ZetaTalk: Density Lessons
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding other densities. We are not allowed to give great detail. The lessons to be learned in each density are different. Just as a child would not stay at the table
and eat his vegetables if there were a fire engine screaming by on the street in front of the house, so entities in 3rd Density would not focus on their current lessons if
intrigued by the capabilities of higher densities.
- In 4th Density the lesson to be learned is how to live communally with others. This differs depending on orientation. Those in Service-to-Others learn utter
trust. We learn to support and communicate with each other to a high degree, so that utter trust is well placed. Those in the Service-to- Self orientation also
learn how to depend upon each other, but trust due to the caring and concern of others is not the route. As you might imagine, the rules are extensive and
strictly enforced.
- In 5th Density the lessons to be learned are exploration of the universe. The wonders of how the universe is constructed. During 5th Density travel is
extensive, and communication with other groups is frequent, where this is not so much the case during 4th Density. Some 5th Density entities incarnate and
mingle with 3rd and 4th Density societies, but use these incarnations as a learning tool.
- In 6th Density the lesson to be learned is high knowledge of God's plan for the universe. Here the interaction is less exploratory than stepping in to assume an
active role in promulgating God's plan. Information on densities above 6th Density are not allowed at this time. Even we, the 4th Density Zetas, are scarcely
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