build it". It is more what to
do and why. If a "how to do it" can also be said in one short paragraph then it may be included. As time permits one can get into or point to
details of "how to" during discussion and interviews, however it is not a part of this list.
- Format:
- List of short paragraphs. One short paragraph is included for each survival concept(s) being communicated. Similar subject paragraphs are
grouped under a subject. The paragraphs and thoughts are stand alone and complete when read or printed. In electronic form some of the
words in the paragraphs can be linked to more details on the subject. If needed this list can be converted to an outline format.